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Water Worth More Than Beer?

There is a lot of speculation that a small hotel in Australia, the Dinner Plain Hotel, has some of the best water in the world. The hotel sits on top of an aquifer in Australia that has been holding this water for hundreds of years to create an artesian water supply.

The hotel will likely sell to a microbrewer for an asking price of $875,000 since beer is 95% water and starting with some of the best water available will influence the taste and quality of the brew.  Not every hotel or brewery can be located on top of an artesian water supply, but you can make changes to your water with proper filtration and engineering.

At Filter Pure we are able to guide our clients to the correct type of product to use for the desired result.  One of the products we recommend is the Artisan Crysalli water systems.  Crysalli produces both still and carbonated drinking water that provides an uncompromised elegance to a resort.  If you would like more information on Crysalli water systems or assistance with finding the right filtration for your facility.  Give us a call at 1-800-942-7873

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Waste-Water and How It Affects Business

With water seemingly becoming a more scarce resource, do we see it as precious or do most just regard the supply as endless? With water restrictions in place, spreading drought conditions worsening and municipalities across the world converting seawater and waste-water to potable water, you would think we are changing the way we view how precious fresh water is.

The United States Geologic Service states that Ocean water represents just over 97% of the water on Earth. Almost 70% of the 2.5% of Earth’s fresh water is in glaciers. Lakes, streams and rivers account for 1% of our planet’s freshwater. The remaining 30% is groundwater and water in underground aquifers. Agriculture is the dominant user for fresh water followed by industry, then public use. Businesses and manufacturers are realizing that now more than ever the availability of quality water can pose a risk to its business. Last year, 70% of the 180 FTSE Global 500 companies said water was a substantive risk to their business, which is up from 59% in 2011. Improper use of water and the type of water can hurt their bottom line, their end product and their credibility. Nestlé, one of the world’s largest food companies, set aside $43 million last year to build water-saving and waste-water treatment facilities. The company saved over 60% of water use per ton of product in its Spain production facility. Other companies like Coca-Cola, Ford and Google are investing in similar water saving and waste-water treatment at their facilities to conserve and protect their fresh water supplies. It also benefits their local communities as well. Freshwater demands are increasing as our population grows and availability is becoming more of a challenge. Some solutions may be that people should always do a better job at water conservation. It shouldn’t matter if it is scare or not. We should think of more ways to reduce water waste. Sink, outdoor faucets and toilets can be easily and properly maintained. Landscaping/sprinklers should be used intelligently or have systems that won’t run if not needed while raining. Send us some comments on other successful examples of water conservation methods? If you have any questions on industrial water saving techniques and equipment, please contact Vince Paglino at 1-800-942-9600 or email

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The Pirate Wins!!!!

After weeks of customers, employees, and even our mail man voting on who’s the most creative pumpkin, it’s time to count up the votes and find out who the winner is!

Drum role, please!!!    And the winner is…..   Vince Paglino’s Pirate!!!!!!!!  IMG_3550

 Congratulations Vince! He received a $20 gift card to Carrabba’s Italian Grill! Everyone is already starting to think of what they will do next year!!