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Tag: Filter Pure Systems
New 2024 Pentair Shurflo Beverage Catalog!
Since 1968, Pentair® has manufactured high-quality and innovative Shurflo®
branded pumps and components for the recreational vehicle, marine, foodservice,
general industrial and beverage markets. Explore our Shurflo Beverage Products Catalog, where Pentair offers an extensive selection of pumps and components.
For more information including pricing, please call us at 813-626-9600 or email us at
New 2024 Pentair Everpure ,Shurflo Food Service Catalog!
For more information including pricing, please call us at 813-626-9600 or email us at
Filter Pure Systems, Inc. 2022 Line Card!
Celebrating 41 years in the Industry! Call or email us for information on the the very latest water treatment solutions, or 813-626-9600.
The importance of Hydration in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic!
Our bodies are made up of 60% water which is why staying hydrated and re-hydrating is so important. Water is in every cell of our body. It is used by our major organs, such as our kidneys, liver, heart and brain. Hydration is also key to regulating our core temperature, and dehydration can exacerbate an existing fever. Small losses in body fluid can cause body temperatures to rise. The amount of water needed to stay hydrated has gone up from the typical 8 glasses a day that was typically recommended, “Our bodies need quite a bit of hydration every day. For women, 2.7 liters about 11 glasses of water. For men, about 3.7 liters, about 16 glasses. Staying hydrated also means healthy membranes, when we cough, sneeze and just breathe, membranes in our nose and mouth eliminate bacteria. Moisture helps heal the broken membranes so additional infectious organisms can’t enter the body. A high quality source of drinking water in your home is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your family stay hydrated and healthy. Utilizing the same technology used around the world in restaurants and coffee houses, Pentair Everpure brings superior filtration into your home. Everpure commercial grade water filtration systems reduce contaminants that affect water taste while preserving the valuable minerals and vitamins naturally found in drinking water. Pentair Everpure can provide peace of mind with clean, great-tasting water in your home.
If you tour the kitchen at a world renowned restaurant, you’re very likely to see the Everpure name. We’re the industry leader that professional chefs trust most for excellence in water filtration. They love our ability to remove the impurities that make water taste bad, while preserving the valuable trace minerals that create refreshing flavor. A commercial grade Everpure system takes away all sorts of unpleasant substances – and even some unhealthy ones – that may be in your tap water:
- Particulates that leave a bad taste or odor
- Chemical substances that may affect health and add unpleasant tastes and odors
- Bacteria and viruses that can cause illness
- Limescale that damages your expensive water-using appliances
Everpure filtered water lets you drink, blend beverages, and cook with confidence.
- Better tasting coffee and tea
- More appetizing food – chlorinated water can cause cooking water to taste odd, which can affect food, such as pasta. Chlorine also can affect food color.
- Tastier homemade bread – chlorine can affect yeast, which is a particular problem in sourdough recipes.
- Cleaner fruits and vegetables – washing produce in filtered water prevents contamination with chlorine and related byproducts. Even washing salad in chlorinated water can have negative effects.
From elegant fare to simple crystal-clear ice, enjoy gourmet restaurant quality in your own home with a Pentair Everpure system.
Features of the Everpure H-300 Drinking Water System include:
• Part Number: EV927076
• .5 micron
• Overall Dimensions: 22” H x 5” Diameter
• Rated Capacity: 300 gallons (1,135 Litres)
• Built in water shut off allows for easier cartridge changes
• Exclusive Micro-Pure filtering material coats the pleated surface inside the cartridge
• Retains vital minerals found naturally in water to ensure the health and delicious clean, crisp taste of your water
• Chlorine, taste & odor, sediment, lead and cyst reduction
• VOCs, volatile organic chemicals including THMs
• Removes dirt and cloudiness including particles as small .5 micron by mechanical means
• Removes particulates including oxidized iron, manganese and sulfides
• Adsorbs common earthy, moldy, fish tastes, and odors
• Enhanced KDF media to inhibit scale build-up that can damage equipment
• Commercial grade filtration, Everpure signature metal canister protects the filter from splitting or bursting
• NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 chemical reduction and 53 certified to reduce cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by mechanical means
• Uses replacement H-300 replacement water filter cartridge (EV927072)
The same commercial quality that makes Pentair® Everpure the overwhelming choice for water filtration in restaurants is also available for your home. Pentair Everpure exclusive precoat filtration technology combines Micro-Pure® and a unique pleated filter membrane. This highly engineered design offers the largest filtering surface area, longer filter life, and consistent performance.
Download the Everpure-H300 EV927070 Filtration System Specification Sheet
Questions about the H-300 system? Please call us directly at 800-942-7873 or email us directly at
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer urges water limits due to Covid surge and the use of liquid oxygen in the treatment of Orlando water.
The Mayor of Orlando asked residents on Friday, August 20th, 2021 to stop watering their lawns and washing their cars for at least a week, saying water usage needed to be cut back because of the recent surge of Covid-19 hospitalizations. The Orlando Utility Commission treats the city’s water with liquid oxygen and supplies that ordinarily go toward water treatment have been diverted to hospitals for patients suffering from the virus. The city-owned utility typically goes through 10 trucks of liquid oxygen a week but its supplier recently said that it would be cut back to five to seven trucks a week to accommodate hospitals, said Linda Ferrone, OUC’s chief customer and marketing officer.
Worried about the quality of your drinking water? Give us a call at 800-942-7873 or contact us at
The New OAC-Plus
Filter Pure Systems is Proud to announce the new Pentair Industrial Oil Absorbtion Cartridge!
The new OAC-Plus
This revolutionary cartridge removes dissolved and dispersed oils through instantaneous adsorption. Up to 95% of total hydrocarbons are removed in a single pass. Up to 8 times of the removal efficiency of granular activated carbon filter cartridges. It is a perfect solution for oil and gas facilities, car and truck wash stations, ballast water, surface water runoff (truck stops, airports, parking lots). This product comes in multiple sizes for custom applications and fast distribution and shipping to your location. The versatility of this filter is unsurpassed because it can be used in so many different applications from desalination water plants, bilge water to fuel. It is a perfect fit to most industrial cleaning and oil-fuel situations. For further information please contact Filter Pure Systems Industrial Account Manager Vince Paglino at 800-942-7873
Small Restaurants and Their Water
Many small restaurants do not use water filtration in their facilities. They rely on the additives in the city water to protect them from any contaminants. While the public water supply is generally safe for most applications, it is not always as harmless as we’d like to believe. In addition to additives like chorine and fluoride, water may contain various contaminants which generally fall into five categories.
- Microorganisms: Both bacteria and viruses may be present in tap water. Chlorine is added to water to kill microorganisms; it kills the vast majority of bacteria and most viruses. Because viruses are so small, they can be difficult to detect. Parasites may also contaminate water, causing gastrointestinal problems for healthy people.
- Metals and minerals: These may be introduced at any step of the water distribution process. Water sources close to mining facilities are most likely to be contaminated with these substances.
- Organic chemicals: Over 100,000 commercial chemicals have been detected in water, from pesticides and fertilizers, to dyes and pharmaceuticals. When organic chemicals mix with water, they can form VOC’s or THM’s. These compounds can infiltrate the body through contact, inhalation, or drinking.
- Radioactive substances: As they decay, radioactive contaminants also release radon gas, which also poses a health threat. Although this sort of contamination is relatively rare, it does sometimes occur.
- Additives: Public water suppliers routinely add substances like chorine and fluoride to water. Chorine is added to kill microorganisms, and fluoride improves dental health. People who prefer non-fluoridated water can filter their water or buy water that does not contain fluoride.

Many common contaminants can be significantly reduced or completely removed with a high-quality Everpure water filter system. One of these systems you can use is the Coldrink 1 MC2 System (EV932801).
- Chlorine, Taste & Odor, Sediment, and Cyst Reduction
- 1/2 micron precoat filtration with Micropure II media AgION antimicrobial protection
- 20″ Integrated Sediment Prefilter System
- NSF Certification Standards 42 & 53
- Inlet water shut-off valve, flushing valve and water pressure gauge
- 1.67 gpm flow rate / 9,000 gallon rated capacity
- Sized for single carbonators, less than 25 Bag in Box per month, low volume outlet
- Cartridges should be changed every 6 months
Our foodservice department is dedicated to helping ALL restaurants with their water quality. This cost effective solution to filtering drinking water, especially for low volume locations, is a great way keep your beverages tasting fresh and pure from contaminants. If you have a small restaurant and would like more information on how to filter your water, please call us at 800-942-7873. You can also email us a question by clicking the link below. Ask us now! Get our Newsletter!!
The Artisan Soda Trend Gains Momentum
Restaurant consultants at Baum + Whiteman predicted that 2014 would be the year of the artisan soda. Given the popularity of at-home machines like SodaStream and with Starbucks launch in June of a new line of “handcrafted” sodas, it looks like they were right. After piloting the products in Atlanta and Austin last year, the coffee giant rolled out a trio of summer sodas in the US that resurrect retro flavors with Spiced Root Beer, Golden Ginger Ale and Lemon Ale.
Freshness and originality are becoming increasingly important buying factors for today’s restaurant-goers. Operators have continued to bolster their drink programs with premium water and craft-soda options, which offer customers a more enhanced beverage experience than traditional mass-market picks. As restaurant operators have worked to develop their own Artisan sodas they have found that it all starts with the water.
The right Artisan water system can meet the challenge of dispensing consistently clean, cold and long lasting carbonated water. Designed with a patented cold carbonation process, the Crysalli Artisan Water System delivers longer lasting carbonation, about twice as long as a cold plate carbonation system while using about half the CO2. Generating smaller bubbles, Crysalli water not only presents well, it absorbs more aroma molecules than large bubbles, so you get silky smooth water dispensed at an average of 36˚F.
The Crysalli CR-UCM2
Crysalli under counter units even have the capability of supporting multiple dispensing towers. This gives restaurant operators the ability to create self service Artisan Water Stations in the dining room, while also giving their Mixologist staff the ability to create “handcrafted” sodas behind the counter. Multiple water filtration options for the Crysalli systems come from the most trusted name in water filtration, Pentair/Everpure. They feature the Everpure 4FC (EV9692-21) long life mechanical filtration filter that removes off tastes, chlorine, odors, colors and particles as small as half a micron from the water while retaining the essential minerals in the water for great flavor profiles and carbonation. For more information on Crysalli Artisan Water please call our team at 800-942-7873 or enter your question below. Get our Newsletter!! Ask us a question!
How Filtration Can Go Wrong
A couple years ago, a luxury hotel had attempted to filter their entire water supply. Their desire was to provide their guest with the best experience possible. While with good intentions this also gave way to some negative consequences. Understanding what to remove and what to leave in your water supply can affect not just the taste and odor of the water, but the safety of the water as well. This particular facility had wanted to remove all the chlorine from their incoming water supply and made the decision to utilize a whole building system to do so. The side effect of removing all antibacterial properties in a large water system is the introduction of bacterial growth after the point of entry system. This bacteria growth will occur in the piping after the filtration system and will cause exposure to the user’s downstream. What Filter Pure would have recommended was utilizing a mechanical filtered system with Ultraviolet at the point of entry. This would eliminate any possible contaminants entry into the building water supply. It also maintains the appropriate levels of disinfectant to ensure pipes are not permitting bacterial growth.
For taste and odor concern, these should always be handled at the point of use with a system similar to the Insurice Single PF-i2000 system (EV9324-21). We recommend Everpure for all water point of use systems. Every location has different water quality concerns that require direct and special attention. If you have any questions regarding your facility’s water filtration systems, please contact me, Todd Leach, or our customer service team at 1-800-942-7873. Ask me a questions!