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Commercial Ice Machine Filtration for Healthcare Facilities

Ice serves a variety of purposes in the Healthcare industry including dietary needs, operative procedures, and treatment of inflammation.  The availability of clean ice for all of these uses is dependent on the level of filtration in use.  Healthcare facilities use a variety of ice machines but the most common is the nugget based ice machine for its ability to provide all the needs in a hospital. Nugget ice machines are small counter top dispensers located throughout the buildings to provide quick access for staff. But due to the unit’s small size, facilities are having to install the water filtration systems under the counters. This could be a problem in the sense that a traditional ice machine water filter can exceed over 20 inches leaving little room to install and maintain the unit. Well, Everpure has a solution for that. Everpure’s BH2 (EV9612-51) is the filter of choice to fit below the counter and provide enough capacity to keep up with the demand of the counter top ice machines. The full height of the BH2 filter and manifold would be 16 inches leaving plenty of room for the installation and filter change. The filter is rated NSF 53, providing mechanical filtration to .5 micron and protection from bacterial contaminants.  Scale inhibitor provides protection to your ice machines to keep them running efficiently for years to come. As much as we would like a single application filter to work for everybody, the needs and demands of customers change requiring different types of filtration.  The BH2 is a great filter that has proven to work in a rigorous environment with high demand.  Should you need to discuss other applications or your current filtration, please feel free to contact our Health Care & Lodging Specialist, Todd Leach.

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The Best Espresso in Town!

Every single morning before arriving to work, Amy stops by her local Starbucks and orders her usual venti latte. They know her there by name and are happy to send her on her way with her triple espresso shot drink. Amy said that her morning espresso kick starts her day and without it, well, you would probably find her half asleep at her desk, struggling to focus on her work.

Espresso can be a vital part of someone’s day, like Amy. Did you know that over 55% of the US drink espresso? That percentage is equivalent to 150 million people! That’s A LOT of espresso! 

Did you also know that Espresso is 90% water! It is a key essential ingredient in espresso preparation. So having a water filtration system becomes a must, especially in areas with hard water. Not having filtered water will affect the taste of your espresso as well as the lifespan of your equipment.  So what is the best water filtration system for your espresso machine?   Well, here’s a couple options to consider: The Claris System 5-Stage Filtration Process

  • Pre-filtration
  • Carbonate hardness adjustment
  • Fine filtration
  • Highly efficient carbon block removes harmful contaminant and unpleasant odors and tastes
  • Solid membrane filter removes particles down to 5 micron for highest equipment protection
  • Operates in vertical or horizontal position


3 -Stage Blending: Softens, Buffers, and Filters Water
  • Utilizes ion exchange resin with buffering capabilities and high capacity coconut carbon filtration
  • A small amount of carbon filtered water bypasses softening resin to allow proper initial hardness. 
  • Buffering prevents water from becoming too acidic. 
  • It also reduces hardness in water that can cause minerals to build-up in espresso equipment. 
  • It also reduces chlorine, off tastes and odors. Cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean. 
*The QC7I-Twin ESO7 System is pictured to the right.
Depending on your espresso machine and water quality needs, your commercial water filtration system may differ. Give us a call and we’ll be glad to help you in sizing the right system.
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Think of all the things you currently want right now. Maybe it is a new t-shirt, a fancy dinner out, or even a mini vacation? What if we told you we know how you can obtain those things quicker than you think by saving significant money where you didn’t think possible? By switching from bottled water to home water filtration, you will notice a fast, easy and impactful transition into a more economic and environmentally sound way of life. Sounds good, right? Because it is!

Why Go To the “Trouble”, You Ask?

  • Home water filtration offers better quality water than bottled.
  • Home water filtration is 1/10th the cost of bottled.
  • Home water filtration is far more convenient, offering “Pure water on tap.”
  • Home water filtration is virtually pollution free.

According to, over 60,000,000 plastic bottles a day are disposed of in U.S. landfills from bottled water use! That is a lot of wasted plastic and resources. It takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it. Not to mention the pollution from transporting heavy loads of bottled water all over the World. Talk about an oxymoron! H2O, a vital and necessary component to keep us healthy is also polluting our environment and depleting our valuable resources – the madness! The reality is that people pay from $1 to $4 a gallon for the perception of higher quality, when in fact; the quality of bottled water is at best an unknown. We never truly see our water coming from the pristine aquifers it is said to originate. Instead we go off blind faith that it is the truth. Let’s start using our blind faith in a slightly different manner and trusting in Home water purification. Home water purification is by far the most economical, most convenient and most effective way of producing high quality, healthy water. By filtering out the chlorine, lead and other contaminants, home water filtration systems are the best way to know for sure about the quality of your drinking water. It’s also the most economical and the most environmentally responsible. It’s the right choice. Shop FilterPure today to begin your economic and environmental switch to being cleaner, healthier and richer! Our wide variety of premium water filters have made us leaders of the industry and have received national exposure. Whatever your filtration needs, you can trust FilterPure to deliver a sparkling clear solution!

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Water Filter Terminology: 3 Examples that Provide Clean and Safe Water

We come into contact with terms and analogies everyday – that doesn’t mean we understand what they mean. Would you know what QCP filtration is or reverse osmosis? Not many do. For those who understand this type of water filter terminology, they understand what happens to get a clean and safe drink of water. Now, what about the rest of us? To give you a better understanding of these terms, let’s take a look at a few examples of water filter terminology and give you a better understand of what it takes to have clean drinking water:

Examples of Water Filter Terminology

  • Reverse Osmosis – Ok, we have all heard of the process, but what does it actually mean? As a long standard in water purification, reverse osmosis purifies water by pressurizing unfiltered water, and forcing its molecules what’s called a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane traps things like metals particles and lets only the water molecules to pass. That way, you only receive great tasting, smelling and safe drinking water.
  • Inline Filtration – Here’s another one to add to your water filtration terminology. Yes, some understand filtration and how it helps our water, but what’s inline filtration? Basically, a water filter is put “in” the water line, and it filtrates out any dirt or particles out of water that flows through. This filtration method also filters out any smells or tastes caused by contaminants.
  • Ice Filtration – For those areas that bring in water through colder terrain, ice filtration is something used to preserve optimal drinking water conditions. Ice gets cloudy due to water impurities, which also impact the flavor of the ice. When it melts, those impurities impact the taste of beverages, but ice filtration eliminates those for pristine flavor and appearance.

Although many people have heard different terms about water filtration, most don’t understand the majority of what water filtration terminology means. Hopefully, these few terms gives you a better understanding into what happens when you turn on your faucet to get that drink of water.