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1st Annual Putting Tournament

FilterPure Systems congratulates Kevin O’Neal, Jessica Kiuber, and April Michel in winning awards at the First Annual Putting Tournament!! Kevin had the best score, Jessica had the best shot, and April was the best dressed! Complete with 6 holes littered with office debris, boxes, and a bear skin rug, this putting course was quite a challenge!

Check out pictures below of FPS’s first putting tournament.

All you need is a cup and a golf ball!

Watch out for the water!

And the BEAR!!!!

Rusty’s clubs

Amy’s clubs…

Try to get through the filter maze!

Desmond is swinging away!

Craig squeezes into the corner to get the perfect shot

Way to go Denise!

Here’s Jessica! She got a hole in won!

Todd is focusing hard…but what hole is he on?

Vince lines up his shot as Denise tries to find where her ball went.

Here goes Kevin! He had the best score!!

April won the best dressed category…which makes up for her putting skills!

Amy? What are you doing?

Eric trying to avoid falling over for this next shot

Jump the bear skin rug!!

Jade is helping April by keeping an eye on the ball.

Karen lines up her shot!

Everyone had such a great time and can’t wait for next year!