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Water Testing in Schools

Many schools in the state of Florida have contacted Filter Pure in regards to testing their water. A common problem seen in schools is equipment damage due to hard and unfiltered water. Some of the most expensive equipment in schools can be found right in the cafeteria; ice machines, steamers and combi ovens. The problem with hard and unfiltered water is the limescale build-up that can cause excessive machine downtime and increased maintenance costs. It is estimated that 3mm of limescale build up can cause 25% energy loss in addition to unwanted and costly service calls. So how does Filter Pure help with these issues? We first test the water, checking all levels of chlorine, alkalinity and hardness. Once the test results are received back, we then recommend a course of action and filtering system to put in place to remedy these problems. One system recommended is the MRS-100 Reverse Osmosis System (9970-07). Ideal for flash steamers, conventional steamers, combi-ovens, and more, this system improves equipment life and performance by removing at least 90%+ of all dissolved solids that cause scale build-up. It guards against taste and odor causing contaminants, while removing dirt particulates and dissolved minerals that can adversely affect taste of water and beverages. Sanitary cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean. Internal filter parts are never exposed to handling or contamination.  For over thirty year, Filter Pure has been providing great solutions to water problems in universities and schools. If you are interested in getting your water tested or have any questions or concerns about your water please contact us at 800-942-7873 or submit your question to the link below. If you are a school or university please contact Amy Easter at She has helped hundreds of schools with their water issues and she is more than happy to help you as well.  Submit your question here!

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Lovin' Your Combi-Oven

Michael Engel, owner of Pastiche Bistro in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with his favorite piece of kitchen equipment, the Alto Shaam Mini Combi oven. Photo by Kevin J. Miyazaki/Redux
One of the functions of a Combi-oven is its steam feature. Steam equipment is very susceptible to scale and corrosion problems. The last thing you want is your combi-oven breaking down, leaving you scrambling to figure out how you’re going to prepare your food and then trying to find a technician to fix the combi-oven, and you KNOW how expensive that can be! So it’s time to show your combi-oven some LOVE! Take careful consideration of its water quality by understanding a few basic characteristics about your water: 

  • Chlorine/Chloramines
  • Hardness (scale)
  • Chlorides

Chlorine and Chloramines are disinfectants that protect us from water-borne disease and other health risks, but they also promote corrosion in cooking equipment. The scale forming compounds of calcium and magnesium carbonate are found in most water supplies. The physics of generating steam results in the precipitation of these dissolved minerals which forms hard scale in boilers, valves and fittings, and on elements, cabinet walls and glass. Chlorides are common, active ions of dissolved solids in water that can cause pitting and crevice corrosion. At high temperatures chlorides are particularly corrosive to stainless steel.  Chlorides can only be removed with a system that utilizes reverse osmosis.

With these facts in mind, you want to make sure you pick the right water filtration system for your combi-oven. Here are a few options:

(Click the image to see more information on these systems.)

To figure out what is in your water, call us today for a water test kit!


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Dealer Support Conference!

Filter Pure Systems hosted their first Dealer Support Conference last week and what a success! Vince Paglino, our Dealer Support Manager, did a great job setting up this conference. We had a huge turn out as dealers and re-sellers from all over Florida came to participate in product and sales training. Vince invited Rod Berry from Everpure to lead the training with some information on Everpure’s new 2013 products, as well as, basic technical training on the MRS-600-HE-II (which is a very complex reverse osmosis system). The conference was very hands on as dealers/re-sellers were able to physically touch and work on filtration systems, provided by Everpure. Vince also took some time to go over cold calling techniques and how to ask customers the right questions. I asked Vince what his goal was for the conference. He replied, “We want to become a resource to our dealers. We want to build their knowledge on the products we distribute, as well as train them on how to sell these products. We want them to be the best sales person in their field through application, troubleshooting, and product knowledge. This conference is a launching pad for individual support, on and off the field for all our dealers. The way I see it, if they win, we win.” Below are some pictures from the event. We are already getting calls asking when our next conference will be! For more information on our Dealer Support Program and upcoming conferences, please contact Vince Paglino at 1-800-942-7873, or email him at

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Everpure 9970-54 Reverse Osmosis System

Wherever there is a demand for a consistent flow of quality filtered water, the Everpure EV9970-54 efficiently delivers its services. The purity of the final product of the reverse osmosis system is especially advantageous to coffeehouses, which often serve a very sensitive constituency when it comes to detecting subtle changes in taste. Clean, pure water makes the difference between a quality cup and a mediocre one. Crabs, mussels, vegetables, and hundreds of other steamed foods are also prime beneficiaries of this water as it concerns taste and quality. The comprehensive filtration system of Everpure when used for steaming greatly enhances the taste of any food item by removing heavy metals, fluoride, and other contaminants. This makes for a healthier and tastier meal. The EV9970-54 offers similar benefits for combi ovens, ice, espresso machines, and many more.


The sophisticated filtration techniques that the EV9970-54 reverse osmosis system employs offer an entire slew of benefits for owner and guests alike. Essentially, the EV9970-54 removes water-soluble contaminants that many people don’t register until it affects their health later on in life. It does so with the highest efficiency yet, recovering almost 80 percent of incoming water, ultimately saving money on the water bill. At half of the energy cost of traditional reverse osmosis systems, the MRS-600HE-II system saves on that bill as well, establishing itself as a powerhouse of savings, sure to pay for itself with interest. Moreover, the system appropriates its filtering process to the cleanliness level of the water at wherever it is located for maximum efficiency. The EV9970-54 also protects its own system as well as any surrounding areas from grime accumulation due to contaminants in water, ensuring a safe and sanitary environment with less cleanup and repair.

Installation & Operation Tips

When installing the EV9970-54, establishing a solid mounting position is the foremost concern to avoid damage to the wall or machine. A water line of at least 3/8 of an inch is required. Incoming water must provide at least 1.5 gallons per minute. Make sure to properly orient the device as it is installed, with cartridges facing down and a minimum 3-inch clearance all around. Once mounted, beginning the reverse osmosis is facilitated by the Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual. To operate optimally, changing the cartridges yearly or when they get to full capacity is recommended. Remember to thoroughly flush the filter cartridge when first installed and at every changing thereafter.