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Don’t Forget About the O-Ring!

First, what is an O-ring? An O-ring is a doughnut, or torus shaped seal typically used to prevent the passing of air or fluid. O-rings are used to keep fluid or air IN or OUT of a defined space. This device helps to keep the water tight or air tight integrity of a filter housing or filter application. O-rings come in a wide variety of sizes and different types of materials; Types of Material

  • Buna-N®
  • Ethylene, Propylene
  • Silicon Encapsulated with FEP, an FDA-approved material
  • Silicone (Solid)
  • Teflon® (Solid)
  • Teflon® Encapsulated with FEP
  • Viton® (Solid)

    To extend the o-ring’s effectiveness there are some things you can do: Remove and inspect the o-ring at every filter change or every time the housing is opened, as well as applying the manufacturer’s approved lubricant. The protectant/gel, usually made of silicon is inexpensive and is easy to apply. If there are signs of any wear or improper form of the o-ring, the o-ring must be replaced immediately prior to restarting the filter system.    The life of an o-ring varies based on how you take care of it and what it is made of. It is very important to your operation to make sure you have the proper o-ring for your filtration application. If you have any questions on changing out your o-rings or whether you are using the proper o-ring for your system, I invite you to submit a question below or call our team at 1-800-942-7873. Click here to ask us a question!

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How Often Do I Change My Water Filter?

One of the most common questions we hear from our customers is in regards to how frequently a water filter cartridge should be changed. Whether it’s a standard sediment or carbon filter, every customer has one key priority in mind: How Long Will I Have Dependably Clean, Great Tasting Water? In other words, how can I be sure that my filter is still reducing the impurities that can impact the flavor of my water? Our standard answer: It depends. The frequency of filter changes depends upon your water quality and your water usage. For example, if there are a lot of sediment particulates in your water, then you will have to change your filters more frequently than someone with little to no sediment. If you are a large restaurant consuming large amounts of water a minute or a hospital with large ice machines, then your usage will demand more frequent filter changes. Having said that, we suggest replacement schedules that are generally as follows: Everpure High Flow CRS Quad MC2 System The most common Everpure Filtration System, mainly seen in the back of the house of restaurants should be changed every 6 months, or every 36,000 gallons. The EC210 prefilter, to the left of the MC2 filters, should be changed more frequently to extend the life of the MC2 filters. We recommend every 3-4 months.       Insurice Triple PF i4000(2) System w/ 20″ Prefilter For water filtration on ice machines, sometimes it can be difficult knowing when to change the filters, especially if you see no difference in the ice. But even if the ice is fine, deep inside the machine inches of scale can be forming and ruining your machine. That’s why it is important to keep a filter change out schedule. We recommend every 6 months or however many gallons are specified on the water filters. For the system pictured to the left, the Insurice Triple PF i4000(2), change those filters every 36,000 gallons of use. Again, changing the prefilter will give your primary cartridges longer life. You should also replace your water filters whenever you notice a decline in performance, whether it is a drop in flow rate and/or pressure, or an unusual taste in the water. You should also, per the CDC, replace your water filter after any boil water advisory alert is lifted in your area. Remember: taste and odor may tip you off to the presence of chlorine in your water, but most contaminants are tasteless and odorless. For the benefit of our customers, we have set-up automatic electronic reminders that are sent when we see that their filters are due to be replaced, based on order history.  We can even set-up Auto-Ship for customers that know they will need water filters by a certain date, but may not remember to place an order. If you have a water filter or filter model not included in the list above, and have a question regarding how often you should replace your filter, I invite you to submit a question below or call our team at 1-800-942-7873. Click here to ask us a question!

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What Causes Limescale Build Up?

What is scale? As rainfall descends, it picks up CO2, which makes water slightly acidic. By the time it reaches the earth, it is now a natural solvent. As it seeps down to the underground aquifers, it dissolves mineral along the way, becoming “hard.” Hard water is generally concentrated with four hard minerals: calcium, magnesium, carbonate, and sulfate. Every water supply has some dissolved mineral content.How does scale form? When energy is applied to hard water, the minerals can drop out of the solution and settle on surfaces. This is called scale, the most common of which is limescale. These minerals can form a hard crust that can cause many problems with equipment, from clogging to increased energy requirements. To understand the process that allows dissolved mineral content to rebuild solid rock, it is important to understand the condition of pH. The scale for pH is measured from 0.0 to 14.0, with 7.0 as a perfect neutral. In general terms, water supplies with a pH below 7.0 have a greater acid content and tend to dissolve rock into minerals. Water supplies with a pH above 7.0 have a lower acid content and tend to build mineral scale. There are two key conditions for scale formation:

  • The pH level must be neutral or above
  • There must be an energy transfer, cooling or heating, to act as a catalyst.

How does scale affect water-using equipment? Mineral deposits such as limescale create major problems for foodservice operators with ice, coffee, espresso, steam and warewashing equipment. Mineral scale can clog tubing and small orifices, coat heating and cooling elements, and result in increased detergent usage. Scale also causes reduced energy transfer and efficiency loss, resulting in increased energy demands for cooling or heating, and increased operating costs. Many water-using appliances, from coffee brewers to ice makers, are susceptible to limescale build-up. Steamers and combi ovens are among the most susceptible. As water boils and evaporates, minerals remain and become concentrated. Because of these high concentrations, steamers can require frequent deliming—an acid cleaning process that removes mineral scale. This process is harsh to the equipment surfaces and decreases equipment life. Freezing water can also cause scale to form. Commercial cuber-type ice makers require more service to correct scale build-up than any other equipment commonly used in foodservice. Like steamers, commercial icemakers leave a high concentration of minerals as most of the water becomes ice. The resulting residue is a murky mixture full of sediment and growing crystals that restricts tubes, fouls pumps, clogs orifices, scores valves, and causes ice to hang in clumps. Fortunately, scale growth can be reduced by adding small amounts of polyphosphates to water. Polyphosphates are completely safe and nontoxic, and many occur naturally in foods or are added during processing. They are also used in the treatment of drinking water to combat corrosion and scaling. Most scale-producing situations can be resolved more effectively with a point-of-use water treatment system that couples fine filtration and a polyphosphate feed. Fine filtration reduces particles that act as nucleation sites for scale formation. These particles speed up the scaling process and can add as much as 60 percent to the weight of the scale, depending on the particles in the source water. Filter Pure provides many systems meeting these specifications for home use, vending and office applications, and commercial foodservice. Types of scale The appearance of scale varies infinitely and depends on the impurities that are present in the water. For example, pure limescale is pure white, but sediment and turbidity due to dust, dirt and mud may color it. Common contaminants have these color properties: Treating scale There are three methods for reducing scale:

Information provided by Everpure
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Everpure 9970-54 Reverse Osmosis System

Wherever there is a demand for a consistent flow of quality filtered water, the Everpure EV9970-54 efficiently delivers its services. The purity of the final product of the reverse osmosis system is especially advantageous to coffeehouses, which often serve a very sensitive constituency when it comes to detecting subtle changes in taste. Clean, pure water makes the difference between a quality cup and a mediocre one. Crabs, mussels, vegetables, and hundreds of other steamed foods are also prime beneficiaries of this water as it concerns taste and quality. The comprehensive filtration system of Everpure when used for steaming greatly enhances the taste of any food item by removing heavy metals, fluoride, and other contaminants. This makes for a healthier and tastier meal. The EV9970-54 offers similar benefits for combi ovens, ice, espresso machines, and many more.


The sophisticated filtration techniques that the EV9970-54 reverse osmosis system employs offer an entire slew of benefits for owner and guests alike. Essentially, the EV9970-54 removes water-soluble contaminants that many people don’t register until it affects their health later on in life. It does so with the highest efficiency yet, recovering almost 80 percent of incoming water, ultimately saving money on the water bill. At half of the energy cost of traditional reverse osmosis systems, the MRS-600HE-II system saves on that bill as well, establishing itself as a powerhouse of savings, sure to pay for itself with interest. Moreover, the system appropriates its filtering process to the cleanliness level of the water at wherever it is located for maximum efficiency. The EV9970-54 also protects its own system as well as any surrounding areas from grime accumulation due to contaminants in water, ensuring a safe and sanitary environment with less cleanup and repair.

Installation & Operation Tips

When installing the EV9970-54, establishing a solid mounting position is the foremost concern to avoid damage to the wall or machine. A water line of at least 3/8 of an inch is required. Incoming water must provide at least 1.5 gallons per minute. Make sure to properly orient the device as it is installed, with cartridges facing down and a minimum 3-inch clearance all around. Once mounted, beginning the reverse osmosis is facilitated by the Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual. To operate optimally, changing the cartridges yearly or when they get to full capacity is recommended. Remember to thoroughly flush the filter cartridge when first installed and at every changing thereafter.

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Water Filter Terminology: 3 Examples that Provide Clean and Safe Water

We come into contact with terms and analogies everyday – that doesn’t mean we understand what they mean. Would you know what QCP filtration is or reverse osmosis? Not many do. For those who understand this type of water filter terminology, they understand what happens to get a clean and safe drink of water. Now, what about the rest of us? To give you a better understanding of these terms, let’s take a look at a few examples of water filter terminology and give you a better understand of what it takes to have clean drinking water:

Examples of Water Filter Terminology

  • Reverse Osmosis – Ok, we have all heard of the process, but what does it actually mean? As a long standard in water purification, reverse osmosis purifies water by pressurizing unfiltered water, and forcing its molecules what’s called a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane traps things like metals particles and lets only the water molecules to pass. That way, you only receive great tasting, smelling and safe drinking water.
  • Inline Filtration – Here’s another one to add to your water filtration terminology. Yes, some understand filtration and how it helps our water, but what’s inline filtration? Basically, a water filter is put “in” the water line, and it filtrates out any dirt or particles out of water that flows through. This filtration method also filters out any smells or tastes caused by contaminants.
  • Ice Filtration – For those areas that bring in water through colder terrain, ice filtration is something used to preserve optimal drinking water conditions. Ice gets cloudy due to water impurities, which also impact the flavor of the ice. When it melts, those impurities impact the taste of beverages, but ice filtration eliminates those for pristine flavor and appearance.

Although many people have heard different terms about water filtration, most don’t understand the majority of what water filtration terminology means. Hopefully, these few terms gives you a better understanding into what happens when you turn on your faucet to get that drink of water.

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Water Softening: A Simple Approach to Great-Tasting Water

“Hard water” is generally defined as that which has a high concentration (>100mg/L) of dissolved salts, like calcium and magnesium, which are absorbed from the earth. This excess of particulates can cause numerous problems for the home and small business owner, such as difficulty in regulating water pH (important for pool and aquarium owners), and scaling/deposit buildup in pipes, boilers, and machinery which makes use of water, such as coffee and espresso makers.  The classic tell-tale sign of hard water is difficulty in lathering soap and shampoo. Another such problem is the taste associated with hard water. Water containing mineral contaminants can taste bitter, especially when used to cook or brew fine coffee. When this becomes a concern, many turn to water softening to remove these minerals and make them palatable. Softening, while not a lengthy process, is complex when compared to other purification methods such as reverse osmosis. Water softener cartridges make use of either an all-in-one cartridge such as the Everpure ESO7 or a drop in bowl system such as Everpure’s SO-204 to remove excess minerals from your water. With the ESO 7, not only is water softened, but dirt and particles are removed as well.  The ESO 7’s unique three-stage blending cartridge provides softened, buffered, and precoat filtered water, while the cartridge’s ion exchange resin with buffering capabilities and high-capacity coconut carbon filtered water bypass make it the perfect choice for specialty coffee, espresso, and ice tea applications. Systems such SO-204 combine small size and ease of use with commercial application capability.   Measuring just 26”x5.125”x5.25”, the SO-204’s replacement cartridges are sized to fit under any counter or mounted on the wall behind the coffee or espresso machines.  While relatively small, the SO-204 is designed to handle water having up to 30 grains per gallon (500mg/L) – 5 times the definition of “hard” water.  Moreover, the filters are easy to change.  Not only do replacement cartridges not require a housing wrench to be changed, that is, they can be hand-tightened, but cartridges require only one minute of flushing.  Many high-end coffee and espresso machines require a water softener to ensure the quality of the coffee is preserved through the brewing process and warranty purposes. If you think you would like to make use of a water softening cartridge in either your home or business, contact Filter Pure Systems, Inc. at 1-800-942-7873 today.

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Seawater/Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis, also known as hyper filtration, is the preferred method of seawater and brackish water purification. As the equipment needed to perform reverse osmosis is cost-effective, and the process requires little input energy compared to other methods of purification, reverse osmosis has become the worldwide leader among desalinization methods. Developed at UCLA, and used commercially since the 1970’s, seawater reverse osmosis has served marine professionals for nearly 40 years. Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) is used in a wide range of commercial applications. Marine professionals such as commercial fisherman and offshore rig workers rely on SWRO to provide freshwater for routine daily tasks such as bathing, cleaning and of course, drinking. In larger applications, such as cruise ships, SWRO is sometimes also used. In such applications, it is necessary not only to desalinize water, but to provide quality freshwater. Cruise liner restaurant professionals count on SWRO for water used for cooking, as well as making coffee, soda and other beverages. Here, consistency is key. By way of its simple yet effective design, reverse osmosis is able to consistently satisfy the needs of those who count on it. The process itself is relatively simple and straightforward. In order to purify a liquid, the “solvent” (in this case, water) is put under pressure in excess of 250 psi for brackish water and 1000 psi for seawater, forcing it through a semi-permeable membrane. This application-specific membrane allows water molecules to pass through, but catches “solutes,” yielding purified water. When employed, reverse osmosis is capable of not only of de-salting water, but also removing other impurities such as bacteria, ions and particulates. If you’re considering using reverse osmosis to address your water purification needs, browse our inventory of Everpure reverse osmosis filters.