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What is in your soda?

Have you ever been at a restaurant and the soda you got from the soda fountain taste awful!? All restaurants want their soda to taste just like the bottled product, but if it doesn’t chances are their water is not being filtered properly or even at all. Did you know that 83% of soda is WATER!?

Water is a huge part of the ingredients in soda. Now you know why having the right filtration system for your soda fountain machine is very important. But before we get into the filtration part, lets go over the entire process of soda dispensing.

First is the carbonator that takes average cold tap water and combines it with Co2 gas to produce soda water (carbonated water). Then you have syrup pumps, which operate under the power of Co2 gas. Most syrup is mixed 5 to 1 (this means 5 parts Soda Water to 1 part Syrup) so a gallon of syrup makes 6 gallons of finished product. This will make 30 gallons of finished product. Lastly, you have the dispensing unit, which has a cold-plate in the bottom of it’s ice bin, then two electronic valves that control the amount of syrup with soda water that gets dispensed when activated (some have push-buttons on the front, others have metal tabs in the back that you press your cup against.)

As you can see, the first step of soda dispensing is carbonating the water and if the water is not filtered properly then your soda is left tasting really bad and not like the bottled product.

Here at Filter Pure, we have a variety of filtration systems that will help keep your water tasting great. Also, filtration will help prevent damage to your equipment and a longer lasting life to your system. Take a look at our Everpure combination system line

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1st Annual Putting Tournament

FilterPure Systems congratulates Kevin O’Neal, Jessica Kiuber, and April Michel in winning awards at the First Annual Putting Tournament!! Kevin had the best score, Jessica had the best shot, and April was the best dressed! Complete with 6 holes littered with office debris, boxes, and a bear skin rug, this putting course was quite a challenge!

Check out pictures below of FPS’s first putting tournament.

All you need is a cup and a golf ball!

Watch out for the water!

And the BEAR!!!!

Rusty’s clubs

Amy’s clubs…

Try to get through the filter maze!

Desmond is swinging away!

Craig squeezes into the corner to get the perfect shot

Way to go Denise!

Here’s Jessica! She got a hole in won!

Todd is focusing hard…but what hole is he on?

Vince lines up his shot as Denise tries to find where her ball went.

Here goes Kevin! He had the best score!!

April won the best dressed category…which makes up for her putting skills!

Amy? What are you doing?

Eric trying to avoid falling over for this next shot

Jump the bear skin rug!!

Jade is helping April by keeping an eye on the ball.

Karen lines up her shot!

Everyone had such a great time and can’t wait for next year!


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Wrapping Pallets with Style!

For Desmond, who handles our shipping and receiving, preparing pallets to be shipped was a huge pain! He would have to individually weigh every box of product, then stack them on a pallet, and with a hand-held pallet wrapper, he would have to manually wrap the pallet himself. Have you ever put plastic wrap over a casserole dish? Even that can be annoying, especially if the plastic wrap gets all tangled and stuck together. What a headache! Desmond has to wrap multiple pallets a day. And some of these pallet measure 48″ x 40″ x 60″ in size!! Well things just got a whole lot easier for Desmond! We got a brand new automatic pallet wrapper!! Check out the pictures below!  Everyone gathers around to see what this new contraption is!   Everyone is shown how easy this new pallet wrapper is to use! IMG_63672 IMG_63692   Craig and Desmond are mesmerized by the new contraption! IMG_63712 IMG_63702 IMG_63622 IMG_63642 IMG_63651 IMG_63661 IMG_63762 Instead of taking up almost half an hour, Desmond can stack and wrap pallets under ten minutes, now with the new pallet wrapper! That makes Desmond one happy worker!! IMG_64292

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What is a Micron?

When dealing with water purification you hear the term “micron” alot. But what exactly is a micron? Ever heard of a micrometer? Well, it’s the same thing. So really, the question is… Wow! One micron is extremely small! It can’t even be seen by the human eye! Trust me, I tried. So where does the term micron come in to play with water purification? Well, the water you drink can carry nasty bacteria and, get this, PARASITES!! Yes, there are parasites floating around in the water you drink. Giardia is one of the most common parasites that can be found in unfiltered water. Giardia is a genus of anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasites of the phylum Diplomonada in the supergroup “Excavata” that colonize and reproduce in the small intestines of several vertebrates, causing giardiasis. Did you understand any of that? In other word, Giardia, when ingested can cause a bad case of diarrhea. Look at that! It looks like a tooth ready to attack! Now, obviously this picture is magnified because you would definitely know if this tooth-like critter was in your water. But guess how many microns a parasite is? 10 micron? 5 micron? NOPE!!! It’s 1 micron! That’s right, one tiny little micron! But don’t worry. We have a large variety of water filters that use sub-micron technology to keep your water parasite and bacteria free! Do you know These filters are NSF certified and capable of removing bacteria as small as .5 micron! Filter Pure is dedicated to providing you with water you can trust! So contact us today about our 1 micron water filters and 5 micron water filters.      

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Dealer Support Conference!

Filter Pure Systems hosted their first Dealer Support Conference last week and what a success! Vince Paglino, our Dealer Support Manager, did a great job setting up this conference. We had a huge turn out as dealers and re-sellers from all over Florida came to participate in product and sales training. Vince invited Rod Berry from Everpure to lead the training with some information on Everpure’s new 2013 products, as well as, basic technical training on the MRS-600-HE-II (which is a very complex reverse osmosis system). The conference was very hands on as dealers/re-sellers were able to physically touch and work on filtration systems, provided by Everpure. Vince also took some time to go over cold calling techniques and how to ask customers the right questions. I asked Vince what his goal was for the conference. He replied, “We want to become a resource to our dealers. We want to build their knowledge on the products we distribute, as well as train them on how to sell these products. We want them to be the best sales person in their field through application, troubleshooting, and product knowledge. This conference is a launching pad for individual support, on and off the field for all our dealers. The way I see it, if they win, we win.” Below are some pictures from the event. We are already getting calls asking when our next conference will be! For more information on our Dealer Support Program and upcoming conferences, please contact Vince Paglino at 1-800-942-7873, or email him at

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Filter Pure's First Bowling Team!!

The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association throws a bowling tournament every year where companies around the area can compete against and learn more about each other. But something was different this year. There was a NEW team on the list. A team that would prove very hard to defeat! TEAM FILTER PURE!!!!!! Just in case you’re unfamiliar with the fellows on the team, here’s a little about each of them: Craig Mastny, aka the Filter Genius, has worked with Everpure products for almost 40 YEARS!!!!  This guy knows his stuff and Filter Pure is proud to have him as part of their technical support program and Marine department. Desmond Hall has been over-seeing all our shipments for over a year now. It seemed like just yesterday he came to our company, barely able to drive a fork lift. Now he’s the king of the warehouse! He’s also known for his cheerful singing…which can be heard around the entire building. Vince Paglino works with our dealers, providing them with on and off site product training. If you’re interested in being apart of these training’s, just call and ask for Vince. He’s one of the friendly people you’ll meet and has a great sense of humor! Kevin O’Neil is the newest addition to our family! He is our new Outside Sales Representative. Kevin is a go-getter with a great positive attitude that just makes your day! We’re so glad to have him as a part of our family! Heads turned as this handsome group of men walked in! Filter Pure couldn’t be more proud of these guys! They did great too! Desmond killed it with a score of 153! Craig and Vince were on fire with a score of 141 and Kevin wasn’t too far behind from that! Team Filter Pure didn’t win, but they had a great time and met alot of other companies! Next bowling tournament…it’s the girl’s turn to form a team!! They’ll win it for sure!!! 

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Water Filtration System in a Straw

LifeStraw makes previously contaminated water drinkable by removing bacteria and viruses. Sometimes, it’s the simplest technologies that have the greatest potential impact on people’s lives. Take the Vestergaard Frandsen Group’s mobile personal filtration system, otherwise known as LifeStraw. It is a powder-blue plastic tube—much thicker than an ordinary straw—containing filters that make water teeming with typhoid-,cholera- and diarrhea-causing microorganisms drinkable. Now, to be clear, we do not sell this item…yet. We just love to report what’s going on out there in the water purification world. The filters, made up of a halogenated resin, kill nearly 100 percent of bacteria and nearly 99 percent of the viruses that pass through LifeStraw. A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill evaluation tested the device’s performance in water containing Escherichia coli B and Enterococcus faecalisbacteria and the MS2 coliphage virus as well as iodine and silver. The results indicated that LifeStraw filtered out all contaminants to levels where they don’t pose a health risk to someone drinking the water.
But the device does not filter heavy metals such as iron or fluoride nor does it remove parasites like cryptosporidium or giardia, although the Switzerland-based company’s CEO, Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen, says there is a version of LifeStraw available to relief groups in Bangladesh and India that can filter arsenic. At less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) long, the device can filter up to 185 gallons (700 liters) of water, estimated to be about a year’s supply for one person. The device is no longer usable when its filters become too clogged to pass water through, typically after a year of hard use.
The success of the personal filtration system led Vestergaard Frandsen to introduce earlier this month its LifeStraw Family device, an instant microbiological purifier that provides about 2.6 gallons (10 liters) of safe drinking water in an hour and about 4,000 gallons (15,000 liters) over its life span for a family of six. LifeStraw Family is designed to sieve dirt, parasites, bacteria and viruses, and will be available starting in May. Larry Greenemeier

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We Support Our U.S. VETS

For many years, Filter Pure has supported U.S. VETS in their efforts to provide comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans.  With 11 facilities in six states and the District of Columbia, U.S.VETS provides vital services such as case management, employment assistance, job placement, counseling, as well as drug- and alcohol-free housing to over 2,000 veterans each day. Filter Pure, in their support, is donating an Everpure Insurice Twin-i2000 system. This NSF certified system will help the U.S. VETS reduce ice machine problems caused by scale build-up and also reduce chlorine taste and odor and other offensive contaminants in their water. With its new and improved Micro-Pure II media and precoat submicron technology it can reduce dirt particles as small as 1/2 micron in size, while handling up to 18,000 gallons of water. Filter Pure is happy to provide the U.S. VETS with great tasting, filtered water. It is our commitment to ensure every glass you drink is sparkling clear. With all the hard work and sacrifice these Veterans, and those supporting them, have done for our country, a clean, pure glass of water is the least we can do.

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News From Pentair's Water Initiatives

More than one billion people around the world, most of them in developing nations, lack access to safe water. The result is that preventable waterborne diseases continue to be a leading cause of illness and death globally. Every day, approximately 25,000 people, mainly children in developing countries, die from preventable waterborne diseases, according to the World Health Organization. Pentair has been in search of a solution that not only brings safe water to communities in need, but also ensures that the solution is sustainable at the community level, taking into consideration the complex economic, cultural and geographical constraints that need to be addressed. The solution also needs to have validating methods and standard practices that can be replicated around the world. To accomplish this, the Pentair Foundation funded a multi-year research program in remote Colón, Honduras. The results of the five year program and the impact on the lives of the people in Colón have been profound. The results demonstrated that sustainable access to safe water and adequate sanitation can be provided cost-effectively, and that the health and welfare of the recipients can be significantly improved. Additionally, to ensure that safe treated water continues to be available beyond Pentair’s initial funding period, a microenterprise business model was established, where the local community owns the water treatment systems and users pay their communities a nominal fee for potable water. The individual user fee is established by the local community to cover the ongoing operation and maintenance of their system. Once installed, the system costs pennies per person per day to operate. Leveraging this success, Pentair is partnering around the world by putting its grants, technology and talent to work for communities in need of clean drinking water. By engaging community partners and equipping them with our extensive product portfolio and technical water distribution systems expertise, we are measurably improving water safety and sanitation worldwide. Understanding that everyone’s efforts add up to more effective answers, Pentair is leading through partnership to find a sustainable solution to the global water crisis. Pentair invites others to join in working toward a world where everyone has access to quality water supply. We are making our findings and models publicly available to other organizations and municipalities interested in replicating these cost-effective methods. By turning industry insights into collaborative proactive plans and on-the-ground tools, we are confident that even the most challenging issues can be solved when we unite around smart ideas. Reference:    

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Did you know that January is National Soup Month?! Well, what better way to celebrate than to have a company soup cook-off! Hold on to your bowls! The flavors are about to fly! Here’s a list of the contestants and the soups they are making! Now, some of these soups you’ll recognize and some you won’t…but ALL of them were delicious! Those who chose not to be in the cook-off brought something else instead. April made us these amazing grilled cheese sandwiches. Karen brought in tons of fresh mixed fruit that just melted in your mouth, and Amy brought in cheesecake! The kind of cheesecake that whispers your name while you sit at your desk trying to work and not fall victim to its deliciousness! Oh, cheesecake, you get me every time. As you can see from the picture, you put a mark by the name of the person, whom you think has the best tasting soup. The person with the most marks WINS! Easy enough, right? WRONG! Everyone filled up there bowls and tried all the soups. One by one we walked up to the board to place our votes. When the last person placed their mark we were shocked to see that we had ourselves a THREE WAY TIE!!! The tie was between Vince and his Italian tomato soup, Desmond and his red bean Jamaican soup, and Jessica with her Cajun 15 bean soup that also had a “mystery meat” in it. So we voted all over again, excluding everyone but those who tied. We tallied up the votes…….ANOTHER TIE!! This time it was between Jessica and Vince! The Italian tomato soup verses the Cajun 15 bean mystery meat soup!! We all voted AGAIN! One by one we placed our check marks on the board. Jessica and Vince were on the edge of their seats. Who would be the Filter Pure Soup Cook-off champion!?! We tallied the votes…hopefully for the last time. The winner is……………………..JESSICA KIUBER and her CAJUN 15 BEAN MYSTERY MEAT SOUP!!!! Congratulations Jessica! Here’s a picture of her winning soup: But what about that mystery meat she used? Well, Jessica wouldn’t tell us what kind of meat it was until everyone tried some. When we all put our spoons down and wiped our mouths, finishing her bowl of soup….she finally told us. I’ll give you a clue… GO GATORS!!!