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Team "Fatty Fat Pants" Wins!!!

Congratulations to team “Fatty Fat Pants” for being the BIGGEST LOSERS!!! They had the highest percentage of weight loss of 4.9% during the 8 week weight loss program. How did they do it?! Well, both of them worked out daily! Jessica would do Zumba and a “Walk Away The Pounds” video. Angela went to the gym for some intense work outs and would take daily LONG walks. Jessica cut out all sugars and focused on eating lots of healthy veggies. And Angela….well Angela substituted dinner for beer.  Hey, it worked! Jessica and Angela won a Blue Cross/Blue Shield beach bag donated by the Oswald Group.  The bags were loaded with goodies for sun ‘n fun: sunscreen, sunglasses, a Weight Watchers magazine and much, much, more including a DAY OFF OF WORK!!!!!  And with all these great prizes, you know they’re headed to the beach!!! Everyone did a great job working hard to eat better and drop those pounds! Total percentage of weight loss of all the participating teams was reported at 9.64%!  Way to go everyone! And way to go team “Fatty Fat Pants”!!!    

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Our new Wellness Program: Biggest Loser Style

Dear Chicken Philly Cheese steak, I’m sorry, but I can no longer see you. My company has started a new Wellness Program that is going to help all the employees here create healthy habits! The theme is Biggest Loser!! Filterpure Biggest Loser I fondly remember your melted cheese and sauteed onions warmly infused with delicious chicken on a mouth watering hoagie, but unfortunately you are extremely high in carbs and calories, and there is no place for you in the Biggest Loser competition or in our Wellness Program. You see, the purpose of this competition is to support our efforts to follow a healthy weight-loss diet and exercise program and to establish patterns that we will continue long after the contest has ended. It is not intended to promote rapid weight loss. We have weekly themes to help us on our journey of bettering our healthy decisions.

  • Week 1: Make your steps count!
  • Week 2: Chug-a-lug
  • Week 3: Say goodbye to McFlurries/Say hello to McApple
  • Week 4: Let’s be inspired
  • Week 5: Get moving with Michelle Obama
  • Week 6: What’s for Dinner?
  • Week 7: Exercise comes in all forms
  • Week 8: Name your favorite week

We have set up teams of two to compete in Filter Pure’s Biggest Loser competition!! The teams are: Fatty Fat Pants – Jessica Kiuber and Angela Woodard Fishstiks – Denise Fisher and her husband, John The Boheebs – Craig Mastny and his wife, Linda Love Handle Hopkins – Lara Shumate Hopkins and her husband, Shawn The Honeymooners – April Michel and her husband, Eric Rusty Finda Team –  …….Rusty The team that loses the most weight at the end of 8 weeks wins!! What do they win, you ask! Well, I’ll tell you! The winner gets over $200 in cash and…and!….well, the rest is a secret! We’ll find out what the grand prize is at the end of the eight weeks!! So, you see my tasty, little Chicken Philly Cheese steak, things are just not going to work out between us. At least not in the next eight weeks. But, stay tuned to our blog to see how the competition is going!!