Frequently Asked Questions;

If you cannot locate the answer to your question, email us at orders@filterpure.com


Why Should I choose Everpure Water Filtration?

  • Everpure has been delivering clean, clear and consistent water to businesses for 75 years and is a leading manufacturer of innovative, quality and reliable commercial water treatment products, solutions and services.
  • Everpure is the most recognized water treatment brand in the food industry, serving many well-known companies, such as Starbucks®, Coca-Cola®, and Walt Disney World®. Hundreds of thousands of operations around the globe trust us to provide them with high quality water.
  • Everpure products are tested and certified to the highest standards by NSF International, an independent non-for-profit organization that certifies and writes standards for food, water and consumer goods.

Who do I call for local support and training on installation and service of my Everpure filter System?

Call Filter Pure Systems at 813-626-9600 or toll free at 800-942-7873.

How do I get my water tested?

Call us at 800-942-7873 to discuss water test options.


How do I find the part number that I need?

Many replacement cartridges and parts are listed with our products here in our website. If the part number you need is for a replacement cartridge, it is located on the cartridge’s label. The part number is usually an 8 or 9 letter/digit combination and begins with “EV” or “DEV”. If you need additional assistance, you can either e-mail us at orders@filterpure.com or call us at 1-800-942-7873.

How often should I change my cartridges?

In order for our filters to perform as represented and to provide the best quality water possible, it is essential that filters be replaced periodically. The frequency of filter changes depends upon your water quality and your water usage. For example, if there is a lot of sediment and/or particles in your water, then you will have to change your filters more frequently than a location with little to no sediment. Be sure to replace your filters whenever you notice a decline in the performance, whether it is a drop in flow rate and/or pressure or an unusual taste in the water.

  • Prefilter
    The prefilter (coarse) cartridge should be changed when it becomes dirty to within 1/8″ of the core or when you see the outlet pressure gauge fall into the red zone. Check the pressure gauge only when the equipment is calling for water.
  • Submicron Cartridges
    The cartridges should be changed at the first occurrence of a) the gallon rating stated on the label, b) every 6 months, or c) the pressure gauge needle falls into the red zone while your equipment is calling for water.
  • ScalestickTM
    The Scalestick needs to be replaced before the Hydroblend compound is completely used up.

How do I remove the “used” cartridges and install new ones?

  1. Shut off the power to any equipment, if applicable.
  2. Shut off the filter system by turning off the water supply. Open the flushing valve to relieve the pressure.
  3. Hold the head firmly and turn the cartridge to the left ¼ turn until the rotation stops.
  4. Pull the cartridge down and out of the head. Some water may drain out of the system. Throw away the used cartridges.
  5. Hold the head firmly then align the new cartridge’s lug with the label on the head and insert the new cartridge into the head.
  6. Turn the cartridge to the right ¼ turn until the rotation stops.
  7. Turn on the water supply.
  8. Now, flush the cartridges by running water through the filter system to the drain for several minutes. Refer to the cartridge’s label for specific flushing times. Note: Be sure to shut off the flushing valve when finished.
  9. Turn on the power to the equipment, if applicable.

Download more information on changing cartridges.

Why do cartridges plug up?

Our cartridges are designed to remove contaminants and particles from the water. The cartridges will eventually plug as this material is removed, therefore, plugging indicates that the cartridges are working efficiently. If a cartridge plugs soon after installation, there are various things such as construction in your area or changes in reservoir levels that may alter the quality of your incoming water from day to day. This may produce low water pressure or excessive turbidity (large number of particles) in your water, which may cause the cartridges to plug prematurely.

Why do cartridges need to be flushed?

All carbon-based filters need to be flushed to remove any excess carbon fines that are inside the cartridges. New cartridges are filled with air; therefore, flushing also removes the air from inside the cartridges and replaces it with water. The flush time is written on each cartridge’s label. This process will allow any carbon-based cartridge to function at optimum levels without affecting any equipment that may be attached. Note: Be sure to shut off the flushing valve when finished.

Can filtered water increase the life of my equipment?

Many water supplies contain small particles as well as chemicals such as chlorine. The small particles can interfere with the mechanical operation of your equipment causing premature valve failure or plugging of nozzles. Chemicals such as chlorine can be corrosive and attack the internal metal surfaces. With Everpure water filter systems, particles as small as 0.5 micron as well as chlorine will be reduced and can extend the life of your equipment.

How can I prevent scale in my steamer?

Scale is caused when dissolved minerals, usually calcium and magnesium, are deposited as a white flaky solid on to the heating elements of your steamer. This material acts as an insulator, which increases energy usage. Over time this it can cause your equipment to fail altogether. Everpure offers several products designed to reduce or prevent scale formation. One product is the Everpure Kleensteam® system, which reduces scale build up. Another alternative is the Scalestick™. The Scalestick contains a special Hydroblend™ that inhibits mineral scale deposits in low flow water-fed equipment. Our MRS ( Mineral Reduction Systems), Line of reverse osmosis products also remove minerals that cause scale. To determine how much mineral is in your water, it’s best to have your water tested, call us for a water test at 800-942-7873.

HydroblendT and ScalestickT are trademarks of PWC Enterprises Inc. DBA Southeastern Filtration & Equipment Systems.

Are your products NSF Certified?

The majority of our cartridges are certified by NSF. This certification means that the contaminant reduction claims certified are true and accurate, the materials of construction do not add anything unwanted into the water, that the system is structurally sound, and that advertising claims are true and accurate. This certification provides assurance to the user that the system has been independently evaluated to confirm its performance. The certification is displayed on the cartridge’s label along with the claim; for example, chlorine reduction for 1000 gallons. Our certified products have been submitted for testing under NSF/ANSI Standards 53 and 42. For further information on NSF certification, please contact technical service at 1-800-942-1153 or information can be located on the NSF web-site, www.nsf.org

How is Everpure Treated water better than Tap water?

  • Municipalities have a primary objective of ensuring safe water. They can use a variety of technologies, but most all use some form of disinfection, either chlorine or chloramines. Unfortunately, chlorinated water has a distinctive off-taste and smell.
  • While municipal water treatment plants do meet EPA minimum requirements, they do not remove all contaminants nor do they filter for taste and odor.
  • Water always contains some dissolved mineral, and mineral is not removed by water treatment plants. This mineral causes hard scale in equipment that heats or freezes water, causing increased energy costs and reduced equipment life. Everpure offers products that reduce scale buildup.
  • As water travels from the treatment plant to your location, it can also pick up contaminants from old pipes.
  • Cysts are microbial living organisms (protozoans) that can be resistant to chlorine disinfection. Cysts have been known to cause health problems. Examples of cysts are Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
  • Not all water contaminants are bad, such as minerals, which Everpure filters do not remove. However, many contaminants such as chemicals, gasses and particles can affect the taste and smell. Some can even cause health problems.
  • Everpure removes chemicals like chlorine, along with dirt, rust particles, asbestos, small living organisms called cysts, and more, leaving you with crystal clear, clean and great-tasting water.

How often do I have to delime my equipment?

Click here to download the PDF.

How do I delime my equipment?

Click here to download the PDF.

Why would I need a prefilter on my water treatment system?

Our quick-change filters remove contaminants as small as .5 micron. Microns are extremely tiny, in fact a human hair has the width of 40 microns. This means our filters are very effective at removing many contaminants. However, if your water is particularly dirty, we recommend placing a prefilter in front of your system. Prefilters are typically 10-25 micron, allowing them to remove the larger particles that might prematurely plug your system. Many of our systems provide a prefilter option.

How do I know if my water is treated with Chloramine?

Some municipalities have migrated from using chlorine to chloramine. Chloramine is chlorine combined with a small amount of ammonia. The addition of the ammonia allows the disinfectant to stay in the water longer, for greater distances. Chloramine is more difficult to remove from water that chlorine, and requires filters with much more carbon. There are two ways to determine if your water has chloramine: 1) contact your local water utility company, or 2) have your water tested. By testing your water for Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine, we can determine if your water is being treated with chloramines. Our CB20 line of products are effective at removing chlorine.

What should I do if there is a boil order in my area?

Download boil order instructions.


Doesn’t my water softener treat my water?

Water softeners use an ion exchange process. Typically sodium chloride is exchanged for hard minerals like calcium and magnesium, which makes water “soft”. Hard minerals cause a hard scale on equipment that heats or freezes water, and this scale is difficult to remove, often requiring frequent delimings. Softener systems are usually comprised of a resin tank, where the ion exchange process takes place, and a brine tank where the salt solution is created. A softener can exchange other contaminants depending on the resin used, for example it can help remove iron from water. However, a softener does not filter the water, so many contaminants such as dirt, cysts and particles can pass through a softener resin bed.


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About Filter Pure

Founded in 1981, Filter Pure Systems was started as a way for Rusty Lowe to provide cleanest and safest drinking water systems in the world. We have grown to become a recognized leader in quality water filters, reliable filtration systems, and innovation in the field of reverse osmosis systems. Throughout our forty-two year history, we have led the industry with products for the most demanding of circumstances and for a variety of customers. Many notable and expert companies rely on us for the most up-to-date and advanced filtration technologies, such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Walt Disney, the United States Military, and many other major restaurant and hotel chains.

Shop by Brand

We are a master distributor of Everpure, Everpure Marine, Hydrotech, Industrial Filtration, John Guest, Pentair Industrial, Pentek, Pura, and SHURflo products and parts.

Our Commitment to Quality

In our commitment to the advancement of new technologies, Filter Pure has been at the forefront of many innovations in the field of filtration. We have led the industry in the development of products for the most demanding and high-usage circumstances out there. Many esteemed and respected television networks, including Good Morning America, Dateline NBC, and HGTV, have featured our products.

Purification, but at What Cost?

Simply put, clean water is vital to life. The majority of our society relies on municipal water sources to supply our commercial and household needs, yet most city water sources are highly contaminated with things such as suspended solids, dirt, parasites, cysts, bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi. Water taken from these sources are then filtered and sanitized with potent chlorine, chloramine, and other potentially harmful chemicals as a way to remove contaminants. Treating water this way leads to many problems ranging from limescale issues to corrosive and destructive results in commercial restaurant equipment. This is why water filtration is an absolute necessity when it comes to purification. Filtration allows for the cleansing and purifying of water without any harmful or destructive side effects. Our customers can literally taste and see the difference with our top-of-the-line water filtration systems.

The Filtered Difference

Filter Pure is a master distributor of filtration systems and parts to meet the purification requirements of all of our commercial foodservice and industrial customers. Our advanced filtration systems support the purification of water, hydraulic fluids, liquid processes, dust, HVAC systems, and marine bromination systems. We are focused on being flexible and responsive to each of our customers’ unique needs as a way to meet all of their requirements in the most effective way possible. Thanks to our commitment to innovation, our products are the highest quality, most innovative filtration systems and parts on the market today. Filter Pure makes a conscious effort to provide our customers with not only quality products, but also with the expertise-driven services necessary to support our systems.[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

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The New Claris Ultra!

We are proud to introduce the next step in the Claris filtration line. The Claris Ultra is the world’s first filter cartridge to combine mineral reduction and corrosion protection within one compact unit. As a result, Claris Ultra delivers the very best quality water for hot drinks and ice machines while also preventing scale formation in machines and inhibiting corrosion of materials across the widest range of water hardness levels. This breakthrough is achieved by using new patent pending water conditioning technology; in effect a highly engineered water conditioning system that uses the synergetic effect of mineral adaptation and mineral stabilization, all within one compact filter package. The result is optimum water mineral extraction, ie retaining the necessary minerals for a pleasant flavor and proper extraction of the coffee bean and grind, while minimizing the minerals that lead to limescale. Similarly, in ice production, Claris Ultra eliminates those minerals that cause cloudy and soft ice and lead to scaled ice machines, low energy efficiency and scale amplified bio-film formation. Everpure’s Claris Ultra filter range has successfully addressed the challenge of finding the right balance between protecting an operation’s investment and capturing the desired quality of brewed coffee, espresso, other hot drinks and ice cubes. The Claris Ultra filters use the same head as the existing Claris cartridge range.

Claris Ultra Filter Cartridges features

  • First cartridge to effectively combine lime scale and corrosion protection
  • More capacity / lower costs for hot drinks and ice cube machines
  • Inhibits metal migration from machine parts
  • Safeguarding /enhancing energy efficiency of food service equipment
  • Small foot print and low space requirement
  • Cartridge family with widest capacity range (one head fits all)

For more questions regarding the Claris Ultra please call us at 800-942-7873 or click the link below.

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New ES Series Stainless Steel Filter Bag Housing at IPPE2015

Filter Pure introduces the new ES Series Stainless Steel Filter Bag Housing at IPPE2015!

Filter Pure located in Hall A in booth A3232 for this year’s International Production & Processing Expo will be displaying the new Pentair Industrial ES Series liquid filter bag housing. With applications that include water remediation and feed water treatment the E Series Single Liquid Bag Housings effectively remove dirt, pipe scale, and other substances from process liquids. Constructed from 304 or 316 stainless steel these housings offer outstanding durability and corrosion resistance across a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications. Quality workmanship and design assure clean effluent and consistent, reliable performance. Unfiltered liquid enters the housing above the filter bag or strainer basket, fills the interior of the housing and continues through the bag or strainer basket. Solids are trapped inside the filter bag or strainer and are easily removed when the housing is serviced. The simple to operate band clamp closure makes bag change-outs quick and easy. Vince Paglino, Industrial Filtration Specialist at Filter Pure said in regards to the opening of this years 2015 IPPE, “We are very excited to be a part of such a large international trade show representing the very latest in Industrial and Food Service water treatment technologies.”  This year’s 2015 IPPE is bringing together more than 1,100 exhibitors and over 25,000 attendees in the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from January 27 – 29, 2015. We look forward to seeing you there!

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The New Everpure FC-L

New 2015 Line of High Capacity, Lead Reduction Water Filter Cartridges, the Everpure FC-L 

Pentair is pleased to announce the launch of a new family of Everpure-branded high capacity lead reduction cartridges. The FC-L product line is available in 4- and 7-cartridge sizes, with and without scale inhibitor. The FC-L line offers 0.5 micron filtration, a 1.8 gpm flow rate per 4-size cartridge, a 2.7 gpm flow rate per 7-size cartridge, and proprietary Fibredyne™ II technology for superior chlorine reduction and dirt-holding capabilities plus lead reduction. Additionally, all FC-L cartridges/systems are certified against: – NSF Standard No. 42 – Aesthetic Effects for Bacteriostatic Effects, Chemical Reduction for Taste and Odor and Chlorine, and Mechanical Filtration – Nominal Particulate Class 1. – NSF Standard No. 53 – Health Effects for Chemical Reduction for Lead, and Mechanical Filtration for Cyst. The following reflects list pricing for the Everpure 4FC-L, 4FC-LS, 7FC-L and 7FC-LS Cartridges:




Taste & 







Part Number 




List Price 

EV9693-10 4FC-L Cartridge – 6 Pack 

4900 gal

9800 gal


EV9693-16  4FC-LS Cartridge – 6 Pack 

4900 gal

9800 gal


EV9693-40 7FC-L Cartridge – 6 Pack 

7400 gal

14800 gal


EV9693-46 7FC-LS Cartridge – 6 Pack 

7400 gal

14800 gal


* NSF listed capacity. ** Everpure tested capacity. Need more information on the new 4FC-L line of filters? Ask us below or call our team at 1-800-942-7873.

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Filters, We Don’t Need No Stinking Filters

Dirt and sediment in the water can lead to an undesirable taste in the ice produced by your ice machine.  Hard and unfiltered water have a multitude of minerals that can positively and negatively influence the taste of ice. These additional minerals also build up in your ice machine leading to scale and bacterial growth, and also create unsanitary conditions.
An ice machine with scale build up has to use additional energy and run longer periods to produce the ice that it made prior. As the production efficiency decreases, an increase in the occurrence of failure occurs. A failed compressor is a timely and costly repair that takes the machine offline, as well as taking time away from the person maintaining the equipment. The increase in the electric bill and then the repair adds up to a large cost associated with not using filtration on your ice machine. It is true that an ice machine does not need a water filter to do its job. It will still make ice and can have a great taste depending on the water source. If, however, you don’t have great water but still want to enjoy crystal clear ice and a machine that won’t be out for repairs, the proper filtration can solve that problem. The best filter that money can buy is the Everpure i2000 (EV9612-22). It offers submicron level filtration to capture viruses and bacteria that may be in your water. The carbon helps to clear up any off taste and leave you with great tasting water to make your ice. The addition of scale inhibitor provides the necessary protection against scale buildup without adversely affecting taste. If you are noticing cloudy ice or a bad smell coming from your ice, try utilizing a water filter into the maintenance of your machine and see the benefits. For more info, call us at 800-942-7873 or ask us a question below.

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Got Water Problems? We can help!


Client: I’m having issues with my restaurant steamer oven having to be cleaned of a hard rock like substance on the heating elements and on the inside of the ovens boiler tank every 1 to 2 weeks. I’m also having to use more soap and cleaning supplies in the kitchen and bathrooms of my facility. I also have 2 large 1600 pound ice makers and 2 fountain beverage stations with 2 carbonators. My drinking water tastes bad and my glasses and flatware look dirty even after they have been cleaned in the dishwasher or by hand. My steamer oven manufacturer technician says I need an Everpure SRX scale inhibitor feeder bowl with a Scale Stick. Can you help? FPS: Yes we can but before we go any further and we sell you the wrong thing based on someone else. Can I ask you a few questions? Have you done a water sample recently to know what is in your water? Client: No, Why? FPS: The Everpure SRX scale inhibitor may not be enough or the right solution to take care of the entire problem you’re having. To know what is causing your problem in your steamer oven, bad smelling and tasting drinking water, high usage amount of detergents, liquid cleaning supplies, fountain beverage syrups, quick clogging ice machine water filters and dirty dishes it would be best to find out what’s in your water. How much water does your facility use? Client: Approximately 150 gallons per hour for 20 hours per day. FPS: What size is your water line to your kitchen and restaurant? Client: 3/4 inch FPS: Does the ¾” water line supply water to the entire facility? Client: Yes, it goes to the bathrooms and deep sinks. I want to make sure we don’t lose any water flow because we use a lot of water. I don’t want to use anything to make us lose water flow. FPS: No problem. Solution: Municipal water test results revealed the grains per gallon of hardness was 21, total dissolved solids were 289, chloride level of 237 and PH was 7.2. The levels of hardness would not have been controlled properly by the scale inhibitor system originally suggested and the issues in the other part of the building would not have been solved. We recommended to the client the Hydrotech Duplex 9×48 alternating tank water softener, a salt brine tank and a metered head which handles 10 gallons per minute flow rate. We also recommend an Everpure Triple 7FC for the beverage stations. Results: We talked to the client just one week after installation and asked how the system and his facility were doing after the installation. He said he did another water test after the system was installed and that the new water test sample reported the PH level was now 7.7, the hardness grains per gallon was now 7.5 down from 21, the chloride level are under 100 and the smell in the drinking water is gone. That was not the only good news. He also reported that the beverage syrup consumption is down and the soap usage has now been reduced by more than half than before. Also, the dishes and glasses are cleaner and shinier. The original problem with the limescale buildup issue in his steamer cooker, coffee machines and ice machine has been eliminated, saving money on downtime and additional service and replacement parts costs. He calculated his savings from this recommendation we gave and the equipment we supplied, he now will be able to save enough money to upgrade his facilities and add more revenue making equipment. Are you having problems with your water filtration or the quality of your water? Please do not hesitate to call us. We are trained professionals dedicated to solving all your water quality issues. Call us at 800-942-7873 or click the link below to ask a question.

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More Unfiltered Truth!

The unfiltered truth is, Filter Pure, together with Pentair/Everpure, offers water filtration solutions to help preserve your budget. Want to lower your operational costs and raise the quality of your ingredient water? We have innovative filtration systems that can boost your bottom line and  help keep your operation running smoothly.

The Endurance High Flow!

 Up to 757,082 liters (200,000 gallons capacity)  One-year cartridge change, including Pre-Treatment.  Proprietary Industrial-strength Pre-treatment and Fibredyne II Media fine filters provide substantial dirt holding.  Two water qualities for hot and cold beverages  0.5 micron  NSF 42 and 53   •  Long-Term Protection – keeping harmful contaminants out of your water can add years of service to big-ticket foodservice equipment

 • Costs Down, Sales Up – reducing scale buildup lowers your service/maintenance  expenditures, and keeps equipment online and generating income

  •  Reduced Waste – delivering premium quality water while minimizing energy costs and water waste Water quality is just one of the unfiltered truths that is costing you money –  and maybe even customers

  Want to know more about truly innovative water filtration solutions that improve profitability? Ask us below or call our team at 1-800-942-7873.

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The Unfiltered Truth

The truth is, Filter Pure and Pentair/Everpure have filtration solutions that give you more than just great-tasting water. Our filtration systems also extend the life of your water-using equipment. We can show you how custom-configured filtration can add years of service to those expensive foodservice systems. Equipment damage is just one of the unfiltered truths that is costing you money. Your combi-oven or ice machine might look nice and shiny and well kept on the outside, but take a look inside. You might be surprised at what you find. For instance:   • Limescale – this winter wonderland of calcium will buildup on heating elements and boilers, slowly choking the life of your combi-oven.

• Corrosion – water contaminants show no mercy when they attack metal, nylon and rubber components. Kiss your shiny ice machine goodbye.

• Particulates – these little soldier of sediment and debris might be small, but when they join forces their only mission is to clog system lines and tubing. 

The taste and quality of your water is important to us, but we know the damage that unfiltered (or poorly filtered) water can cause on your water-using equipment. Don’t let limescale, corrosion, or particulates break you down. Let us break THEM down with our water filtration systems. Let us know how we can help. Call us at 800-942-7873.

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How Hard is Your Water?

We get several calls from customers saying they believe they have hard water. First, what is hard water? This is when the water has a high mineral content. So as rain drains down through the surface to the aquifers it absorbs minerals like calcium, manganese and magnesium carbonate. The hardness of the water depends on how much of these minerals is in the water.  Hard water in your home, as potable water, is not necessarily harmful but can cause significant issues. The problems can arise when the hard water reacts with cleaning products, creates build up and can wear down fixtures and appliances. Cleaning products may not be as effective when used with hard water, causing your normal cleaning chores to be more frustrating and expensive. The buildup of the minerals from the hard water can be deposited on your dishes, clothing, fixtures and even your skin and hair.  The other issue with hard water isn’t just on the outside of the faucets but what is it doing to the inside of your plumbing. These minerals start to build up inside your pipes and appliances. This can cause water flows to drop, clog and even increase the stress on the pipes and fixtures. If the hot water heater has to heat up all the scale buildup, as well as the water, your energy costs are going to increase. 1/4″ scale = up to 39% energy loss and 1/2″ = up to 70% energy loss!

 Now to explain a little further for us all in Florida. If you look at the picture below, you can see that Florida as a state has hard to very hard water. Ideal measurements would be 7 grains per gallon (gpg)…but here in Florida…well, it’s way more than that!

Shocking! We know! Check out these facts:

7,000 Grains = 1 Pound of Rock

Average US Water Supply

Hardness = 15 Grains per Gallon (gpg)

467 Gallons = 1 Pound of Rock

How can we here at Filter Pure help? We would first need to test your water to see how hard your water really is. We then need to find out your water usage. For example, how many people reside in the home? How many hours per day would it be operating? You would need to be able to provide the total number of fixtures, including toilets, sinks, dish washer, washing machine and showers? If you can find out your water usage per month, that would also be helpful? The more information we can get the better. Based on those readings we can suggest a water softener that would best suit your needs. If you have any further questions regarding hard water, water softeners, or whole home filtration please contact us 800-942-7873.  Have any questions? Click the button below and ask away!