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A 2021 Post Pandemic Fountain Beverage Boom?

The late spring and early summer quarter is usually a time of year when Coca-Cola does some of its best business, but last year, sales were down 28% — more than $2 billion off — when compared to 2019. The company saw a 22% decline in concentrate sales, which generally is for businesses that serve its beverages in soda fountains. And this contributed immensely to the cratering sales. In its earnings press release, Coca-Cola noted that a full half of its sales come from away-from-home channels. With restaurant dining rooms, leisure activities and destinations shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was far less demand for the concentrate. For the first quarter of 2021 Coke said its sales volume in March returned to pre-pandemic levels as the rollout of covid-19 vaccines allows more people to eat out again. Add a record number of thirsty post pandemic travelers to Convenience Store chains like Circle K adding monthly beverage subscription programs, (U.S. customers who pay $5.99 per month can have one tea, coffee, Froster slushy or Polar Pop fountain drink of their choosing every day), and you have the makings of what could be a bag in the box boom this summer. Temperatures in the southeast are already kicking up into the 90s so you can expect record demand from thirsty customers this year and commercial ice machine/s and soda water filters to be working overtime to keep up as the season kicks in! So there is no better time than now to make sure that your Dispensers and Ice Machines are ready for the season and Everpure water filters are ready to help. Now is the best time to check your system and order replacement water filters if you need them.  These filters are critical in making sure your machine not only produces the freshest, cleanest tasting beverages and ice, but also so that it runs efficiently and doesn’t use more energy than necessary. Understanding that you may be managing more demand on your systems, the Everpure Fountain Beverage and Commercial Ice Machine water filter cartridge line up for 2021 gives you the ability to change water capacity and flow by simply changing the Everpure cartridge that you are using. Always been using the MC2, EV9612-55/56 but now 1.67 gpm, (gallons per minute) and a 9,000 gallon capacity aren’t keeping up, just change your MC2s to 7FCs, EV9692-61 and you have jumped to 2.5 gpm and a 25,000 gallon capacity. The exact same numbers apply for commercial ice machines. Change out the i2000, EV9612-22/27, 1.67gpm with a 9,000 gallon capacity to a 7FC-S, EV9692-71, 2.5 gpm with a 25,000 gallon capacity. Not sure what your dealing with as far as your own systems, give us a call at 800-942-7873 or email us at info @ filter for more information.

EV9612-55/56 MC2 Rated capacity of 9,000 gallons.

EV9692-61 Insurice 7FC Rated capacity of 25,000 gallons.

EV9612-22 Insurice i2000   Rated capacity of   9,000 gallons.  

EV9692-71 Insurice 7FC-S Rated capacity of 25,000 gallons.