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The Wonderful World of Conditioned Water

As a Hydrotech distributor, I wanted to share with you all the amazing benefits of having conditioned water! Soap Saver: having conditioned water reduces how much soap you use (up to 70%). It also delivers greater washing power and protects your washing machines too! Clothes Brightener: conditioned water helps your clothes last longer, feel fresher, cleaner, and softer! Plus, no fading colors! Money Stretcher: with conditioned water you’ll use less cleaning supplies. Hard water breaks down those cleaning chemicals making them less efficient and making you use more. Dish Sparkler: no more streaks and spots. Conditioned water eliminates those hard water problems and helps your dishwasher last longer. Stain Eliminator: tired of seeing mineral build up in your bathroom? Conditioned water benefits all your bathroom fixtures keeping those unsightly rings and spots away! Scrubbing Helper: hard water can cause film and soap scum to be left behind when scrubbing counter tops, floors, tile, etc. Not with conditioned water! Hot Water Guard: help your water heater last longer by eliminating scale build-up with conditioned water! With less scale build-up you’ll be able to save energy by 20%. Pipe Protector: through time, scale build up can kill your pipes. You can prevent a major headache by using conditioned water to help your pipes stay clean! Faucet Preserver: No more corroded or plugged valves. Keep your faucet in mint condition with conditioned water. Face Saver: conditioned water will leave your face smooth and razor burn free. Body Refresher: showering with conditioned water will leave you free from soap build-up left on your skin and a more refreshing feeling. Hair Pamperer: conditioned water revives hair color and leaves you with a more radiant shine! With all these amazing benefits, why wouldn’t you use conditioned water! Call us today to see how we can make a refreshing difference and save you money!