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Congratulations Generation Food Truck!

Congratulations to Generation Food Truck for making it into the Guinness Book of World Records! On March 29th, the largest parade of food trucks, numbered at 121, all arrived at the Florida State Fair Grounds to achieve the record of the World’s Largest Food Truck Festival right here in Tampa!! We are so proud of all our clients who attended the event with our Everpure products on board!  Trucks are now taking advantage of the new Everpure 4FC systems; a small under counter system offering high quality 0.5 micron filtration with a 15,000 gallons capacity per cartridge. For more information check out our website at or call us at 800-942-7873.

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Grand Opening!

Come to the GRAND OPENING of Hydrotech’s new warehouse location – HERE AT FILTER PURE! Where: 5405 Boran Place, Tampa FL When: September 10, 2013, 9am-2pm FUN FOR EVERYONE!! It’s going to be a great time! There’ll be prizes, give-aways, tons of products on display, and we’ll be grilling out some delicious food on our new grill!!! So don’t miss this great opportunity to learn about Hydrotech, meet the Filter Pure family, pig out on some great food, and win some prizes! See you there!!

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Water Filtration System in a Straw

LifeStraw makes previously contaminated water drinkable by removing bacteria and viruses. Sometimes, it’s the simplest technologies that have the greatest potential impact on people’s lives. Take the Vestergaard Frandsen Group’s mobile personal filtration system, otherwise known as LifeStraw. It is a powder-blue plastic tube—much thicker than an ordinary straw—containing filters that make water teeming with typhoid-,cholera- and diarrhea-causing microorganisms drinkable. Now, to be clear, we do not sell this item…yet. We just love to report what’s going on out there in the water purification world. The filters, made up of a halogenated resin, kill nearly 100 percent of bacteria and nearly 99 percent of the viruses that pass through LifeStraw. A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill evaluation tested the device’s performance in water containing Escherichia coli B and Enterococcus faecalisbacteria and the MS2 coliphage virus as well as iodine and silver. The results indicated that LifeStraw filtered out all contaminants to levels where they don’t pose a health risk to someone drinking the water.
But the device does not filter heavy metals such as iron or fluoride nor does it remove parasites like cryptosporidium or giardia, although the Switzerland-based company’s CEO, Mikkel Vestergaard Frandsen, says there is a version of LifeStraw available to relief groups in Bangladesh and India that can filter arsenic. At less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) long, the device can filter up to 185 gallons (700 liters) of water, estimated to be about a year’s supply for one person. The device is no longer usable when its filters become too clogged to pass water through, typically after a year of hard use.
The success of the personal filtration system led Vestergaard Frandsen to introduce earlier this month its LifeStraw Family device, an instant microbiological purifier that provides about 2.6 gallons (10 liters) of safe drinking water in an hour and about 4,000 gallons (15,000 liters) over its life span for a family of six. LifeStraw Family is designed to sieve dirt, parasites, bacteria and viruses, and will be available starting in May. Larry Greenemeier

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A Filter Pure Thanksgiving

We here at Filter Pure have been counting down the days for FPS’s annual Thanksgiving Day FEAST!!! Everyone, coming from different families, parts of the country, and traditions brought a variety of foods! We had everything from venison meatballs, to jerk chicken, to lasagna, to habanero mac-n-cheese, to different vegetable casseroles, and even a little Spanish pork! Delicioso!! Filter Pure Systems, made up of 12 wonderful people, treats each other like family, incorporating trust, patience, love, and honesty into our daily work. We enjoy being able to celebrate the holidays with each other reinforcing our belief in working together not just as a team but as a family. Here are some pictures of us celebrating our Thanksgiving Day Feast!  

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Happy Bridal Shower!

Congratulations to April Lancaster and Lara Shumate on their recent engagements! Both April and Lara will be getting married this Summer and Filter Pure wanted to show their love and excitement for them by throwing a beautiful Bridal Shower!!
April will be married this June to Eric Michel. Lara, in just a few weeks, will be marrying Shawn Hopkins. Can’t you just smell the rice in the air?
Check out the pictures below!
They decorated their cubicles in wedding decor that made April and Lara squeal with excitement!
They set up a gift table with all kinds of wonderful presents….from their registries!!
They even got them a cake with strawberries inside! YUM!!!
Wait a minute! The bakery misspelled Lara’s name. That’s ok, Denise to the rescue!!
Much better! Thank you, Denise!
Don’t forget all the delicious food everyone brought!
“Knowing my great ease dropping skills, I’m very impressed at how they hid this from April and I. What a great surprise! We are so blessed to work for a company that treats us like family and proudly shows their love and respect for us. It’s days like these that make me so proud to work for this company” says Lara Shumate.
Here are some pictures of April and Lara and their better halves.
The future Eric and April Michel
The future Shawn and Lara Hopkins