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Tag: Reverse Osmosis
The importance of Hydration in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic!
Our bodies are made up of 60% water which is why staying hydrated and re-hydrating is so important. Water is in every cell of our body. It is used by our major organs, such as our kidneys, liver, heart and brain. Hydration is also key to regulating our core temperature, and dehydration can exacerbate an existing fever. Small losses in body fluid can cause body temperatures to rise. The amount of water needed to stay hydrated has gone up from the typical 8 glasses a day that was typically recommended, “Our bodies need quite a bit of hydration every day. For women, 2.7 liters about 11 glasses of water. For men, about 3.7 liters, about 16 glasses. Staying hydrated also means healthy membranes, when we cough, sneeze and just breathe, membranes in our nose and mouth eliminate bacteria. Moisture helps heal the broken membranes so additional infectious organisms can’t enter the body. A high quality source of drinking water in your home is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your family stay hydrated and healthy. Utilizing the same technology used around the world in restaurants and coffee houses, Pentair Everpure brings superior filtration into your home. Everpure commercial grade water filtration systems reduce contaminants that affect water taste while preserving the valuable minerals and vitamins naturally found in drinking water. Pentair Everpure can provide peace of mind with clean, great-tasting water in your home.
If you tour the kitchen at a world renowned restaurant, you’re very likely to see the Everpure name. We’re the industry leader that professional chefs trust most for excellence in water filtration. They love our ability to remove the impurities that make water taste bad, while preserving the valuable trace minerals that create refreshing flavor. A commercial grade Everpure system takes away all sorts of unpleasant substances – and even some unhealthy ones – that may be in your tap water:
- Particulates that leave a bad taste or odor
- Chemical substances that may affect health and add unpleasant tastes and odors
- Bacteria and viruses that can cause illness
- Limescale that damages your expensive water-using appliances
Everpure filtered water lets you drink, blend beverages, and cook with confidence.
- Better tasting coffee and tea
- More appetizing food – chlorinated water can cause cooking water to taste odd, which can affect food, such as pasta. Chlorine also can affect food color.
- Tastier homemade bread – chlorine can affect yeast, which is a particular problem in sourdough recipes.
- Cleaner fruits and vegetables – washing produce in filtered water prevents contamination with chlorine and related byproducts. Even washing salad in chlorinated water can have negative effects.
From elegant fare to simple crystal-clear ice, enjoy gourmet restaurant quality in your own home with a Pentair Everpure system.
Features of the Everpure H-300 Drinking Water System include:
• Part Number: EV927076
• .5 micron
• Overall Dimensions: 22” H x 5” Diameter
• Rated Capacity: 300 gallons (1,135 Litres)
• Built in water shut off allows for easier cartridge changes
• Exclusive Micro-Pure filtering material coats the pleated surface inside the cartridge
• Retains vital minerals found naturally in water to ensure the health and delicious clean, crisp taste of your water
• Chlorine, taste & odor, sediment, lead and cyst reduction
• VOCs, volatile organic chemicals including THMs
• Removes dirt and cloudiness including particles as small .5 micron by mechanical means
• Removes particulates including oxidized iron, manganese and sulfides
• Adsorbs common earthy, moldy, fish tastes, and odors
• Enhanced KDF media to inhibit scale build-up that can damage equipment
• Commercial grade filtration, Everpure signature metal canister protects the filter from splitting or bursting
• NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 chemical reduction and 53 certified to reduce cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by mechanical means
• Uses replacement H-300 replacement water filter cartridge (EV927072)
The same commercial quality that makes Pentair® Everpure the overwhelming choice for water filtration in restaurants is also available for your home. Pentair Everpure exclusive precoat filtration technology combines Micro-Pure® and a unique pleated filter membrane. This highly engineered design offers the largest filtering surface area, longer filter life, and consistent performance.
Download the Everpure-H300 EV927070 Filtration System Specification Sheet
Questions about the H-300 system? Please call us directly at 800-942-7873 or email us directly at
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer urges water limits due to Covid surge and the use of liquid oxygen in the treatment of Orlando water.
The Mayor of Orlando asked residents on Friday, August 20th, 2021 to stop watering their lawns and washing their cars for at least a week, saying water usage needed to be cut back because of the recent surge of Covid-19 hospitalizations. The Orlando Utility Commission treats the city’s water with liquid oxygen and supplies that ordinarily go toward water treatment have been diverted to hospitals for patients suffering from the virus. The city-owned utility typically goes through 10 trucks of liquid oxygen a week but its supplier recently said that it would be cut back to five to seven trucks a week to accommodate hospitals, said Linda Ferrone, OUC’s chief customer and marketing officer.
Worried about the quality of your drinking water? Give us a call at 800-942-7873 or contact us at
Florida Officials Investigate Possible Cancer Link to Groundwater Contamination in Brevard County.
Residents and officials of an east-central Florida county are raising the alarm over a potential link between increased cases of cancer in young people and chemicals detected in the groundwater of a nearby Air Force base.
Chemicals, including perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and/or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which are used to extinguish aircraft fires and known to cause cancer, were detected in groundwater at Florida’s Patrick Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, according to a U.S. Department of Defense report released in March.
The report noted that all 28 groundwater monitoring stations on Patrick Air Force Base tested positive for the chemicals.
The report also noted that no testing was conducted off the base located between Satellite and Cocoa beaches in Brevard County, where a cluster of cancer cases among people in their 20s and 30s has been reported.
The Brevard Times reported that after the March report, the Florida Department of Health launched an investigation into this cancer cluster and any connection between cases of Hodgkin’s lymphoma that were reported in a subdivision in the late 1960s and 1980s.
Earlier this week, officials with the Brevard County Public Schools said they would be testing drinking water at area schools for traces of the chemicals.
The announcement comes on the heels of the city’s announcement that it plans test the groundwater. Nearby Cocoa Beach, which treats sewage from Patrick Air Force Base, announced the same.
In addition to cancer, the chemicals are known to cause birth defects, liver damage, thyroid damage, increased uric acid levels, increased cholesterol and damage to the immune system, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Worried about your water? We can help call us directly at 800-942-7873 or email us at with your concerns.
The New Claris Ultra!
We are proud to introduce the next step in the Claris filtration line. The Claris Ultra is the world’s first filter cartridge to combine mineral reduction and corrosion protection within one compact unit. As a result, Claris Ultra delivers the very best quality water for hot drinks and ice machines while also preventing scale formation in machines and inhibiting corrosion of materials across the widest range of water hardness levels. This breakthrough is achieved by using new patent pending water conditioning technology; in effect a highly engineered water conditioning system that uses the synergetic effect of mineral adaptation and mineral stabilization, all within one compact filter package. The result is optimum water mineral extraction, ie retaining the necessary minerals for a pleasant flavor and proper extraction of the coffee bean and grind, while minimizing the minerals that lead to limescale. Similarly, in ice production, Claris Ultra eliminates those minerals that cause cloudy and soft ice and lead to scaled ice machines, low energy efficiency and scale amplified bio-film formation. Everpure’s Claris Ultra filter range has successfully addressed the challenge of finding the right balance between protecting an operation’s investment and capturing the desired quality of brewed coffee, espresso, other hot drinks and ice cubes. The Claris Ultra filters use the same head as the existing Claris cartridge range.
Claris Ultra Filter Cartridges features
- First cartridge to effectively combine lime scale and corrosion protection
- More capacity / lower costs for hot drinks and ice cube machines
- Inhibits metal migration from machine parts
- Safeguarding /enhancing energy efficiency of food service equipment
- Small foot print and low space requirement
- Cartridge family with widest capacity range (one head fits all)
For more questions regarding the Claris Ultra please call us at 800-942-7873 or click the link below.
When Crypto Attacks!!!
This past summer there was an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, otherwise known as Crypto. Many of you may not have heard of Crypto or what it is. No, it’s not an evil villain from galaxies far far away or a new type of kryptonite found on Superman’s home planet.
Save the Planet, One Bottle at a Time
It takes more than 17 million barrels of oil annually to make all the plastic bottles that meet America’s demand for bottled water. That’s enough oil to fuel 1.3 million cars for a year, not including the oil used for transportation of those water bottles.
Last year, the average American used 167 disposable water bottles. Altogether, Americans’ used over 50 billion plastic water bottles last year alone. The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 a day. That same amount of bottled water is about $1,400 a year, but keep in mind that people prefer bottled water because it taste great! So, how does one cut out all the plastic bottles from their life but still get great tasting water straight from their tap? By purchasing a high performance drinking water system, that goes under your your kitchen sink. This system uses the same water purification process as Dasani and Nestle and it is called reverse osmosis. This process is used in water purification, manufacturing plants, and chemical laboratories. One great unit that we recommend is the the PURA QCRO4V. This 4 stage quick change reverse osmosis system can be customized to adapt to changing water conditions. The quick change filters feature the innovative PURA twist and lock design, making filter changes and service fast and easy.
- Choice of a 50 gpd or 75 gpd membrane
- Standard Lead Free Air Gap Faucet
- Color coded tubing for easier installation
- Quick connect fittings and a self piercing feed valve
- Interchangeable filters allows the system to be customized to your local water conditions
- Produces high quality water for better tasting coffee, tea, juices, soups, sauces and pasta and clearer ice cubes
- System includes a sediment pre-filter, carbon block pre-filter, RO membrane and carbon block postfilter

The first stage of filtration is the sediment filter, which reduces suspended particles such as dirt, dust, and rust. The second stage of filtration is the carbon filter. This filter reduces volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), chlorine, and other compounds that might impact the taste or odor of the tap water. Chlorine should be removed from the water before the water enters the membrane. This will help preserve the life of the membrane. The center and third stage of a reverse osmosis system is the semi-permeable (RO) membrane. It is responsible for rejecting up to 98% of the total dissolved solids in the water. So you can save the planet, save money and drink healthier water! For more information about this system call 800-942-7873 or click the link below to ask us a question.
Chloride Ate Your Combi!
Lately, we have seen a rise in customer’s having problems with their boiler free combi ovens. Whether it is an Alto Sham, Blodgett, Cleveland, Rational, or CONVOtherm, alot of money has been invested in that equipment and with that investment, a long life is expected. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the water warranty requirements.
Did you know that the warranty can be voided if there is chloride in the water that is feeding your equipment, especially if the damage is caused by the chloride. The consensus of manufactures’ spec sheets is that chloride, specified in the water feeding your combi oven, is supposed to be less than 25 ppm,( parts per million).
For the combi oven pictured above, the water test came back indicating that the chloride levels were at 308.8 ppm. That’s high!!
So why is chloride so bad in combi ovens, boiler based or boilerless? Keep in mind that chloride is not chlorine.
So what happens when you have alot of hydrogen chloride in your water and you super-heat it quickly into steam? It jumps out as hydrochloric acid, which is a clear, colorless, highly pungent solution of hydrogen chloride (HCL) in water. It is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid and it can chew through stainless steel very quickly. So where do you start if you already have a combi oven and you are seeing this type of damage? A detailed water test that will give you a full analysis of the chemical composition of your water is the place to start. Once you know that you do have an unacceptable level of chloride in your water, you can go to work on purchasing a blended reverse osmosis unit in order to remove the chloride. Why blended reverse osmosis? Because, no filter will take chlorides out of your water. Remember this is chloride, not chlorine. Reverse osmosis is not filtration, it is the use of a semi permeable membrane that forces everything but the water molecule out of the water. With blended RO you can then blend back in the right amount of filtered raw water in order to create the chemical composition of the water that you want to feed your combi. Everpure has developed an entire series of Blended MRS, Mineral Reduction System Reverse Osmosis units. From the MRS20, (20 stands for 20 gallons made per day), EV9797-91, up to the MRS600HEII, (600 gallons made per day), EV9970-54. One of the most popular for the combi application is the MRS350, (350 gallons of water made per day), EV9970-17. Note that these solutions require a storage tank.
These systems can be sized to fit your piece or pieces of equipment and insure that the water you are using will protect your combi oven from whatever changes occur within your water supply. To get started with a water test please ask us below or call our team with your questions at 800-942-7873. Ask us a question! Sign up for our Newsletter!
The Multiple Advantages for Commercial Water Filtration
More consumers are “going green” and ditching the bottled water. What does that mean for businesses? An increased demand for pure and refreshing water, ice, and beverages. The best way to deliver that is through a high-quality commercial filtration system. Benefits of Commercial Water Filtration Commercial water filtration systems are indispensable for virtually every business. These systems offer businesses multiple advantages, including savings:
- Reduced expenditures on bottled water: In the office setting, employers often supply their staff and customers with bottled water. Cut costs on beverage service with an office water purification system. A filter system requires a higher one-time investment, but eliminates a recurring cost.
- Eliminate incidence of injury: Lifting and changing the heavy bottles on popular water coolers can result in employee injury, due to muscle strain. Replace the cooler with an Everpure Reverse Osmosis System, which runs directly from the office water supply.
- Improved sanitation: Since water filtration systems can remove microorganisms, shielding employees and customers from potentially harmful bacteria. Meanwhile, food preparation attains a new level of sanitation when completed with purified water.
- Better flavor: The flavor of all water-based beverages improves with water filtration. Food service customers will appreciate the consistently delicious flavor of all their favorite beverages, from fountain soda to coffee.
Attaining Maximum Benefit The key to gaining the greatest benefit from commercial water filtration is proper maintenance. Business owners should take special care to maintain their systems properly:
- Follow manufacturer guidelines for installation: Be sure that the person who installs the water filtration system is a licensed plumber or a qualified manufacturer’s representative. The installer should have specific experience installing commercial systems.
- Don’t skip the regular maintenance: Read the instructions for the system and adhere to any specified maintenance schedule, such as changing filters. Failure to do so can cause increased wear on parts and leave water less than totally pure.
- Clean the system properly: If employees will be responsible for any aspect of commercial water filtration maintenance, be sure that they receive proper instruction in all necessary techniques. Ask your installer to provide “lessons” to key staff members.
- Teach proper technique: Show all employees the best way to maintain sanitary conditions. This step is often as simple as reminding employees to use the provided scoop in the ice machine!
From corporate headquarters to family-owned diners, all businesses can benefit from commercial water filtration systems. These systems ensure consistent quality, improve sanitation, and save business owners money.
Water Testing in Schools
Many schools in the state of Florida have contacted Filter Pure in regards to testing their water. A common problem seen in schools is equipment damage due to hard and unfiltered water. Some of the most expensive equipment in schools can be found right in the cafeteria; ice machines, steamers and combi ovens. The problem with hard and unfiltered water is the limescale build-up that can cause excessive machine downtime and increased maintenance costs. It is estimated that 3mm of limescale build up can cause 25% energy loss in addition to unwanted and costly service calls.
So how does Filter Pure help with these issues? We first test the water, checking all levels of chlorine, alkalinity and hardness. Once the test results are received back, we then recommend a course of action and filtering system to put in place to remedy these problems.
One system recommended is the MRS-100 Reverse Osmosis System (9970-07). Ideal for flash steamers, conventional steamers, combi-ovens, and more, this system improves equipment life and performance by removing at least 90%+ of all dissolved solids that cause scale build-up. It guards against taste and odor causing contaminants, while removing dirt particulates and dissolved minerals that can adversely affect taste of water and beverages. Sanitary cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean. Internal filter parts are never exposed to handling or contamination. For over thirty year, Filter Pure has been providing great solutions to water problems in universities and schools. If you are interested in getting your water tested or have any questions or concerns about your water please contact us at 800-942-7873 or submit your question to the link below. If you are a school or university please contact Amy Easter at She has helped hundreds of schools with their water issues and she is more than happy to help you as well. Submit your question here!