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Creative Pumpkin Contest!!!

Ah October!! What a wonderful month!! The leafs begin to change, the weather begins to cool down, everyone starts to shop for Halloween costumes, children day dream about all the candy they’re going to eat, and appearing all around town and all over porches are PUMPKINS!!! But why Pumpkins?! Well, lets go back to the beginning… The Druids, a Celtic religious order in ancient Britain, Ireland and France, believed that the souls of the dead returned to mingle with the living on ‘hallowed eve,’ October 31. People originally dressed in costumes to disguise themselves from these spirits. And to protect themselves just in case the spirits recognized them, the children would carve turnips and place candles inside to scare away the spirits! The Druids brought this tradition over to America during the great potato famine. Since pumpkins did not grow in Europe during that time, the Druids tossed their turnips over their shoulders the minute they saw our large pumpkins and got to carving. Bringing us the wonderful tradition of PUMPKIN CARVING!!!!! 

So we thought it would be a fun activity to bring to Filter Pure!!

Everyone was given one pumpkin to get creative with. The only rule…you can not damage the pumpkin in any way. You can not carve it, stab it, poke any holes, etc. We made this a rule so that after a week we wouldn’t be plugging our noses trying to escape the smell of rotting pumpkin.   Ready to see everyone’s Pumpkins!?!? 1. Jessica’s OWL! 2. Desmond’s ANGRY BIRD! 3. April’s HONEY BOO BOO CHILD! 4. Denise’s Ghost!! 5. Vince’s PIRATE!! 6. Angela’s Deadly Poisonous Spider!!! 7. Craig’s Crazy Creature!!!   8. Lara’s Largest Pumpkin Farm!     9. Rusty and Karen’s Pumpkin Outlaw  Now, we here at Filter Pure love a good competition! So we decided to have our walk in customers and each other vote who they think is the most creative pumpkin!! We set up this little voting station and tons of people have already voted!  On October 31st, we will count up the votes and declare the winner!! Of course, the winner will get a gift card to…well it’s a surprise, but you know they will get a lot of CANDY!!! So come back soon to see who will be the MOST CREATIVE PUMPKIN!!!            

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Our new Wellness Program: Biggest Loser Style

Dear Chicken Philly Cheese steak, I’m sorry, but I can no longer see you. My company has started a new Wellness Program that is going to help all the employees here create healthy habits! The theme is Biggest Loser!! Filterpure Biggest Loser I fondly remember your melted cheese and sauteed onions warmly infused with delicious chicken on a mouth watering hoagie, but unfortunately you are extremely high in carbs and calories, and there is no place for you in the Biggest Loser competition or in our Wellness Program. You see, the purpose of this competition is to support our efforts to follow a healthy weight-loss diet and exercise program and to establish patterns that we will continue long after the contest has ended. It is not intended to promote rapid weight loss. We have weekly themes to help us on our journey of bettering our healthy decisions.

  • Week 1: Make your steps count!
  • Week 2: Chug-a-lug
  • Week 3: Say goodbye to McFlurries/Say hello to McApple
  • Week 4: Let’s be inspired
  • Week 5: Get moving with Michelle Obama
  • Week 6: What’s for Dinner?
  • Week 7: Exercise comes in all forms
  • Week 8: Name your favorite week

We have set up teams of two to compete in Filter Pure’s Biggest Loser competition!! The teams are: Fatty Fat Pants – Jessica Kiuber and Angela Woodard Fishstiks – Denise Fisher and her husband, John The Boheebs – Craig Mastny and his wife, Linda Love Handle Hopkins – Lara Shumate Hopkins and her husband, Shawn The Honeymooners – April Michel and her husband, Eric Rusty Finda Team –  …….Rusty The team that loses the most weight at the end of 8 weeks wins!! What do they win, you ask! Well, I’ll tell you! The winner gets over $200 in cash and…and!….well, the rest is a secret! We’ll find out what the grand prize is at the end of the eight weeks!! So, you see my tasty, little Chicken Philly Cheese steak, things are just not going to work out between us. At least not in the next eight weeks. But, stay tuned to our blog to see how the competition is going!!

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Renovations are Complete!

No more tile floors, tight spaces, or conference meetings in the kitchen; the renovations are complete!!!! Here are some before and after photos showing our transformation! This used to be part of the warehouse that we have now turned into more work space for everyone.   This used to be the wall separating the office from the warehouse. Not anymore. We took down the wall, opening up our office more. We’ve also added more work stations. Remember that old tile?….. …..say “Hello!” to CARPET!!!! Check out our new conference room! From this…. ….to this! Oh, yeah!!!! And don’t forget about Denise’s new office! She is VERY happy! Check out the awesome new chairs that Rusty has in his office now! We even have new “Visitor Parking Only” signs!!

The recent renovations here at Filter Pure has brought everyone together as a family! The energy around this place is very positive as we all do our work with a new sense of pride in our company, knowing how far it has come.
Although, I’m still waiting to hear back on my proposal for my own personal office with the mini fridge and massaging chair. Fingers crossed!!
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Renovations for Jade!

With all these renovations going on, Jade began to think, “I wish I had some renovations to my area too!”
Jade tried to ask if she could have some renovations…but everyone was busy working.
Jade thought to herself, “The new carpet is nice and all, but I still wish I had my own renovations…”
Well, one day, while Jade was out on the warehouse dock sun bathing…we did a little canine renovating of our own!
That’s not just any dog bed…that’s an “Orthopedic Foam” bed!
When Jade came in she was SO HAPPY!!!
Jade is loving her new renovations and wants to thank everyone for loving her so much!!
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We're Singing the BLUES!

We have the carpets figured out and the color for the main walls (which is the lite blue pictured in the middle), but what dark blue should we choose for the accent wall? Our office gathered together and one by one gave their vote. Everyone had a good reason for why “their” blue should be the color for the accent wall. Should it be Sea Worthy, the blue on the right? Or should it be Indigo Blue, the blue on the left?

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Red Rock's Open House!

Filter Pure’s customer service department had the opportunity to go to Red Rock’s Open House. And it was AWESOME!!!!

Check out their announcement!
April Lancaster took her customer service team to Red Rock’s open house to enjoy barbque, ice cream, fun games, raffle prizes, and an amazing session on coaching customer service! Check out the pictures below…
I’m not going to lie, I had seconds on the barbque they served! It was finger licking good!
Red Rock actually had an ice cream truck come out for us!! We got to pick any ice cream we wanted. And you thought kids got excited about ice cream trucks…we were pumped!!
Check out the cool prizes they were giving away: great books and Starbucks gift cards!
Our customer service team learned so much from Jeff’ Ruby’s tips on “Coaching Customer Service.” It was so easy to follow and pay attention and everyone was very interactive.
I’m so glad I got to go to their open house! I grew closer to my team and got to meet new people. If you aren’t familiar with Red Rock Leadership, check out their website below and take some time to watch their video. Jeff Ruby and his team have done so much for us, here at Filter Pure, and we are very grateful for them!