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Renovations for Jade!

With all these renovations going on, Jade began to think, “I wish I had some renovations to my area too!”
Jade tried to ask if she could have some renovations…but everyone was busy working.
Jade thought to herself, “The new carpet is nice and all, but I still wish I had my own renovations…”
Well, one day, while Jade was out on the warehouse dock sun bathing…we did a little canine renovating of our own!
That’s not just any dog bed…that’s an “Orthopedic Foam” bed!
When Jade came in she was SO HAPPY!!!
Jade is loving her new renovations and wants to thank everyone for loving her so much!!
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Happy Bridal Shower!

Congratulations to April Lancaster and Lara Shumate on their recent engagements! Both April and Lara will be getting married this Summer and Filter Pure wanted to show their love and excitement for them by throwing a beautiful Bridal Shower!!
April will be married this June to Eric Michel. Lara, in just a few weeks, will be marrying Shawn Hopkins. Can’t you just smell the rice in the air?
Check out the pictures below!
They decorated their cubicles in wedding decor that made April and Lara squeal with excitement!
They set up a gift table with all kinds of wonderful presents….from their registries!!
They even got them a cake with strawberries inside! YUM!!!
Wait a minute! The bakery misspelled Lara’s name. That’s ok, Denise to the rescue!!
Much better! Thank you, Denise!
Don’t forget all the delicious food everyone brought!
“Knowing my great ease dropping skills, I’m very impressed at how they hid this from April and I. What a great surprise! We are so blessed to work for a company that treats us like family and proudly shows their love and respect for us. It’s days like these that make me so proud to work for this company” says Lara Shumate.
Here are some pictures of April and Lara and their better halves.
The future Eric and April Michel
The future Shawn and Lara Hopkins
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SKYPE With Us!

Now, we can communicate with our customers via Skype. We have made it our goal to bridge all gaps in communication with our customers. This will help with identifying filters, systems, problems, brands, applications, and so much more. So the next time you want to talk with us, why not connect with us on Skype!! Our Skype name is FilterPureSystems!! Talk to you later…or should I say, see you later!!

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We Honor Levi Mercer!

Today, we honor Levi Mercer, National Guard Soldier, for his accomplishments. At 17 years old, he joined the National Guard and was soon deployed to Kuwait where he proudly served his country. He now attends USF, studying in their engineering department, and works for Southland Construction (who is currently doing our renovations). Last night, Levi was honored at the Tampa Bay Storm game. Here’s a video of his recognition. Filter Pure has serviced the water filtration needs of the military for many years. We are proud supporters of our troops and thank Levi for all his hard work – in Kuwait, at home, and especially in our building. Thank you, Levi, for all you’ve done! Below are some pictures of Levi.

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MVP Awards!

Congratulations to Craig Mastny (customer service rep) and Angela Woodard (outside sales rep) for receiving the award for MOST VALUABLE PLAYER in their department!! Both Craig and Angela received a certificate and a free airfare ticket to the destination of their choice. I can see them now, lounging on a beach somewhere, sipping filtered water and enjoying  the fruits of their hard work!
Great Job Craig and Angela!!!
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We're Singing the BLUES!

We have the carpets figured out and the color for the main walls (which is the lite blue pictured in the middle), but what dark blue should we choose for the accent wall? Our office gathered together and one by one gave their vote. Everyone had a good reason for why “their” blue should be the color for the accent wall. Should it be Sea Worthy, the blue on the right? Or should it be Indigo Blue, the blue on the left?

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Red Rock's Open House!

Filter Pure’s customer service department had the opportunity to go to Red Rock’s Open House. And it was AWESOME!!!!

Check out their announcement!
April Lancaster took her customer service team to Red Rock’s open house to enjoy barbque, ice cream, fun games, raffle prizes, and an amazing session on coaching customer service! Check out the pictures below…
I’m not going to lie, I had seconds on the barbque they served! It was finger licking good!
Red Rock actually had an ice cream truck come out for us!! We got to pick any ice cream we wanted. And you thought kids got excited about ice cream trucks…we were pumped!!
Check out the cool prizes they were giving away: great books and Starbucks gift cards!
Our customer service team learned so much from Jeff’ Ruby’s tips on “Coaching Customer Service.” It was so easy to follow and pay attention and everyone was very interactive.
I’m so glad I got to go to their open house! I grew closer to my team and got to meet new people. If you aren’t familiar with Red Rock Leadership, check out their website below and take some time to watch their video. Jeff Ruby and his team have done so much for us, here at Filter Pure, and we are very grateful for them!

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Ty Pennington Won't Call Us Back, But Renovations Go On!

It’s extreme makeover time: Filter Pure edition…or should I say Filter Pure additions. After 13 years of being in this location, Filter Pure Systems (FPS) is finally undergoing some new and exciting renovations!! Unlike many others in their industry, FPS has grown considerably in the years since the recession started. FPS started out with one outside sales manager and three inside customer service reps. But now, after thirty years of hard work and determination from Rusty Lowe, Filter Pure is made up of three outside sales managers, five insides sales reps, a remarkably accurate accounting department, a musically talented warehouse crew, and not to forget, Jade, Rusty’s dog. All these new additions have resulted in the need for more space to conduct business. With the desire to grow and expand FPS in the future, Rusty decided it was time to renovate. Everyone is excited to see the new changes. The customer service department made some interesting requests:

  • Personal office for everyone with window view
  • Individual bathrooms
  • Office chairs that massage
  • Mini fridges under the desk
  • Maybe a microwave
  • Pool table in the warehouse
  • Maybe a pool outback
  • A slide leading to the parking lot

I believe some of these things are being considered…although I did find the list of these suggestions in the trash. The renovations entail the expansion of our main floor which will allow more room for growth, the addition of offices, and a conference room! “We value the communication with our customers,” states April Lancaster, Customer Service Supervisor, “with the new conference room, we will be able to Skype with our international clients better serving them with all their filtration needs.” We will also be getting new carpet and re-painting the walls. We were thinking blue! Get it – water…blue? But with everyone having a difference of opinion on color choices for the walls and flooring, this decision may take a while! We’ve taken pictures throughout the renovation process and wanted to share it with everyone so you can see how Filter Pure is always expanding. img_0240 img_0303 img_02431 img_0300 img_0299 img_0301 img_02411 img_0302