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MVP Awards!

Congratulations to Craig Mastny (customer service rep) and Angela Woodard (outside sales rep) for receiving the award for MOST VALUABLE PLAYER in their department!! Both Craig and Angela received a certificate and a free airfare ticket to the destination of their choice. I can see them now, lounging on a beach somewhere, sipping filtered water and enjoying  the fruits of their hard work!
Great Job Craig and Angela!!!
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Ty Pennington Won't Call Us Back, But Renovations Go On!

It’s extreme makeover time: Filter Pure edition…or should I say Filter Pure additions. After 13 years of being in this location, Filter Pure Systems (FPS) is finally undergoing some new and exciting renovations!! Unlike many others in their industry, FPS has grown considerably in the years since the recession started. FPS started out with one outside sales manager and three inside customer service reps. But now, after thirty years of hard work and determination from Rusty Lowe, Filter Pure is made up of three outside sales managers, five insides sales reps, a remarkably accurate accounting department, a musically talented warehouse crew, and not to forget, Jade, Rusty’s dog. All these new additions have resulted in the need for more space to conduct business. With the desire to grow and expand FPS in the future, Rusty decided it was time to renovate. Everyone is excited to see the new changes. The customer service department made some interesting requests:

  • Personal office for everyone with window view
  • Individual bathrooms
  • Office chairs that massage
  • Mini fridges under the desk
  • Maybe a microwave
  • Pool table in the warehouse
  • Maybe a pool outback
  • A slide leading to the parking lot

I believe some of these things are being considered…although I did find the list of these suggestions in the trash. The renovations entail the expansion of our main floor which will allow more room for growth, the addition of offices, and a conference room! “We value the communication with our customers,” states April Lancaster, Customer Service Supervisor, “with the new conference room, we will be able to Skype with our international clients better serving them with all their filtration needs.” We will also be getting new carpet and re-painting the walls. We were thinking blue! Get it – water…blue? But with everyone having a difference of opinion on color choices for the walls and flooring, this decision may take a while! We’ve taken pictures throughout the renovation process and wanted to share it with everyone so you can see how Filter Pure is always expanding. img_0240 img_0303 img_02431 img_0300 img_0299 img_0301 img_02411 img_0302