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Optipure QTI Ice Maker to Everpure Insurice Systems Cross Reference!

Optipure System Cross to Everpure System          
QTI  Ice Maker Rated Capacity  Flow Rates    Rated Capacity  Flow Rates  
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
QTI5-1160-520766,00022,7120.752.85QL3B Head & 2FC-S Cartridge Head: EV9259-24 Cartridge EV9691-766,00022,7121.55.68
QTI10-1160-5201115,00056,7751.55.7Insurice Single i2000EV9324-019,00034,0651.676.32
QTI10-2170-5202130,000113,550311.3Insurice Twin i2000EV9324-0218,00068,1003.3412.64
QTI10-3170-5203145,000170,3444.517Insurice Triple i4000EV9325-0336,000136,2605.0118.96
QTI-1160-5201222,500851622.258.5QC7I Single 7FC-S Head: EV9272-41  Cartridge:  EV9692-7125,00094,6352.59.46

For More information please call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Optipure FXCR to Everpure Chloramine Fountain Beverage Systems Cross Reference!

FX-22CR  Fountain Beverage Rated Capacity  Flow Rates    Rated Capacity  Flow Rates  
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
FX-22BCR 160-5004925,00095,400518.9CB20-302E System EV9100-3220,00075,708518.93
FX-22PCR+160-50055100,000302,400518.9CB20-312E System EV9100-3785,000321,760518.93

For more information please contact us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Optipure QTCR to Everpure Chloramine Fountain Beverage Systems Cross Reference!

QTCR Fountain Beverage Rated Capacity  Flow Rates    Rated Capacity  Flow Rates  
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
QTCR-1 160-5213110,00037,8451.76.4QC7I Single 7CLM Plus EV9771-117,50028,3911.676.32
QTCR-2170-5213220,00075,7083.412.9QC7I Twin 7CLM Plus EV9771-1215,00056,7813.4412.64
QTCR-3170-5213330,000113,5625.119.3QC7I Triple 7CLM Plus EV9771-1322,50085,1725.0118.96
QTCR-4170-52134400,000151,4176.825.7QC7I Quad 7CLM Plus EV9771-1430,000113,5626.6825.29

For More information please call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Optipure QTC to Everpure High Flow 7FC Fountain Beverage Systems Cross Reference!

QTC Fountain BeverageRated Capacity Flow Rates Rated Capacity Flow Rates 
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
QTC-1160-5201422,50085,1622.258.5QC7I Single 7FC Head:
EV9272-41 Cartridge:  EV9692-61
QTC-1 +170-5206122,50085,1622.258.5Coldrink 1-7FCHead: EV9293-21 Cartridge: EV9692-6125,00094,6352.59.46
QTC-2 170-5202445,000170,3254.517QC7I  Twin-7FCHead: EV9272-22 Cartridges:
QTC-2+170-5100745,000170,3254.517Coldrink 2-7FCHead: EV9293-22 Cartridges:
2 X EV9692-61
QTC-3170-5203467,500255,4786.7525.5QC7I Triple-7FCHead:
EV9272-23 Cartridges:
3 X EV9692-61
QTC-4170-5204490,000340,687934QC7I Quad- 7FC Head: EV9272-24 Cartridges:
4 X EV9692-61

For more information please call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Optipure FX to Everpure Fountain Beverage Systems Cross Reference!

FX Fountain BeverageRated Capacity Flow Rates Rated Capacity Flow Rates 
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
FX-11160-5001015,00056,7751.55.7CGS-10 Single Housing:
EV9100-10 Cartridge:
FX-12160-5002030,000113,550311.3CGS-20 Single Housing:
EV9100-20 Cartridge:
FX-22 160-50025 30,000113,550311.3CGS-22  Dual Series Housing:
Sediment Cartridge: EV953426
Carbon Cartridge:
FX-22P 160-50030 60,000227,100622.7CGS-23 Parallel Series Housing:
EV9100-23 Cartridges:
2 X EV9108-63
FX-22P +160-5003560,000227,100622.7CGS-23 Parallel Series Housing:
2 X EV9108-63

For more information please contact us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Optipure QT to Everpure Fountain Beverage Systems Cross Reference!

Optipure System Cross to Everpure System          
QT Fountain Beverage Rated Capacity  Flow Rates    Rated Capacity  Flow Rates  
Optipure System Part Number Gallons Liters GPM LPMEverpure System Part Number/s Gallons Liters GPM LPM
QT5-1 160-520766,00022,7120.752.85QL3B Head & 2FC Cartridge Head: EV9259-24 Cartridge EV9691-566,00022,7121.55.68
QT-10-1 160-5200915,00056,7751.55.7QC7I Single MC2 EV9275-019,00034,0651.676.32
QT10-2 170-5201930,000113,550311.3QC7I Twin- MC2 EV9275-0218,00068,1003.3412.64
QT10-3170-5202945,000170,3444.517QC7I Triple MC2 EV9275-0327,000102,1955.0118.96
QT-1 160-52010 22,50085,1622.258.5QC7I Single 7FC Head: EV9272-41
Cartridge:  EV9692-61
QT-1 +170-5205122,50085,1622.258.5Coldrink 1-7FCHead: EV9293-21 Cartridge: EV9692-6125,00094,6352.59.46
QT-2 170-52020 45,000170,3254.517QC7I  Twin-7FCHead:
Cartridge: EV9692-61
QT-2 +170-5100545,000170,3254.517Coldrink 2-7FCHead:
EV9293-22 Cartridge: EV9692-61
QT-3170-5203067,500255,4786.7525.5QC7I Triple-7FCHead: EV9272-23 Cartridge EV9692-6175,000283,9057.528.38
QT-4170-5203590,000340,687934QC7I Quad- 7FC Head:

For more information please call us directly at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Today is International Coffee Day!

September 29th is International Coffee Day and Chains including Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts will be giving away free coffee and serving up discounts. Looking to create your own incredible coffee year round in your facility or even right in your kitchen at home? Check out Pentair Everpure’s new ebook on creating the prefect cup of coffee of coffee.

Coffee is 98.5% water! From water testing and what it reveals to selecting the right system solution for your Customer’s Specialty Coffee Operation!


For more information including detailed specification sheets and verification of the system’s sizing that you are thinking about purchasing call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Another Great Pentair Everpure Ebook,”FROM ORDINARY WATER TO EXTRAORDINARY STEAM.” Optimizing Water Quality Specifications for Foodservice Steam Applications.

Dealing with excessive scale or even rust issues inside your $25,000 combi ovens? From water testing and what it reveals to selecting the right system solution for your Customer’s expensive Combi Ovens and Steamers!

For more information including detailed specification sheets and verification of the system’s sizing that you are thinking about purchasing call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Another Great New Pentair Everpure 2020 EBook, ” Brewing the Perfect Cup!”, optimizing water quality for specialty coffee operations.

Coffee is 98.5% water! From water testing and what it reveals to selecting the right system solution for your Customer’s Specialty Coffee Operation!

For more information including detailed specification sheets and verification of the system’s sizing that you are thinking about purchasing call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at

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Great new Pentair Everpure 2020 Ebook, “A Clear Advantage”, Optimizing Water Quality for Foodservice Commercial Ice Machine Operations.

50-75% of Ice Machine service calls are water related! From water testing and what it reveals to selecting the right system solution for your Customer’s Commercial Ice Machine!

For more information including detailed specification sheets and verification of the system’s sizing that you are thinking about purchasing call us at 800-942-7873 or email us at