The wind began to howl through the doors. The lights flickered! The windows began to rattle! Our desks and chairs started to shake! Cows were flying by the window! We all embraced each other in fear….in fear of HURRICANE DEBBIE!!!!
Ok, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but Filter Pure was effected by all the wind and rain that came with Miss Debbie. Here’s a picture of her actual size. (The picture above is Katrina)
Debbie doesn’t even look like a real hurricane, but boy did she bring alot of rain and wind!
She actually rip our Filter Pure sign right off it’s posts.
We even had a leak from the ceiling…right over Jessica’s desk.
Sure it’s not alot, but that’s because Jessica caught it in time. Just think if that started to leak after we all left for the day! Good save Jessica!
So we stood up well to Hurricane Debbie! And may this be a lesson to all future Hurricanes! Don’t mess with Filter Pure Systems!!!