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Hydroblend Cuts Long-Run Costs

For applications in which water is heated past its boiling point, it is advisable to employ measures designed to reduce the level of lime and other minerals in the water service to safeguard against scale buildup in water boilers. Such buildup can lead to machinery damage, and if left unaddressed, failure. While the most common example of applications in which this is a concern is the brewing of coffee and other fine coffee beverages, the filtration of, and control of scale in, water used in steam equipment is extremely important. Because each piece of steam machinery, such as those used in the food service industry, by definition contains a boiler in which water is heated past its boiling point, harmful scale buildup will result if water used is not appropriately treated. There are two popular methods of addressing the presence of scale in a water supply, depending on whether scale has already formed or not. They are: Polyphosphate Granules

Generally used to clean boilers which have already suffered an amount of scale buildup, polyphosphate granules, such as Everpure’s proprietary formula “ScaleKleen,” remove limescale quickly, easily, and safely in an environmentally friendly manner from OCS brewers, steam, warewashing, and other equipment. Because activated citric acid is the typically the primary ingredient in these non-toxic blends, they are safer to skin and won’t burn clothing like conventional deliming acids. In addition, they are sewer system disposable, so you can pour it down the drain.

Hydroblend Scale Sticks

Hydroblend” scale sticks are the second component of a two-stage water filter designed by Everpure. Scale inhibitor feeders (scale sticks) reduce scale inline by dispensing a controlled amount of Hydroblend, a sophisticated blend of polyphosphate compound which inhibits scale. As such, scale sticks present in dual-filter systems designed for OCS brewers, steam, warewashing, and other applications significantly reduce scale inline, effectively preventing scale from ever forming.

While both methods are used in modern commercial settings, each approach has its advantages. Polyphosphates have been used in the prevention of mineral scale and corrosion control for years as a cost-effective method of controlling scale within a water supply. Hydroblend products on the other hand, are comparatively new, and marginally more expensive. There are however, several advantages. Hydroblend products are:

  • 100% active, so there is no residual product left over.
  • specifically designed to provide mineral scale prevention and corrosion control in high temperature and high hardness applications, while phosphate granules are not.
  • designed to ensure that the product feed rate is consistent over predictable time periods.
  • available in various configurations allowing it application to many different processes.

Regardless of which approach is used, it is important to monitor and control scale levels within a water supply. Doing so will prevent costly repairs and possible replacements.