Many small restaurants do not use water filtration in their facilities. They rely on the additives in the city water to protect them from any contaminants. While the public water supply is generally safe for most applications, it is not always as harmless as we’d like to believe. In addition to additives like chorine and fluoride, water may contain various contaminants which generally fall into five categories.
- Microorganisms: Both bacteria and viruses may be present in tap water. Chlorine is added to water to kill microorganisms; it kills the vast majority of bacteria and most viruses. Because viruses are so small, they can be difficult to detect. Parasites may also contaminate water, causing gastrointestinal problems for healthy people.
- Metals and minerals: These may be introduced at any step of the water distribution process. Water sources close to mining facilities are most likely to be contaminated with these substances.
- Organic chemicals: Over 100,000 commercial chemicals have been detected in water, from pesticides and fertilizers, to dyes and pharmaceuticals. When organic chemicals mix with water, they can form VOC’s or THM’s. These compounds can infiltrate the body through contact, inhalation, or drinking.
- Radioactive substances: As they decay, radioactive contaminants also release radon gas, which also poses a health threat. Although this sort of contamination is relatively rare, it does sometimes occur.
- Additives: Public water suppliers routinely add substances like chorine and fluoride to water. Chorine is added to kill microorganisms, and fluoride improves dental health. People who prefer non-fluoridated water can filter their water or buy water that does not contain fluoride.

Many common contaminants can be significantly reduced or completely removed with a high-quality Everpure water filter system. One of these systems you can use is the Coldrink 1 MC2 System (EV932801).
- Chlorine, Taste & Odor, Sediment, and Cyst Reduction
- 1/2 micron precoat filtration with Micropure II media AgION antimicrobial protection
- 20″ Integrated Sediment Prefilter System
- NSF Certification Standards 42 & 53
- Inlet water shut-off valve, flushing valve and water pressure gauge
- 1.67 gpm flow rate / 9,000 gallon rated capacity
- Sized for single carbonators, less than 25 Bag in Box per month, low volume outlet
- Cartridges should be changed every 6 months
Our foodservice department is dedicated to helping ALL restaurants with their water quality. This cost effective solution to filtering drinking water, especially for low volume locations, is a great way keep your beverages tasting fresh and pure from contaminants. If you have a small restaurant and would like more information on how to filter your water, please call us at 800-942-7873. You can also email us a question by clicking the link below. Ask us now! Get our Newsletter!!