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The Wonderful World of Conditioned Water

As a Hydrotech distributor, I wanted to share with you all the amazing benefits of having conditioned water! Soap Saver: having conditioned water reduces how much soap you use (up to 70%). It also delivers greater washing power and protects your washing machines too! Clothes Brightener: conditioned water helps your clothes last longer, feel fresher, cleaner, and softer! Plus, no fading colors! Money Stretcher: with conditioned water you’ll use less cleaning supplies. Hard water breaks down those cleaning chemicals making them less efficient and making you use more. Dish Sparkler: no more streaks and spots. Conditioned water eliminates those hard water problems and helps your dishwasher last longer. Stain Eliminator: tired of seeing mineral build up in your bathroom? Conditioned water benefits all your bathroom fixtures keeping those unsightly rings and spots away! Scrubbing Helper: hard water can cause film and soap scum to be left behind when scrubbing counter tops, floors, tile, etc. Not with conditioned water! Hot Water Guard: help your water heater last longer by eliminating scale build-up with conditioned water! With less scale build-up you’ll be able to save energy by 20%. Pipe Protector: through time, scale build up can kill your pipes. You can prevent a major headache by using conditioned water to help your pipes stay clean! Faucet Preserver: No more corroded or plugged valves. Keep your faucet in mint condition with conditioned water. Face Saver: conditioned water will leave your face smooth and razor burn free. Body Refresher: showering with conditioned water will leave you free from soap build-up left on your skin and a more refreshing feeling. Hair Pamperer: conditioned water revives hair color and leaves you with a more radiant shine! With all these amazing benefits, why wouldn’t you use conditioned water! Call us today to see how we can make a refreshing difference and save you money!  

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Think of all the things you currently want right now. Maybe it is a new t-shirt, a fancy dinner out, or even a mini vacation? What if we told you we know how you can obtain those things quicker than you think by saving significant money where you didn’t think possible? By switching from bottled water to home water filtration, you will notice a fast, easy and impactful transition into a more economic and environmentally sound way of life. Sounds good, right? Because it is!

Why Go To the “Trouble”, You Ask?

  • Home water filtration offers better quality water than bottled.
  • Home water filtration is 1/10th the cost of bottled.
  • Home water filtration is far more convenient, offering “Pure water on tap.”
  • Home water filtration is virtually pollution free.

According to, over 60,000,000 plastic bottles a day are disposed of in U.S. landfills from bottled water use! That is a lot of wasted plastic and resources. It takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it. Not to mention the pollution from transporting heavy loads of bottled water all over the World. Talk about an oxymoron! H2O, a vital and necessary component to keep us healthy is also polluting our environment and depleting our valuable resources – the madness! The reality is that people pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality, when in fact; the quality of bottled water is at best an unknown. We never truly see our water coming from the pristine aquifers it is said to originate. Instead we go off blind faith that it is the truth. Let’s start using our blind faith in a slightly different manner and trusting in Home water purification. Home water purification is by far the most economical, most convenient and most effective way of producing high quality, healthy water. By filtering out the chlorine, lead and other contaminants, home water filtration systems are the best way to know for sure about the quality of your drinking water. It’s also the most economical and the most environmentally responsible. It’s the right choice. Shop FilterPure today to begin your economic and environmental switch to being cleaner, healthier and richer! Our wide variety of premium water filters have made us leaders of the industry and have received national exposure. Whatever your filtration needs, you can trust FilterPure to deliver a sparkling clear solution!