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Reduce your utility and maintenance costs by improving your water quality!

Regular preventative maintenance is necessary to keep your facility running efficiently and performing to its maximum capability. However, you may have also experienced some unnecessary visits, visits that could have been avoided by controlling one of the most common commodity items: water. Water not only has an effect on utility bills, but it can also be the source of unnecessary maintenance. How often is a service company performing ice machine cleanings? Or descaling a piece of espresso or steam equipment? Controlling your water quality can help to optimize the number of service calls. Equipment that heats or chills water can be the largest source of service calls, and this is often due to varying water quality. Ice machines, especially those that are high-volume, are particularly prone to scale buildup and other water related problems. Steam and combi ovens are also very prone to equipment failure and maintenance from water quality issues. While there have been great advancements in cooking technology over recent years, some of these technologies, like boiler-less combi ovens, make good water quality even more vital. Ovens that use steam are especially susceptible, as any contaminant in water is left behind when the oven turns water to steam. While a service company is vital to maintaining operation, you may also want to ask about how controlling influent water quality may help reduce the number of reactive service calls in your operation. You may even be able to reduce the number of preventative maintenance checks on their current schedule. Controlling influent water quality can be as simple as installing a water treatment solution. There are a number of ways to control water quality, including traditional filtration, softening and reverse osmosis.

• Filtration – Although traditional filtration will not remove hardness and TDS by itself, many filtration companies add phosphate to prevent the precipitation of scale on heating and cooling elements.

• Softening – Softening handles hardness by replacing the calcium in water with sodium. By replacing calcium with sodium, scale, a combination of sodium and carbonate, is prevented from forming

• Reverse Osmosis (RO) – RO removes hardness from water using membrane technology. Dissolved minerals are removed from the water and sent to drain, leaving nearly pure H20.

To learn more about the benefits of improving water quality in your facility please call us at 800-942-7873 or send us an email with your questions