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Keeping our Soldiers Safe

For over 30 years, Filter Pure Systems has been keeping our soldiers safe by keeping their drinking water SAFE, especially our boys on the seas. Did you know that a survey was done to determine the risk of contaminated drinking water aboard eleven different US Naval ships? The findings showed that every ship had a moderate risk of chemical contamination in production, storage and distribution systems. This was due to volatile organic compounds, total petroleum hydrocarbons, disinfection by-products and lead.

The U.S. Navy has recognized Everpure Bromination as the safest, most reliable and easy to use method of water disinfection aboard their ships and Filter Pure Systems is proud to provide them with those systems. Bromination was first registered for use in 1976, treating potable water by using polybrominated ion exchange resin. Bromine is a natural occurring element that is found as bromide in living organisms and is a common component in seawater. A large portion of onboard and offshore illness can be caused by this. 

The revolutionary bromine-based systems provide an excellent alternative to chlorine, while de-chlorination systems can be retrofitted to bring cleaner taste to pre-chlorinated water. Ideal for ships of any size, or even off-shore platforms, our Everpure Marine bromination systems won’t corrode filtration equipment like chlorine can. 

Chlorine also carries a fire hazard safety warning and bromine does not. The bromine cartridges hold the polybromide resin, which is non-toxic, and more importantly, non-flammable. Everpure’s de-chlorination systems can also be retrofitted to work with existing chlorination systems, removing the unpleasant taste and smell of chlorine.

Remember, water is the fuel for the United State’s most important military weapon, our Soldiers! So it is a priority to make sure their water is fresh, clean, and most importantly, SAFE!  To learn more about Everpure Marine water filters, contact Filter Pure Systems, Inc. today. We work closely with distributors and customers to ensure that they get the best water filter systems for their needs. Whether you need quick-change cartridges — or a completely new bromination system — Filter Pure Systems, Inc. is here to help! Contact us online or reach Customer Service at 1-800-942-7873.

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Bromination Systems

What is Bromination? When compared to chlorination, Bromination is safer to use, provides equivalent disinfection more easily, and won’t corrode your plumbing system like chlorine does. The result of using Everpure Bromination is a material suited to the water treatment requirements of cruise vessels, navy ships, recreational boats, work boats and off-shore platforms. The ease and efficiency of using a Bromination system with replaceable cartridges is far more desirable than the time consuming and unpleasant task of preparing chlorine solutions from dry chlorine powder. What are the benefits of Bromination systems? Water safety and quality is vital to your ship’s operation and crew’s morale. Protecting your crew and passengers from water- and food-borne illnesses is only one major reason Everpure Bromination makes sense.

  • Great tasting water – Bromine is about four times less taste-intrusive than chlorine and is often undetectable at normal concentrations.
  • Safer to handle – Polybromide resin does not carry a fire hazard safety warning and can be safely stored and handled without fear of skin burns. It will not corrode your plumbing systems the way chlorine does.
  • Simple to operate – Just change the brominator cartridge according to your equipment or system schedule and you will have great tasting, healthy water for longer than if you were to use chlorine.
  • Safe, reliable water – Bromination protects more reliably than chlorine by disinfecting water over a wider pH range than chlorine.
  • Simplifying your water treatment – Bromination Systems save man-hours, reduce corrosion and plumbing damage and deliver a constant bromine-to-water ratio from automatic proportioning technology.

In short, the Everpure Bromination System is a complete system that will simplify the way you think about water treatment. Filter Pure offers many Everpure Bromination System options and complimentary products. Shop with us today at and browse our wide variety of Bromination products!