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Healthiest 2017 New Year’s Resolution Save! Drink more water!

It’s now March and making it to the gymn and sticking with that diet may becoming harder and harder to do as everyday life gets in the way but there is one easy thing you can do anytime anywhere and feel great about getting it done in 2017 and that is to drink more water. Proven to be one of the best things you can do for your body. More energy, lower cholesterol, better kidney function and a much better mood are just some of the health affects you can expect. Drinking more water right now, hot or warm during the winter months can help with everything from better digestion to improved blood circulation.  Here are just a few health affects you will find from drinking more water right now starting with an increase in energy levels to get you to the gym. Water is one of the major sources of energy for our cells. Energy is made when glucose is converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is held in reserve until it is needed. These two molecules need water in order for the stored energy to be released in a process called hydrolysis. The ATP by itself contains 600 units of energy, but when combined with water it can increase to over 6,000 units, to ten times the original amount. Feeling tired or fatigued, you may need more water. Lack of water can even cause an increase in cholesterol. Low cellular water levels impede the entry of nutrients and the removal of waste from our cells. To compensate for the lack of water our liver sends cholesterol to the cells to fill the space where water was supposed to be, in order to allow the cell to function. This can cause an excess of cholesterol in the blood stream leading to plaque. Based upon several studies and in office evaluations by Doctors, it has been determined that low levels of water can lead to a wide range of mental challenges including mental fatigue, depression and even more serious issues including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  So whether it’s at home or in the office this year, drink more water and make 2017 the year that you became a healthier you with a New Year’s resolution that was easy to keep. For premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains in your office Filter Pure recommends the Pentair/Everpure OW, (Office Water) Family of water filters. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and offensive contaminants down to ½ micron in size even taking out water borne cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, the OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) , OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) , and OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01). We also carry the 4C cartridge (EV9600-00) and new line of Everpure (Fibredyne II) and FC-L lead reduction cartridges including the 4FC-L (EV9693-10), 4FC-LS, S for scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-16), 7FC-L (EV9693-40) and 7FC-LS with scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-46).

For more information about the Pentair/Everpure line of premium drinking water filter cartridges, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.