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Dog Appreciation Month

When I think of the month of September, I think of back to school shopping, fall starting, the weather beginning to change, and the Holiday’s are right around the corner. But did you know that September is DOG APPRECIATION MONTH!? So we here at Filter Pure decided we would honor our pups by displaying their pictures in the conference room, reminding us to spoil our dogs ALL month long! Below are the pictures of everyone’s dogs. We love our pooches so much and are glad they are in our lives! Remember to show extra love to your pups at home this month! Bella (left) and Colt (right) – Jessica’s dogs Mugsey (left) and Duncan (right) – April’s dogs Bruiser – Amy’s dog Mojo – Amy’s other dog Smokey – Denise’s dog Ringo – Craig’s Dog Cali – Lara’s dog Jade – Rusty and Karen’s dog And don’t forget these Filter Pure dawgs! (From left to right: Craig, Kevin, Todd and Desmond)  

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Crysalli Artisan Water

Filter Pure Systems, Inc. is proud to offer Crysalli systems. Crysalli Artisan Water is the benchmark leader for Sparkling and Still water dispensing equipment. Providing cold, consistent, refreshing Sparkling and Still water with reliable equipment backed by a professional company. Filter Pure Systems and Crysalli offer diverse and complete equipment product packages and have dedicated support for product specification to your individual needs.

Contact us today for more information or to place your order.

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Meet the OW Family!

This lovely family of water filter cartridges delivers premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and other offensive contaminants. Like most of Everpure’s carbon water filters, the OW family contains a precoat submicron technology which reduces dirt and particles as small as 1/2 micron in size. Check out my blog about Microns to see how small a 1/2 micron really is! But beware of the GIARDIA cyst!! The OW family inhibits scale from building up in your home water cooler, your water dispenser, or your drinking fountains. Keep an eye out for my up-coming blog about Scale!! Let’s break down this family and see what’s unique about each filter! The OW200L (P/N EV9619-06) has a rated capacity of 480 gallons. Its overall dimensions are 17″H x 3.25″ diameter. Its service flow rate is at maximum 0.5 gpm. This cartridge is commonLY used in office drinking water systems and home drinking water systems. In fact, that’s what I have installed under my sink at home. The OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) and the OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01) are essentially the same. The only difference is their capacity rating and size. The OW2-PLUS is rated at 1,000 gallons and 10.25″H x 3.25″ Diameter. The OW4-PLUS is rated at 2,000 gallons and 14.5″H x 3.25″ diameter. But unlike the OW200L, they both contain a KDF media that can remove lead to below the Federal Action Level of 10 ppb. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, which means these cartridges get the job done! We gladly stock the OW family and for more information about the OW family, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.

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Water Filtration System in a Straw

LifeStraw makes previously contaminated water drinkable by removing bacteria and viruses. Sometimes, it’s the simplest technologies that have the greatest potential impact on people’s lives. Take the Vestergaard Frandsen Group’s mobile personal filtration system, otherwise known as LifeStraw. It is a powder-blue plastic tube—much thicker than an ordinary straw—containing filters that make water teeming with typhoid-,cholera- and diarrhea-causing microorganisms drinkable. Now, to be clear, we do not sell this item…yet. We just love to report what’s going on out there in the water purification world. The filters, made up of a halogenated resin, kill nearly 100 percent of bacteria and nearly 99 percent of the viruses that pass through LifeStraw. A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill evaluation tested the device’s performance in water containing Escherichia coli B and Enterococcus faecalisbacteria and the MS2 coliphage virus as well as iodine and silver. The results indicated that LifeStraw filtered out all contaminants to levels where they don’t pose a health risk to someone drinking the water.
But the device does not filter heavy metals such as iron or fluoride nor does it remove parasites like cryptosporidium or giardia, although the Switzerland-based company’s CEO, Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen, says there is a version of LifeStraw available to relief groups in Bangladesh and India that can filter arsenic. At less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) long, the device can filter up to 185 gallons (700 liters) of water, estimated to be about a year’s supply for one person. The device is no longer usable when its filters become too clogged to pass water through, typically after a year of hard use.
The success of the personal filtration system led Vestergaard Frandsen to introduce earlier this month its LifeStraw Family device, an instant microbiological purifier that provides about 2.6 gallons (10 liters) of safe drinking water in an hour and about 4,000 gallons (15,000 liters) over its life span for a family of six. LifeStraw Family is designed to sieve dirt, parasites, bacteria and viruses, and will be available starting in May. Larry Greenemeier

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News From Pentair's Water Initiatives

More than one billion people around the world, most of them in developing nations, lack access to safe water. The result is that preventable waterborne diseases continue to be a leading cause of illness and death globally. Every day, approximately 25,000 people, mainly children in developing countries, die from preventable waterborne diseases, according to the World Health Organization. Pentair has been in search of a solution that not only brings safe water to communities in need, but also ensures that the solution is sustainable at the community level, taking into consideration the complex economic, cultural and geographical constraints that need to be addressed. The solution also needs to have validating methods and standard practices that can be replicated around the world. To accomplish this, the Pentair Foundation funded a multi-year research program in remote Colón, Honduras. The results of the five year program and the impact on the lives of the people in Colón have been profound. The results demonstrated that sustainable access to safe water and adequate sanitation can be provided cost-effectively, and that the health and welfare of the recipients can be significantly improved. Additionally, to ensure that safe treated water continues to be available beyond Pentair’s initial funding period, a microenterprise business model was established, where the local community owns the water treatment systems and users pay their communities a nominal fee for potable water. The individual user fee is established by the local community to cover the ongoing operation and maintenance of their system. Once installed, the system costs pennies per person per day to operate. Leveraging this success, Pentair is partnering around the world by putting its grants, technology and talent to work for communities in need of clean drinking water. By engaging community partners and equipping them with our extensive product portfolio and technical water distribution systems expertise, we are measurably improving water safety and sanitation worldwide. Understanding that everyone’s efforts add up to more effective answers, Pentair is leading through partnership to find a sustainable solution to the global water crisis. Pentair invites others to join in working toward a world where everyone has access to quality water supply. We are making our findings and models publicly available to other organizations and municipalities interested in replicating these cost-effective methods. By turning industry insights into collaborative proactive plans and on-the-ground tools, we are confident that even the most challenging issues can be solved when we unite around smart ideas. Reference:    

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FilterPure- Filtered Water for your Pet!

Pets and filtered water…we know silly, right? Well, pets can still be harmed by the contaminants in the unfiltered water just as humans can!
Tap water can especially pose risks if it is high in iron, magnesium, or nitrates and these contaminants can cause health issues for your furry companion, which any pet owner knows can get extremely expensive! Our “safe” water should be shared with our pets in order to ensure the removal of potentially sickness-causing organisms or metal from being ingested by their sensitive tummies.
Don’t think of feeding your pet’s filtered water as them getting spoiled. Think of it as you making the smart and health-conscious choice to safeguard your pet’s wellbeing. They will notice the difference too! Eliminating the bad taste and odor from your animal’s water will help to promote their drinking more, yet another health benefit. Providing them fresh, filtered, oxygen-rich, cool water will give you peace of mind and will leave them feeling better both physically and mentally.
Show your pet some love by giving them filtered drinking water. It may feel funny at first, but we know how much you love your pet and they’ll be better for it! After all, don’t we all deserve a little pampering? Shop at FilterPure today to treat your pet to better and more delicious tasting water! Our variety of brands, sizes and fittings leaves you plenty of options in deciding how you want to filter your water. Have questions about filters and filtration processes for you or your pet? We are happy to help! Call 1-800-942-7873 and get your questions answered.
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What Your Unfiltered Water Contains…

Think about where your water comes from….and we don’t just mean the sink! Expand your mind and remember that water comes from unclean, natural resources like rivers and lakes, which contain pollution and contaminants that are unfit for consumption. To be clean, the water should undergo a number of treatments necessary to make it drinkable.

Specifically in tap water is:

  • Toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, copper, cadmium and aluminum
  • Volatile organic chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Chemicals from irresponsible manufacturers
  • Personal care chemicals
  • Household cleaning products
  • Water treatment additives such as chlorine, fluoride, and other toxic chemicals
  • Bacteria and viruses such as giardia, cryptosporidium, coliform and E-coli
  • Toxic Heavy Metals

Water purifiers are specifically designed to eliminate or reduce these certain pollutants that are in our drinking water. They also improve the quality and taste of the water by eliminating its chlorine content. It is virtually impossible to know what is in tap water at any given time because municipal water quality as well as private well water varies from place to place, season to season, and house to house. Even if all of the toxic metals could be completely filtered at the local water treatment facility, they could still end up in your drinking water because rust and sediment build up in the water pipes within our homes. Even this minimal exposure can cause symptoms similar to the flu, such as headaches, diarrhea, cramps, nausea or vomiting. The only way we can have any control over the quality of water we drink is by having a personal water filter system. Filtered drinking water is the most reliable and least expensive way to get healthy water!

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Hurricane Debbie Hits FPS!

The wind began to howl through the doors. The lights flickered! The windows began to rattle! Our desks and chairs started to shake! Cows were flying by the window! We all embraced each other in fear….in fear of HURRICANE DEBBIE!!!!
Ok, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but Filter Pure was effected by all the wind and rain that came with Miss Debbie. Here’s a picture of her actual size. (The picture above is Katrina)
Debbie doesn’t even look like a real hurricane, but boy did she bring alot of rain and wind!
She actually rip our Filter Pure sign right off it’s posts.
We even had a leak from the ceiling…right over Jessica’s desk.
Sure it’s not alot, but that’s because Jessica caught it in time. Just think if that started to leak after we all left for the day! Good save Jessica!
So we stood up well to Hurricane Debbie! And may this be a lesson to all future Hurricanes! Don’t mess with Filter Pure Systems!!!
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Happy Bridal Shower!

Congratulations to April Lancaster and Lara Shumate on their recent engagements! Both April and Lara will be getting married this Summer and Filter Pure wanted to show their love and excitement for them by throwing a beautiful Bridal Shower!!
April will be married this June to Eric Michel. Lara, in just a few weeks, will be marrying Shawn Hopkins. Can’t you just smell the rice in the air?
Check out the pictures below!
They decorated their cubicles in wedding decor that made April and Lara squeal with excitement!
They set up a gift table with all kinds of wonderful presents….from their registries!!
They even got them a cake with strawberries inside! YUM!!!
Wait a minute! The bakery misspelled Lara’s name. That’s ok, Denise to the rescue!!
Much better! Thank you, Denise!
Don’t forget all the delicious food everyone brought!
“Knowing my great ease dropping skills, I’m very impressed at how they hid this from April and I. What a great surprise! We are so blessed to work for a company that treats us like family and proudly shows their love and respect for us. It’s days like these that make me so proud to work for this company” says Lara Shumate.
Here are some pictures of April and Lara and their better halves.
The future Eric and April Michel
The future Shawn and Lara Hopkins
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SKYPE With Us!

Now, we can communicate with our customers via Skype. We have made it our goal to bridge all gaps in communication with our customers. This will help with identifying filters, systems, problems, brands, applications, and so much more. So the next time you want to talk with us, why not connect with us on Skype!! Our Skype name is FilterPureSystems!! Talk to you later…or should I say, see you later!!