The truth is, Filter Pure and Pentair/Everpure have filtration solutions that give you more than just great-tasting water. Our filtration systems also extend the life of your water-using equipment. We can show you how custom-configured filtration can add years of service to those expensive foodservice systems. Equipment damage is just one of the unfiltered truths that is costing you money. Your combi-oven or ice machine might look nice and shiny and well kept on the outside, but take a look inside. You might be surprised at what you find. For instance: • Limescale – this winter wonderland of calcium will buildup on heating elements and boilers, slowly choking the life of your combi-oven.

• Particulates – these little soldier of sediment and debris might be small, but when they join forces their only mission is to clog system lines and tubing.
The taste and quality of your water is important to us, but we know the damage that unfiltered (or poorly filtered) water can cause on your water-using equipment. Don’t let limescale, corrosion, or particulates break you down. Let us break THEM down with our water filtration systems. Let us know how we can help. Call us at 800-942-7873.