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ASHRAE STANDARD 188 Ice Machine Compliance

To date in 2015 we have seen large outbreaks of Legionella in both New York and Chicago sickening over 174 and killing 20. Legionnaires’ Disease is not very common, but when there is an outbreak in a hospital, hotel or casino, the story makes headlines. This is because an outbreak often results in severe illness or, more tragically, loss of life, and millions of dollars in lawsuits. Legionnaires’ Disease, also known as Legionellosis, is caused by a bacteria (L. pneumophila) that is found in certain water supplies. For people with weakened immune systems, the disease can lead to a fatal case of pneumonia which is why there is high concern about the risk of Legionella in hospitals.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hospital patients who contract Legionella only have a 20%-60% chance of surviving.( Bartram, Chartier, Lee, Pond, Surman-Lee (2007). Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis. World Health Organization, 1.1.1:2.). Pentair Everpure has earned its worldwide reputation as a trusted name in water treatment. Our more than 80 years of expertise has yielded filtration solutions that provide superior quality water. We have specially-designed filtration systems to help protect patients and staff from the waterborne bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ Disease.


According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), one of the reasons that ASHRAE Standard 188:  Prevention of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems is being developed to help prevent the high fatality rate for hospital patients that contract Legionella. This standard is designed to prevent the bacteria from entering and/ or reproducing in a hospital water system. The standard places responsibility for water safety on everyone associated with the design, construction, installation, ownership, operation, management, and maintenance of a building’s water system. The cold water dispensers of hospital ice machines have been proven to be a potential source of Legionella. Two studies, in 1985 and 1997, traced Legionella directly to the ice.2 ASHRAE Standard 188P requires that the HACCP plan include all potable water systems, including ice machines. If the potable water system, such as an ice machine, has “incoming potable water containing less than 0.5 mg/l residual halogen such as chlorine”, it is a risk factor for Legionella. 2   Stout JE, Yu VL, Muraca P (1985). Isolation of Legionella pneumophila from the cold water of hospital ice machines:  implications for origin and transmission of the organism. Infection Control, 6:141–146. 7SI Pentair® Everpure® has cost-effective, application-specific filtration systems that will allow a hospital to keep its ice machines in compliance with ASHRAE Standard 188, and help provide critical protection from protozoan cysts and scale damage: the 4SI and 7SI Carbonless Water Filters from Pentair Everpure. These unique water filters provide a number of important benefits: •  Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 188. Allow municipal chlorine and chloramine residual to pass through to the ice machine. •  Slime Reduction. Chlorine can help to reduce the growth of slime and bacteria inside the ice machine. •  Cyst Reduction. Submicron media reduces cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia that can cause waterborne diseases in humans (reduction occurs by mechanical means*). •  Scale Protection. Scale inhibitor reduces scale deposits that can cause downtime, maintenance calls and increased service costs. Scale can also result in the clogging of distribution lines, freeze-up on evaporator plates, and cause pumps, solenoids and probes to malfunction or fail. •  Particulate Reduction. Pentair’s proprietary Fibredyne™ media has superior dirt-holding capabilities versus conventional carbon block filters. •  Retrofits Everpure Brand Filter Heads. Quickly and easily convert Everpure Insurice®, 4/7CB5-S and 7FC-S Systems to 4SI and 7SI Systems simply by swapping out the filter cartridges. There’s no need to remove an old filter head and invest in a new one, which saves you money and labor. •  The 4SI System Fits in Tight Spaces. Its space-saving size allows for easy placement behind a countertop ice machine or inside a cabinet. •  Easy to Install and Maintain. •  Certified to NSF Standards 42 and 53. •  Carries the Pentair Everpure Name. Everpure has been providing water solutions for over 80 years, and is one of the most respected brands in water filtration worldwide. For the complete Pentair Everpure Brochure on ASHRAE 188P Ice Machine Compliance click here. Contact us for more information on the 7SI cartridge and how to stop Legionella AT 800-942-7873 or contact us at