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Rave Reviews For the Everpure H-300 Water Filter Replacement Cartridge (EV9270-72 or EV9270-71)!

5.0 out of 5 stars                                                                                                                                                                    Convenient and effective filter
Bydhoped123 on July, 28, 2017
Size: Pack of 1|Verified Purchase
I’ve been using the EverPure H-300 filter for three years now, and I am on my fourth filter. I have it mounted under my kitchen sink, where it dispenses from its own faucet. It’s a large filter, so I had to make sure the cabinet under the sink was set up properly to accommodate it. Once the system was all set up, it was great. The filter itself is easy to change. I just twist the old one off and twist the new one on. It takes me about five minutes, and that’s only because I have to get awkwardly inside my under-sink cabinet.

To give you an idea of how long the filter lasts, my family of five uses the filtered water for drinking and cooking, but not for things like washing dishes. Given that amount of usage, each filter has lasted 10-11 months. It comes with a timer to indicate when the filter should be replaced, but I’ve been ignoring that. I wait until the water pressure starts to get lower, and then I replace it.

As far as what it filters out, this is a good choice compared to Brita or other pitcher type filters. As others have mentioned, it does reduce the amount of lead in the water. If you really want to get everything out of your water, you need to get something like a reverse osmosis system.

5.0 out of 5 Stars                                                                                                                                                                               Much better than the bargain filter I tried                                                                                                                                      By OldViking  December 3, 2016
Size: Pack of 1|Verified Purchase
I have used this model filter for about 10 years. I tried a generic & smaller filter for my last replacement which was about half the price (and size) as the Everpure. The water from the generic filter did not taste as good as the Everpure and it did not deliver the same volume of drinking water as the Everpure. Now that I have switched back, I am much more satisfied with the taste of my drinking water and brewed coffee as well. A good value for the cost.

5.0 out of 5 stars                                                                                                                                                                              Works great, tastes great
By Richon March 13, 2018
Size: Pack of 1|Verified Purchase
As usual, works great, water tastes great.

5.0 out of 5 stars                                                                                                                                                                                Perfect replacement
ByAlphaDaveon March 6, 2018
Size: Pack of 1|Verified Purchase
Extremely simple to replace. Very pleased w this purchase!

5.0 out of 5 stars                                                                                                                                                                                                  FIVE STARS
Byannahaha10on June 11, 2018
Size: Pack of 1|Verified Purchase
Works great for our family.