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FilterPure- Filtered Water for your Pet!

Pets and filtered water…we know silly, right? Well, pets can still be harmed by the contaminants in the unfiltered water just as humans can!
Tap water can especially pose risks if it is high in iron, magnesium, or nitrates and these contaminants can cause health issues for your furry companion, which any pet owner knows can get extremely expensive! Our “safe” water should be shared with our pets in order to ensure the removal of potentially sickness-causing organisms or metal from being ingested by their sensitive tummies.
Don’t think of feeding your pet’s filtered water as them getting spoiled. Think of it as you making the smart and health-conscious choice to safeguard your pet’s wellbeing. They will notice the difference too! Eliminating the bad taste and odor from your animal’s water will help to promote their drinking more, yet another health benefit. Providing them fresh, filtered, oxygen-rich, cool water will give you peace of mind and will leave them feeling better both physically and mentally.
Show your pet some love by giving them filtered drinking water. It may feel funny at first, but we know how much you love your pet and they’ll be better for it! After all, don’t we all deserve a little pampering? Shop at FilterPure today to treat your pet to better and more delicious tasting water! Our variety of brands, sizes and fittings leaves you plenty of options in deciding how you want to filter your water. Have questions about filters and filtration processes for you or your pet? We are happy to help! Call 1-800-942-7873 and get your questions answered.
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Halloween Costume Contest!

This Halloween, we decided to have a costume contest!! So everyone came in to work dressed up! We decided that we would all judge each other! Check out how creative everyone got!! From left to right, you have April who dressed up as Eric, our service technician (sometimes he can be scary). Then you have Vince and Angela as deadly pirates!! Craig dressed up as the gruesome grim reaper. Desmond dressed up as a police officer and Todd as a psychotic doctor. Jessica came as Bat Girl and Denise as a professor. Rusty who took the photo came as a hunter! photo522   Everyone decided that the winner is…. April Michel dressed as Eric!! We all applaud her for doing a great job! Even Eric was impressed and said she looked very handsome! IMG_3694 IMG_3795   But wait!! Don’t forget Jade! She dressed up too… Princess Jade!! IMG_37981

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Renovations for Jade!

With all these renovations going on, Jade began to think, “I wish I had some renovations to my area too!”
Jade tried to ask if she could have some renovations…but everyone was busy working.
Jade thought to herself, “The new carpet is nice and all, but I still wish I had my own renovations…”
Well, one day, while Jade was out on the warehouse dock sun bathing…we did a little canine renovating of our own!
That’s not just any dog bed…that’s an “Orthopedic Foam” bed!
When Jade came in she was SO HAPPY!!!
Jade is loving her new renovations and wants to thank everyone for loving her so much!!