This pretty cool piece of equipment is used for food service and commercial applications. It can give you delicious specialty coffee, wonderfully strong espresso or refreshing, crisp ice tea. This cartridge reduces minerals like calcium and magnesium which cause hard water. It’s like having a mini water softener under your sink. This is ideal for hard water at a flow rate as high as 1/2 gallon per minute. The ion exchange technology is a carbon and resin blend. The cartridge has a psi range of 10-125, as well as, a temperature range of 35 to 100 degrees. The 2,000 grain capacity is ideal for high mineral content and low volume application. What is the proper way to use the 7SO (EV9607-04)? Usually it is a 2 stage setup. The first stage would be a MC2 (EV9612-56) filter. This reduces the chlorine, sediment, taste and odor. The precoat sub-micron technology reduces the dirt and particles as small as 1/2 micron. The 2nd stage is the 7SO, which reduces the hardness. Best operating procedure is to change the cartridge every 6 months just like most other filters. To determine cartridge life, divide total capacity of cartridge by the hardness in grains per gallon (gpg). So for example, 2,000 grains for the 7SO divided by 15 grains of hardness, you would exhaust this cartridge after running approximately 133 gallons of water through it.
You can also change when hardness of treated water increases to more than 3 grains per gallon. Do not exceed recommended flow rate which is 0.5 gallons per minute. Don’t forget to flush the cartridge when you install it or change one out. You do this by running water through it for five minutes at full flow. This should be done no matter what filters you are using. The other great thing about this cartridge is that it fits all existing Everpure heads. No electrical connection is required. So if you have hard water in your foodservice location and want great tasting espresso we would recommend the 7SO. For more information on how we can help you on this system or others like it please call us at 800-942-7873.
Category: Water Quality Articles
Where Can I Buy Ecolab Water Filters?
Ecolab is well-known for their water filtration solutions used in the food industry. We carry many compatible filters to replace Ecolab water filter cartridges, including the popular Ecolab 9320.
EcoLab 9320-1002: EP5-10 (5 Micron, 10″ x 2.5″, Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1028: CBC-10 EcoLab 9320-1044: CBC-10 (0.5 Micron, 10″ x 2.5″, Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1069: EP5-20 (5 Micron, 20″ x 2.5″, Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1101: CBC-20 (0.5 Micron, 20″ x 2.5″, Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1135: P5-10 (5 Micron, 9.75″ x 2-3/8″, Sediment Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1143: P5-20 (5 Micron, 20″ x 2.5″, Sediment Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1176: FilterPure Pentek WS-10 (9-3/4″ x 2-5/8″, Water Softening Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1184: FilterPure Pentek WS-20 (20″ x 2-5/8″, Water Softening Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1192: FilterPure Pentek KDF/GAC 10 (9-7/8″ x 2-1/2″, KDF/GAC Water Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1200: FilterPure Pentek KDF/GAC 10 (9-7/8″ x 2-1/2″, KDF/GAC Water Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-1382: Inline Coconut (2″ X 10″, 1/4″ FPT, Coconut GAC) |
EcoLab 9320-2401: Everpure MC-2 Water Filter EV9612-56 (20.75”H x 3.25”, Replacement Filter For Fountain and Combination Applications) |
EcoLab 9320-2402: Everpure Insurice I2000-2 EcoLab 9320-2403: Everpure Insurice I2000-2 (20.75”H x 3.25”, Replacement Ice Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-2405: Everpure 7CB5 EV9618-11 (20.75”H x 3.25” Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab 9320-2411: Everpure 7CB5-S EV9618-21 (20.75”H x 3.25” Carbon Block Filter) |
EcoLab ECO-MC: : Everpure MC-2 Water Filter EV9612-56 (20.75”H x 3.25”, Replacement Filter For Fountain and Combination Applications) |
Want to know more about how you can save money on Ecolab water filter replacements? Ask us below or call our team at 1-800-942-7873.
When Crypto Attacks!!!
This past summer there was an outbreak of Cryptosporidium, otherwise known as Crypto. Many of you may not have heard of Crypto or what it is. No, it’s not an evil villain from galaxies far far away or a new type of kryptonite found on Superman’s home planet.
Military Installation Contamination
The military has documented that there are several bases on the NPL (National Priorities List) that have water contamination issues, for example: Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, Jacksonville NAS in Florida and Camp Lejeune Military Reservation in North Carolina.
The different types of contaminates that have been found include solvents, metals (such as lead,) cadmium, pesticide residue and even military substances such as nerve agents and unexploded ordnance. Petrochemical storage tanks could be old and rusted so they can be leaking as well.
The most discussed base is Camp Lejeune. The dumping began as early as the 1950’s. This is before the EPA was enforcing standards on bases. Not only military personnel but civilians in the surrounding areas complained about the taste and odor of the water. Then the serious issues began when people were getting violently ill. Local health officials were treating individuals with various maladies from gastrointestinal problems to blood disorders. One of the causes was Groundwater Leaching. This is an extreme broad based environmental concern where the water from the rain seeps into the ground and can dissolve chemicals, carrying them into the ground water supply. Adding to these issues was that these areas have special environmental sensitivity, such as wetlands, natural habitat for endangered and other wildlife species. As the ground or well water is pumped for consumption, we need to make sure that it gets filtered correctly to control, diminish and eliminate the different contaminates. The DOD has spent approximately $42 billion in environmental restoration over the past 10 years. They are dedicated to the cleanup of nearly 20,000 active sites that have been identified by the National Priorities List that is regulated under the Federal Superfund Law. So what solutions can Filter Pure provide to help ensure safe potable water? There are different types of equipment and filters that can reduce or eliminate toxins and contaminates to protect and sanitize the water you use. From oil absorbing cartridges, ultrafiltration to ozone, UV and activated carbon; these products can be used individually or combined together. First thing to know is what is in your water? A water sample is crucial in defining what the different levels of elements are so that we can start to provide you with solutions created specifically for your needs. To learn more about Filter Pure or how we can help with your filtration needs please contact us at 800-942-7873.
McDonald's Battles to be Breakfast Champs
McDonald’s really wants you to drink its coffee! The fast-food giant is battling against Starbucks, Taco Bell and Dunkin’ Donuts to capture a greater share of the breakfast market. But can the burger chain reinvent the wheel when it comes to coffee? And can the public embrace coffee from a place that serves McNuggets?
Here are five ways McDonald’s is ramping up their coffee game:
1. Free coffee, again.
2. McCafe to hit grocery store shelves.
Like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s has decided to expand its coffee offerings to the home brewer. Next year, fans of McCafe will be able to buy the burger chain’s signature roasts in grocery stores. According to the LA Times, McDonald’s will offering several roasts including breakfast blend, decaf, and French in 12-ounce bags and ready-to-brew pods.
3. Jumping on the Pumpkin Spice bandwagon.
4. Expanding pastry offerings.
What makes good coffee even better? How about something sweet on the side. Last year, Starbucks acquired La Boulange bakery in an effort to boost premium snacks and pastries. This year, McDonald’s began testing mini bundt cakes in select Florida markets. The little cakes come in three varieties: classic cinnamon coffee cake, lemon and double chocolate.
5. Amped up fruity drinks.
Fresh, flavorful…and healthy? McDonald’s has tried to capture the non-coffee cafe crowd with a range of fruit smoothies and fruit iced teas. This is similar to Starbucks Shaken line.
The New OAC-Plus
Filter Pure Systems is Proud to announce the new Pentair Industrial Oil Absorbtion Cartridge!
The new OAC-Plus
This revolutionary cartridge removes dissolved and dispersed oils through instantaneous adsorption. Up to 95% of total hydrocarbons are removed in a single pass. Up to 8 times of the removal efficiency of granular activated carbon filter cartridges. It is a perfect solution for oil and gas facilities, car and truck wash stations, ballast water, surface water runoff (truck stops, airports, parking lots). This product comes in multiple sizes for custom applications and fast distribution and shipping to your location. The versatility of this filter is unsurpassed because it can be used in so many different applications from desalination water plants, bilge water to fuel. It is a perfect fit to most industrial cleaning and oil-fuel situations. For further information please contact Filter Pure Systems Industrial Account Manager Vince Paglino at 800-942-7873
The Unfiltered Truth
The truth is, Filter Pure and Pentair/Everpure have filtration solutions that give you more than just great-tasting water. Our filtration systems also extend the life of your water-using equipment. We can show you how custom-configured filtration can add years of service to those expensive foodservice systems. Equipment damage is just one of the unfiltered truths that is costing you money. Your combi-oven or ice machine might look nice and shiny and well kept on the outside, but take a look inside. You might be surprised at what you find. For instance: • Limescale – this winter wonderland of calcium will buildup on heating elements and boilers, slowly choking the life of your combi-oven.

• Particulates – these little soldier of sediment and debris might be small, but when they join forces their only mission is to clog system lines and tubing.
The taste and quality of your water is important to us, but we know the damage that unfiltered (or poorly filtered) water can cause on your water-using equipment. Don’t let limescale, corrosion, or particulates break you down. Let us break THEM down with our water filtration systems. Let us know how we can help. Call us at 800-942-7873.
Water Worth More Than Beer?
There is a lot of speculation that a small hotel in Australia, the Dinner Plain Hotel, has some of the best water in the world. The hotel sits on top of an aquifer in Australia that has been holding this water for hundreds of years to create an artesian water supply.
The hotel will likely sell to a microbrewer for an asking price of $875,000 since beer is 95% water and starting with some of the best water available will influence the taste and quality of the brew. Not every hotel or brewery can be located on top of an artesian water supply, but you can make changes to your water with proper filtration and engineering.
At Filter Pure we are able to guide our clients to the correct type of product to use for the desired result. One of the products we recommend is the Artisan Crysalli water systems. Crysalli produces both still and carbonated drinking water that provides an uncompromised elegance to a resort. If you would like more information on Crysalli water systems or assistance with finding the right filtration for your facility. Give us a call at 1-800-942-7873
How Hard is Your Water?
We get several calls from customers saying they believe they have hard water. First, what is hard water? This is when the water has a high mineral content. So as rain drains down through the surface to the aquifers it absorbs minerals like calcium, manganese and magnesium carbonate. The hardness of the water depends on how much of these minerals is in the water.
Hard water in your home, as potable water, is not necessarily harmful but can cause significant issues. The problems can arise when the hard water reacts with cleaning products, creates build up and can wear down fixtures and appliances. Cleaning products may not be as effective when used with hard water, causing your normal cleaning chores to be more frustrating and expensive. The buildup of the minerals from the hard water can be deposited on your dishes, clothing, fixtures and even your skin and hair. The other issue with hard water isn’t just on the outside of the faucets but what is it doing to the inside of your plumbing. These minerals start to build up inside your pipes and appliances. This can cause water flows to drop, clog and even increase the stress on the pipes and fixtures. If the hot water heater has to heat up all the scale buildup, as well as the water, your energy costs are going to increase. 1/4″ scale = up to 39% energy loss and 1/2″ = up to 70% energy loss!
Now to explain a little further for us all in Florida. If you look at the picture below, you can see that Florida as a state has hard to very hard water. Ideal measurements would be 7 grains per gallon (gpg)…but here in Florida…well, it’s way more than that!
Shocking! We know! Check out these facts:
7,000 Grains = 1 Pound of Rock
Average US Water Supply
Hardness = 15 Grains per Gallon (gpg)
467 Gallons = 1 Pound of Rock
How can we here at Filter Pure help? We would first need to test your water to see how hard your water really is. We then need to find out your water usage. For example, how many people reside in the home? How many hours per day would it be operating? You would need to be able to provide the total number of fixtures, including toilets, sinks, dish washer, washing machine and showers? If you can find out your water usage per month, that would also be helpful? The more information we can get the better. Based on those readings we can suggest a water softener that would best suit your needs. If you have any further questions regarding hard water, water softeners, or whole home filtration please contact us 800-942-7873. Have any questions? Click the button below and ask away!
Where can I buy Nucalgon, Nu-Plus Water Filters?
Did you know that Nucalgon water filters ARE Everpure water filters? They are the exact same water filter that you know and trust, just with a different label. Nucalgon has focused its attention on the best sellers for their distribution channel. For example, the Nu-i2000 and Nu-i4000 are the Everpure i2000 (EV9612-22) and the Everpure i4000 (EV9612-32) Insurice filters. They have also relabeled the number one selling water filter in the world, the Everpure MC2 ( EV9612-56), the Nu-MC2. Below is an easy cross reference of currently offered Nu-plus filters:
Nucalgon |
Everpure |
Nu-Plus |
Model Number |
Everpure |
Model Number |
nu-i2000² |
4621-10 |
i2000² |
EV9612-22 |
nu-i4000² |
4621-21 |
i4000² |
EV9612-32 |
nu-MC² |
4321-20 |
MC² |
EV9612-56 |
nu-XC² |
4621-21 |
XC² |
nu-7CB5-S |
4621-30 |
7CB5-S |
EC110 |
4621-41 |
EC110 |
EC210 |
4621-43 |
EC210 |
QC71 Single Head |
4621-01 |
QC71 Single Head |
QC71 Twin Manifold |
4621-02 |
QC71 Twin Manifold |
QC71 Triple Manifold |
4621-03 |
QC71 Triple Manifold |
QC71 Quad Manifold |
4621-04 |
QC71 Quad Manifold |
10 Inch Course Prefilter |
4621-42 |
10 Inch Course Prefilter |
20 Inch Course Prefilter |
4621-44 |
20 Inch Course Prefilter |
Scale Inhibitor Feeder |
4621-05 |
Scale Inhibitor Feeder |
IMF-10 |
4621-14 |
SS-IMF Cartridge |
4622-10 |
EFS8002-S |
CU |
4622-20 |
EFS800 |
For more info on Nucalgon Nu-Plus water filters call us at 800-942-7873 or click the link below to ask us a question.