Frequently Asked Questions;

If you cannot locate the answer to your question, email us at orders@filterpure.com


Why Should I choose Everpure Water Filtration?

  • Everpure has been delivering clean, clear and consistent water to businesses for 75 years and is a leading manufacturer of innovative, quality and reliable commercial water treatment products, solutions and services.
  • Everpure is the most recognized water treatment brand in the food industry, serving many well-known companies, such as Starbucks®, Coca-Cola®, and Walt Disney World®. Hundreds of thousands of operations around the globe trust us to provide them with high quality water.
  • Everpure products are tested and certified to the highest standards by NSF International, an independent non-for-profit organization that certifies and writes standards for food, water and consumer goods.

Who do I call for local support and training on installation and service of my Everpure filter System?

Call Filter Pure Systems at 813-626-9600 or toll free at 800-942-7873.

How do I get my water tested?

Call us at 800-942-7873 to discuss water test options.


How do I find the part number that I need?

Many replacement cartridges and parts are listed with our products here in our website. If the part number you need is for a replacement cartridge, it is located on the cartridge’s label. The part number is usually an 8 or 9 letter/digit combination and begins with “EV” or “DEV”. If you need additional assistance, you can either e-mail us at orders@filterpure.com or call us at 1-800-942-7873.

How often should I change my cartridges?

In order for our filters to perform as represented and to provide the best quality water possible, it is essential that filters be replaced periodically. The frequency of filter changes depends upon your water quality and your water usage. For example, if there is a lot of sediment and/or particles in your water, then you will have to change your filters more frequently than a location with little to no sediment. Be sure to replace your filters whenever you notice a decline in the performance, whether it is a drop in flow rate and/or pressure or an unusual taste in the water.

  • Prefilter
    The prefilter (coarse) cartridge should be changed when it becomes dirty to within 1/8″ of the core or when you see the outlet pressure gauge fall into the red zone. Check the pressure gauge only when the equipment is calling for water.
  • Submicron Cartridges
    The cartridges should be changed at the first occurrence of a) the gallon rating stated on the label, b) every 6 months, or c) the pressure gauge needle falls into the red zone while your equipment is calling for water.
  • ScalestickTM
    The Scalestick needs to be replaced before the Hydroblend compound is completely used up.

How do I remove the “used” cartridges and install new ones?

  1. Shut off the power to any equipment, if applicable.
  2. Shut off the filter system by turning off the water supply. Open the flushing valve to relieve the pressure.
  3. Hold the head firmly and turn the cartridge to the left ¼ turn until the rotation stops.
  4. Pull the cartridge down and out of the head. Some water may drain out of the system. Throw away the used cartridges.
  5. Hold the head firmly then align the new cartridge’s lug with the label on the head and insert the new cartridge into the head.
  6. Turn the cartridge to the right ¼ turn until the rotation stops.
  7. Turn on the water supply.
  8. Now, flush the cartridges by running water through the filter system to the drain for several minutes. Refer to the cartridge’s label for specific flushing times. Note: Be sure to shut off the flushing valve when finished.
  9. Turn on the power to the equipment, if applicable.

Download more information on changing cartridges.

Why do cartridges plug up?

Our cartridges are designed to remove contaminants and particles from the water. The cartridges will eventually plug as this material is removed, therefore, plugging indicates that the cartridges are working efficiently. If a cartridge plugs soon after installation, there are various things such as construction in your area or changes in reservoir levels that may alter the quality of your incoming water from day to day. This may produce low water pressure or excessive turbidity (large number of particles) in your water, which may cause the cartridges to plug prematurely.

Why do cartridges need to be flushed?

All carbon-based filters need to be flushed to remove any excess carbon fines that are inside the cartridges. New cartridges are filled with air; therefore, flushing also removes the air from inside the cartridges and replaces it with water. The flush time is written on each cartridge’s label. This process will allow any carbon-based cartridge to function at optimum levels without affecting any equipment that may be attached. Note: Be sure to shut off the flushing valve when finished.

Can filtered water increase the life of my equipment?

Many water supplies contain small particles as well as chemicals such as chlorine. The small particles can interfere with the mechanical operation of your equipment causing premature valve failure or plugging of nozzles. Chemicals such as chlorine can be corrosive and attack the internal metal surfaces. With Everpure water filter systems, particles as small as 0.5 micron as well as chlorine will be reduced and can extend the life of your equipment.

How can I prevent scale in my steamer?

Scale is caused when dissolved minerals, usually calcium and magnesium, are deposited as a white flaky solid on to the heating elements of your steamer. This material acts as an insulator, which increases energy usage. Over time this it can cause your equipment to fail altogether. Everpure offers several products designed to reduce or prevent scale formation. One product is the Everpure Kleensteam® system, which reduces scale build up. Another alternative is the Scalestick™. The Scalestick contains a special Hydroblend™ that inhibits mineral scale deposits in low flow water-fed equipment. Our MRS ( Mineral Reduction Systems), Line of reverse osmosis products also remove minerals that cause scale. To determine how much mineral is in your water, it’s best to have your water tested, call us for a water test at 800-942-7873.

HydroblendT and ScalestickT are trademarks of PWC Enterprises Inc. DBA Southeastern Filtration & Equipment Systems.

Are your products NSF Certified?

The majority of our cartridges are certified by NSF. This certification means that the contaminant reduction claims certified are true and accurate, the materials of construction do not add anything unwanted into the water, that the system is structurally sound, and that advertising claims are true and accurate. This certification provides assurance to the user that the system has been independently evaluated to confirm its performance. The certification is displayed on the cartridge’s label along with the claim; for example, chlorine reduction for 1000 gallons. Our certified products have been submitted for testing under NSF/ANSI Standards 53 and 42. For further information on NSF certification, please contact technical service at 1-800-942-1153 or information can be located on the NSF web-site, www.nsf.org

How is Everpure Treated water better than Tap water?

  • Municipalities have a primary objective of ensuring safe water. They can use a variety of technologies, but most all use some form of disinfection, either chlorine or chloramines. Unfortunately, chlorinated water has a distinctive off-taste and smell.
  • While municipal water treatment plants do meet EPA minimum requirements, they do not remove all contaminants nor do they filter for taste and odor.
  • Water always contains some dissolved mineral, and mineral is not removed by water treatment plants. This mineral causes hard scale in equipment that heats or freezes water, causing increased energy costs and reduced equipment life. Everpure offers products that reduce scale buildup.
  • As water travels from the treatment plant to your location, it can also pick up contaminants from old pipes.
  • Cysts are microbial living organisms (protozoans) that can be resistant to chlorine disinfection. Cysts have been known to cause health problems. Examples of cysts are Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
  • Not all water contaminants are bad, such as minerals, which Everpure filters do not remove. However, many contaminants such as chemicals, gasses and particles can affect the taste and smell. Some can even cause health problems.
  • Everpure removes chemicals like chlorine, along with dirt, rust particles, asbestos, small living organisms called cysts, and more, leaving you with crystal clear, clean and great-tasting water.

How often do I have to delime my equipment?

Click here to download the PDF.

How do I delime my equipment?

Click here to download the PDF.

Why would I need a prefilter on my water treatment system?

Our quick-change filters remove contaminants as small as .5 micron. Microns are extremely tiny, in fact a human hair has the width of 40 microns. This means our filters are very effective at removing many contaminants. However, if your water is particularly dirty, we recommend placing a prefilter in front of your system. Prefilters are typically 10-25 micron, allowing them to remove the larger particles that might prematurely plug your system. Many of our systems provide a prefilter option.

How do I know if my water is treated with Chloramine?

Some municipalities have migrated from using chlorine to chloramine. Chloramine is chlorine combined with a small amount of ammonia. The addition of the ammonia allows the disinfectant to stay in the water longer, for greater distances. Chloramine is more difficult to remove from water that chlorine, and requires filters with much more carbon. There are two ways to determine if your water has chloramine: 1) contact your local water utility company, or 2) have your water tested. By testing your water for Total Chlorine and Free Chlorine, we can determine if your water is being treated with chloramines. Our CB20 line of products are effective at removing chlorine.

What should I do if there is a boil order in my area?

Download boil order instructions.


Doesn’t my water softener treat my water?

Water softeners use an ion exchange process. Typically sodium chloride is exchanged for hard minerals like calcium and magnesium, which makes water “soft”. Hard minerals cause a hard scale on equipment that heats or freezes water, and this scale is difficult to remove, often requiring frequent delimings. Softener systems are usually comprised of a resin tank, where the ion exchange process takes place, and a brine tank where the salt solution is created. A softener can exchange other contaminants depending on the resin used, for example it can help remove iron from water. However, a softener does not filter the water, so many contaminants such as dirt, cysts and particles can pass through a softener resin bed.


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About Filter Pure

Founded in 1981, Filter Pure Systems was started as a way for Rusty Lowe to provide cleanest and safest drinking water systems in the world. We have grown to become a recognized leader in quality water filters, reliable filtration systems, and innovation in the field of reverse osmosis systems. Throughout our forty-two year history, we have led the industry with products for the most demanding of circumstances and for a variety of customers. Many notable and expert companies rely on us for the most up-to-date and advanced filtration technologies, such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Walt Disney, the United States Military, and many other major restaurant and hotel chains.

Shop by Brand

We are a master distributor of Everpure, Everpure Marine, Hydrotech, Industrial Filtration, John Guest, Pentair Industrial, Pentek, Pura, and SHURflo products and parts.

Our Commitment to Quality

In our commitment to the advancement of new technologies, Filter Pure has been at the forefront of many innovations in the field of filtration. We have led the industry in the development of products for the most demanding and high-usage circumstances out there. Many esteemed and respected television networks, including Good Morning America, Dateline NBC, and HGTV, have featured our products.

Purification, but at What Cost?

Simply put, clean water is vital to life. The majority of our society relies on municipal water sources to supply our commercial and household needs, yet most city water sources are highly contaminated with things such as suspended solids, dirt, parasites, cysts, bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi. Water taken from these sources are then filtered and sanitized with potent chlorine, chloramine, and other potentially harmful chemicals as a way to remove contaminants. Treating water this way leads to many problems ranging from limescale issues to corrosive and destructive results in commercial restaurant equipment. This is why water filtration is an absolute necessity when it comes to purification. Filtration allows for the cleansing and purifying of water without any harmful or destructive side effects. Our customers can literally taste and see the difference with our top-of-the-line water filtration systems.

The Filtered Difference

Filter Pure is a master distributor of filtration systems and parts to meet the purification requirements of all of our commercial foodservice and industrial customers. Our advanced filtration systems support the purification of water, hydraulic fluids, liquid processes, dust, HVAC systems, and marine bromination systems. We are focused on being flexible and responsive to each of our customers’ unique needs as a way to meet all of their requirements in the most effective way possible. Thanks to our commitment to innovation, our products are the highest quality, most innovative filtration systems and parts on the market today. Filter Pure makes a conscious effort to provide our customers with not only quality products, but also with the expertise-driven services necessary to support our systems.[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

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16th Annual World Barista Championship to feature Everpure filtration

The World Barista Championship is the premier event for international competition in the coffee community.  This competition serves as the championship from both local and regional qualifying events from World Coffee Events. Contestants prepare samples of Espressos, Cappuccinos, and original drinks in a 15-minute period. Judges will evaluate participant creations on not just taste but creativity, presentation, and skill. Each contestant’s creation will be different in almost every single way, except one key factor. The key ingredient that is the foundation for every great cup of coffee is the water. This year the entire event features water filtered by Pentair/Everpure. WBC Using the Everpure MRS 600 HE-II Water Filtration System for the entire event, the water not only tastes great, but also allows the contestants to craft beverages that meet their exacting standards. The MRS 600 HE-II is a high efficiency Reverse Osmosis system that provides blended water to meet the criteria determined by World Coffee Events. With a recovery rate of 78%, this unit has a significantly reduced impact on water use compared to other Reverse Osmosis offerings from competitors. For every cup of water produced only ¼ of a cup of wastewater is generated versus as much as 4 cups of water for other brands. Everpure Representatives will provide onsite training of the impact of water quality on coffee brewing at the event. ClarisUltra Claris Ultra systems will be awarded to the finalist of the show to allow them to bring home the quality of Everpure water in a convenient sized package. The Claris unit is a five stage softening and filtration system that allows the user to dial in the amount of mineral in specialty coffee applications. The minerals found in water can be a friend or foe for the Barista. Everpure Claris systems feature Duoblend technology that allows the Barista to dial in the appropriate amount of minerals for their drinks. The introduction this year of the Claris Ultra has also increased the capacity of Claris cartridges. All Claris systems use the same head, which allows interchangeability with the Claris and Claris Ultra cartridges. Whether you are looking to utilize the MRS 600HE-II for Reverse Osmosis system for tailored water specifications or using the Claris to dial in the mineral for your Coffee or Espresso Filter Pure Systems, Inc. can find a solution to meet your specialty coffee needs.  We utilize our knowledge and experience of water filtration treatment and solutions to not only protect your expensive coffee/espresso equipment investment but make sure that you are providing the quality cup of coffee and/or espresso that you want to deliver to your customer every day. If you would like more information on Pentair and Everpure products please contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or info@filterpure.com

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Ebola Home Water Treatment

The Ebola virus cannot spread through the water supply, according to information released by the Water Research Foundation. The internationally recognized leader in water research has provided the following information in response to inquiries about Ebola that some water utilities are receiving: Ebola is not a foodborne, waterborne or airborne illness. It is transmitted to humans from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. Transmission occurs through direct contact with infected bodily fluids, such as blood, vomit and feces. The Ebola virus cannot survive long in water because it can only replicate within host cells — from a human or an animal. Because of Ebola’s fragility when separated from its host, bodily fluids flushed by an infected person would not contaminate the water supply.

Researchers believe Ebola survives in water for only a matter of minutes because water does not provide the same environment as bodily fluids, which have higher salt concentrations. Once in water, the virus will take in water, causing the cells to swell and burst — killing the virus.

But if you are still concerned about the Ebola virus or any other harmful bacteria or virus entering your home through the water supply you may want to consider a Whole house UV disinfection system.

 Does UV light kill Ebola?

UV Disinfection has been found to be effective against the Ebola Virus, and many other harmful bacteria and viruses.   UV Disinfection is a method that uses ultraviolet (UV) light at sufficiently short wavelength to kill microorganisms. It is also referred to as Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI).  It is used in many applications, such as water and air purification.  UV Disinfection utilises short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UV-C), which has a wavelength in the range of 100nm to 280nm.   UV-C is harmful to microorganisms and is effective in destroying the nucleic acids in these organisms so that their DNA is disrupted.  Studies have confirmed that UV-C radiation is effective in deactivating Ebola virus. One extremely inexpensive whole house UV system is the PURA® Product’s UV20 Series™ designed to provide disinfected water at a flow rate of 8 – 10 gallons per minute. This system is ideal for whole house water treatment. In addition to disinfection, the double and triple models provide filtration for the removal of sediment and chemical contaminants. This ultraviolet water treatment system makes a perfect companion to water softeners, distillers, reverse osmosis and ozone systems. The UV20 Series™ has proven to be PURA® Product’s most popular product line and has created an industry standard in whole-house disinfection.

Are you having problems with your water filtration or the quality of your water? Please do not hesitate to call us. We are trained professionals dedicated to solving all your water quality issues. Call us at 800-942-7873 or click the link below to ask a question.

The Water Research Foundation cited the following resources:

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When Crypto Attacks!!!

This past summer there was an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, otherwise known as Crypto. Many of you may not have heard of Crypto or what it is. No, it’s not an evil villain from galaxies far far away or a new type of kryptonite found on Superman’s home planet.

It is a very tiny organism/parasite called Cryptosporidiosis that causes severe intestinal issues. It usually causes cramps, fever, major intestinal problems and diarrhea. It is usually only short term but can last up to 2 weeks. Treatment is fluid rehydration, electrolyte correction and sometimes pain management. Crypto was not discovered until 1976, however it is one of the most common waterborne diseases and is found worldwide. It is transmitted through contaminated material such as the earth or water that has been in contact with the feces of an individual or animal. As unpleasant as it sounds contact is transferred to the mouth and swallowed. It is most common with people in regular contact with bodies of water like swimming pools. Crypto has a high resistance to disinfectants like chlorine bleach. This is because it is protected by an outer shell. So just like the pools, Crypto can get into your household drinking water. Such as private wells, sewage overflows, sewage systems that are not working properly, polluted storm water runoff, and agricultural runoff. Wells may be more vulnerable to such contamination after flooding, particularly if the wells are shallow or have been submerged by floodwater for long periods of time. Crypto gets into surface water sources as well, such as rivers and lakes. Municipal water from treatment plants that get their water from these surface water sources can contain Cryptosporidium as well. This is because of the stool (feces) of infected animals or people maybe in the runoff. How can Filter Pure help with the prevention of Crypto surfacing in your water supply? For your home we would recommend a Reverse Osmosis System. The system is placed under the counter. The unit is called RO-2550. To beat Crypto you need to filter down to 1 micron or smaller. The RO system does better than that. This system gets it to 1/1000 micron. This is a 4 stage filtering system. The water is pre-filtered to reduce the dirt and chlorine. Then the membrane separates the pre-filtered water into Product Water. There are many different filtering systems that you can use in your home. If you are concerned that you may have a Crypto problem or potential for it Reverse Osmosis will protect you against an outbreak. We want to make sure you and your family are drinking healthy. To learn more about Filter Pure or how we can help with your filtration needs please contact us at 800-942-7873. 
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Save the Planet, One Bottle at a Time

It takes more than 17 million barrels of oil annually to make all the plastic bottles that meet America’s demand for bottled water. That’s enough oil to fuel 1.3 million cars for a year, not including the oil used for transportation of those water bottles. Last year, the average American used 167 disposable water bottles. Altogether, Americans’ used over 50 billion plastic water bottles last year alone. The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 a day. That same amount of bottled water is about $1,400 a year, but keep in mind that people prefer bottled water because it taste great! So, how does one cut out all the plastic bottles from their life but still get great tasting water straight from their tap? By purchasing a high performance drinking water system, that goes under your your kitchen sink. This system uses the same water purification process as Dasani and Nestle and it is called reverse osmosisThis process is used in water purification, manufacturing plants, and chemical laboratories.  One great unit that we recommend is the the PURA QCRO4V. This 4 stage quick change reverse osmosis system can be customized to adapt to changing water conditions. The quick change filters feature the innovative PURA twist and lock design, making filter changes and service fast and easy.

  • Choice of a 50 gpd or 75 gpd membrane
  • Standard Lead Free Air Gap Faucet
  • Color coded tubing for easier installation
  • Quick connect fittings and a self piercing feed valve
  • Interchangeable filters allows the system to be customized to your local water conditions
  • Produces high quality water for better tasting coffee, tea, juices, soups, sauces and pasta and clearer ice cubes
  • System includes a sediment pre-filter, carbon block pre-filter, RO membrane and carbon block postfilter

The first stage of filtration is the sediment filter, which reduces suspended particles such as dirt, dust, and rust. The second stage of filtration is the carbon filter. This filter reduces volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), chlorine, and other compounds that might impact the taste or odor of the tap water. Chlorine should be removed from the water before the water enters the membrane. This will help preserve the life of the membrane. The center and third stage of a reverse osmosis system is the semi-permeable (RO) membrane. It is responsible for rejecting up to 98% of the total dissolved solids in the water. So you can save the planet, save money and drink healthier water! For more information about this system call 800-942-7873 or click the link below to ask us a question. 

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Chloride Ate Your Combi!

Lately, we have seen a rise in customer’s having problems with their boiler free combi ovens. Whether it is an Alto Sham, Blodgett, Cleveland, Rational, or CONVOtherm, alot of money has been invested in that equipment and with that investment, a long life is expected.  That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the water warranty requirements.

Did you know that the warranty can be voided if there is chloride in the water that is feeding your equipment, especially if the damage is caused by the chloride. The consensus of manufactures’ spec sheets is that chloride, specified in the water feeding your combi oven, is supposed to be less than 25 ppm,( parts per million).

For the combi oven pictured above, the water test came back indicating that the chloride levels were at 308.8 ppm. That’s high!! 

So why is chloride so bad in combi ovens, boiler based or boilerless? Keep in mind that chloride is not chlorine.

So what happens when you have alot of hydrogen chloride in your water and you super-heat it quickly into steam? It jumps out as hydrochloric acid, which is a clear, colorless, highly pungent solution of hydrogen chloride (HCL) in water. It is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid and it can chew through stainless steel very quickly. So where do you start if you already have a combi oven and you are seeing this type of damage? A detailed water test that will give you a full analysis of the chemical composition of your water is the place to start. Once you know that you do have an unacceptable level of chloride in your water, you can go to work on purchasing a blended reverse osmosis unit in order to remove the chloride. Why blended reverse osmosis? Because, no filter will take chlorides out of your water. Remember this is chloride, not chlorine. Reverse osmosis is not filtration, it is the use of a semi permeable membrane that forces everything but the water molecule out of the water. With blended RO you can then blend back in the right amount of filtered raw water in order to create the chemical composition of the water that you want to feed your combi. Everpure has developed an entire series of Blended MRS, Mineral Reduction System Reverse Osmosis units. From the MRS20, (20 stands for 20 gallons made per day), EV9797-91, up to the MRS600HEII, (600 gallons made per day), EV9970-54. One of the most popular for the combi application is the MRS350, (350 gallons of water made per day), EV9970-17. Note that these solutions require a storage tank. These systems can be sized to fit your piece or pieces of equipment and insure that the water you are using will protect your combi oven from whatever changes occur within your water supply. To get started with a water test please ask us below or call our team with your questions at 800-942-7873. Ask us a question! Sign up for our Newsletter!

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The Multiple Advantages for Commercial Water Filtration

More consumers are “going green” and ditching the bottled water. What does that mean for businesses? An increased demand for pure and refreshing water, ice, and beverages. The best way to deliver that is through a high-quality commercial filtration system. Benefits of Commercial Water Filtration Commercial water filtration systems are indispensable for virtually every business. These systems offer businesses multiple advantages, including savings:

  • Reduced expenditures on bottled water: In the office setting, employers often supply their staff and customers with bottled water. Cut costs on beverage service with an office water purification system. A filter system requires a higher one-time investment, but eliminates a recurring cost.
  • Eliminate incidence of injury: Lifting and changing the heavy bottles on popular water coolers can result in employee injury, due to muscle strain. Replace the cooler with an Everpure Reverse Osmosis System, which runs directly from the office water supply.
  • Improved sanitation: Since water filtration systems can remove microorganisms, shielding employees and customers from potentially harmful bacteria. Meanwhile, food preparation attains a new level of sanitation when completed with purified water.
  • Better flavor: The flavor of all water-based beverages improves with water filtration. Food service customers will appreciate the consistently delicious flavor of all their favorite beverages, from fountain soda to coffee.

Attaining Maximum Benefit The key to gaining the greatest benefit from commercial water filtration is proper maintenance. Business owners should take special care to maintain their systems properly:

  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for installation: Be sure that the person who installs the water filtration system is a licensed plumber or a qualified manufacturer’s representative. The installer should have specific experience installing commercial systems.
  • Don’t skip the regular maintenance: Read the instructions for the system and adhere to any specified maintenance schedule, such as changing filters. Failure to do so can cause increased wear on parts and leave water less than totally pure.
  • Clean the system properly: If employees will be responsible for any aspect of commercial water filtration maintenance, be sure that they receive proper instruction in all necessary techniques. Ask your installer to provide “lessons” to key staff members.
  • Teach proper technique: Show all employees the best way to maintain sanitary conditions. This step is often as simple as reminding employees to use the provided scoop in the ice machine!

From corporate headquarters to family-owned diners, all businesses can benefit from commercial water filtration systems. These systems ensure consistent quality, improve sanitation, and save business owners money.

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Water Testing in Schools

Many schools in the state of Florida have contacted Filter Pure in regards to testing their water. A common problem seen in schools is equipment damage due to hard and unfiltered water. Some of the most expensive equipment in schools can be found right in the cafeteria; ice machines, steamers and combi ovens. The problem with hard and unfiltered water is the limescale build-up that can cause excessive machine downtime and increased maintenance costs. It is estimated that 3mm of limescale build up can cause 25% energy loss in addition to unwanted and costly service calls. So how does Filter Pure help with these issues? We first test the water, checking all levels of chlorine, alkalinity and hardness. Once the test results are received back, we then recommend a course of action and filtering system to put in place to remedy these problems. One system recommended is the MRS-100 Reverse Osmosis System (9970-07). Ideal for flash steamers, conventional steamers, combi-ovens, and more, this system improves equipment life and performance by removing at least 90%+ of all dissolved solids that cause scale build-up. It guards against taste and odor causing contaminants, while removing dirt particulates and dissolved minerals that can adversely affect taste of water and beverages. Sanitary cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean. Internal filter parts are never exposed to handling or contamination.  For over thirty year, Filter Pure has been providing great solutions to water problems in universities and schools. If you are interested in getting your water tested or have any questions or concerns about your water please contact us at 800-942-7873 or submit your question to the link below. If you are a school or university please contact Amy Easter at Amy@filterpure.com. She has helped hundreds of schools with their water issues and she is more than happy to help you as well.  Submit your question here!

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A Word from Our Industrial Sector

My name is Vince Paglino and I am the Industrial Filtration  specialist at Filter Pure Systems.  We specialize in Chemical Feed Pumps, Chlorinators & Air Injection, Commercial Softening & ION Exchange, Commercial Reverse Osmosis, Industrial Water Remediation, UV Sterilization and Industrial filtration systems. I wanted to share with you a recent industrial experience. We were approached by a large ice manufacturer to help them find a resolution for their scale problem. The limescale accumulation  was so bad that it had clogged the compressors and starved the equipment of water that it needed to produce the 360,000 pounds of ice it manufactured daily. We visited the location and immediately took water samples and investigated the type of equipment they were using and noticed the large amount of limescale remnants and corrosion it was causing to their equipment. They were using 2 large cartridge housings to filter the water down to 5 microns. After a few weeks of limescale buildup all of the ice manufacturing equipment was shut down and at a standstill without any ice production. Once the water tests were completed, the results noted that the Ph level was very high at 9.3 & 9.4 (the range should be between 7.0 – 7.5) and both the bicarbonate and carbonate alkalinity levels were elevated as well. The results indicated that the solution required softening the water and reducing the Ph levels at the same time to eliminate the problems of limescale accumulation. We customized a solution to handle the 40,000+ gallons of water that they use daily. A large duplex softening unit that continuously treats the water even while servicing one tank at a time when it cycles to backwash. A chemical pulse feeder that will introduce Muriatic Acid after the softener to reduce the Ph levels in the water. The solution is also modular so equipment can be added at a later date to handle any ice production growth and added manufacturing equipment. The delivery of this equipment was not only timely but it was delivered several days early to the customers delight. The manufacturer’s representative scheduled a time for installation training for the company representatives to ensure normal and ongoing operational use and maintenance of the equipment. Our Industrial sector is dedicated to insure that our customers are able to achieve the most efficient and cost effective solution for their industrial water problems. Our client support, industrial technical expertise and follow up is unmatched in the industry.