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The Best Espresso in Town!

Every single morning before arriving to work, Amy stops by her local Starbucks and orders her usual venti latte. They know her there by name and are happy to send her on her way with her triple espresso shot drink. Amy said that her morning espresso kick starts her day and without it, well, you would probably find her half asleep at her desk, struggling to focus on her work.

Espresso can be a vital part of someone’s day, like Amy. Did you know that over 55% of the US drink espresso? That percentage is equivalent to 150 million people! That’s A LOT of espresso! 

Did you also know that Espresso is 90% water! It is a key essential ingredient in espresso preparation. So having a water filtration system becomes a must, especially in areas with hard water. Not having filtered water will affect the taste of your espresso as well as the lifespan of your equipment.  So what is the best water filtration system for your espresso machine?   Well, here’s a couple options to consider: The Claris System 5-Stage Filtration Process

  • Pre-filtration
  • Carbonate hardness adjustment
  • Fine filtration
  • Highly efficient carbon block removes harmful contaminant and unpleasant odors and tastes
  • Solid membrane filter removes particles down to 5 micron for highest equipment protection
  • Operates in vertical or horizontal position


3 -Stage Blending: Softens, Buffers, and Filters Water
  • Utilizes ion exchange resin with buffering capabilities and high capacity coconut carbon filtration
  • A small amount of carbon filtered water bypasses softening resin to allow proper initial hardness. 
  • Buffering prevents water from becoming too acidic. 
  • It also reduces hardness in water that can cause minerals to build-up in espresso equipment. 
  • It also reduces chlorine, off tastes and odors. Cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean. 
*The QC7I-Twin ESO7 System is pictured to the right.
Depending on your espresso machine and water quality needs, your commercial water filtration system may differ. Give us a call and we’ll be glad to help you in sizing the right system.

1 thought on “The Best Espresso in Town!

  1. Appreciate the recommendation. Let me trʏ it out.

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