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Red Rock's Open House!

Filter Pure’s customer service department had the opportunity to go to Red Rock’s Open House. And it was AWESOME!!!!

Check out their announcement!
April Lancaster took her customer service team to Red Rock’s open house to enjoy barbque, ice cream, fun games, raffle prizes, and an amazing session on coaching customer service! Check out the pictures below…
I’m not going to lie, I had seconds on the barbque they served! It was finger licking good!
Red Rock actually had an ice cream truck come out for us!! We got to pick any ice cream we wanted. And you thought kids got excited about ice cream trucks…we were pumped!!
Check out the cool prizes they were giving away: great books and Starbucks gift cards!
Our customer service team learned so much from Jeff’ Ruby’s tips on “Coaching Customer Service.” It was so easy to follow and pay attention and everyone was very interactive.
I’m so glad I got to go to their open house! I grew closer to my team and got to meet new people. If you aren’t familiar with Red Rock Leadership, check out their website below and take some time to watch their video. Jeff Ruby and his team have done so much for us, here at Filter Pure, and we are very grateful for them!