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COVID-19 Outbreak Update-Pentair Wisconsin Operations

Dear Valued Customer,

We have been closely monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, and want to inform you that our manufacturing and laboratory facilities located in Brookfield, Wisconsin remain open at this time.

Pursuant to Emergency Order #12 Safer at Home Order issued by the Governor of Wisconsin via the Department of Health Services on March 24, 2020 implementing shelter-in-place requirements (the “Order”), Pentair’s manufacturing operation and laboratory at its Brookfield, Wisconsin locations are both needed to provide Essential Infrastructure (as defined in the Order) and, as Essential Businesses and Operations, are exempt from the general safer-at-home requirements. 

In addition to implementing measures to help ensure the health and well-being of our employees at our various factories and sites, our global operations and supply teams are working diligently to help ensure Pentair customers are continuing to receive the best possible service and delivery during this time. Our customer service teams are available and ready to support you through this dynamic situation. Please let them know of any specific questions or concerns. 

We will continue to navigate through these circumstances with our commitment to our customers at the forefront of everything we do.

Thank you,
