Information provided by Everpure
Category: Water Quality Articles
Meet the OW Family!
This lovely family of water filter cartridges delivers premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and other offensive contaminants. Like most of Everpure’s carbon water filters, the OW family contains a precoat submicron technology which reduces dirt and particles as small as 1/2 micron in size. Check out my blog about Microns to see how small a 1/2 micron really is! But beware of the GIARDIA cyst!! The OW family inhibits scale from building up in your home water cooler, your water dispenser, or your drinking fountains. Keep an eye out for my up-coming blog about Scale!! Let’s break down this family and see what’s unique about each filter! The OW200L (P/N EV9619-06) has a rated capacity of 480 gallons. Its overall dimensions are 17″H x 3.25″ diameter. Its service flow rate is at maximum 0.5 gpm. This cartridge is commonLY used in office drinking water systems and home drinking water systems. In fact, that’s what I have installed under my sink at home. The OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) and the OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01) are essentially the same. The only difference is their capacity rating and size. The OW2-PLUS is rated at 1,000 gallons and 10.25″H x 3.25″ Diameter. The OW4-PLUS is rated at 2,000 gallons and 14.5″H x 3.25″ diameter. But unlike the OW200L, they both contain a KDF media that can remove lead to below the Federal Action Level of 10 ppb. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, which means these cartridges get the job done! We gladly stock the OW family and for more information about the OW family, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.
What is a Micron?
When dealing with water purification you hear the term “micron” alot. But what exactly is a micron? Ever heard of a micrometer? Well, it’s the same thing. So really, the question is… Wow! One micron is extremely small! It can’t even be seen by the human eye! Trust me, I tried. So where does the term micron come in to play with water purification? Well, the water you drink can carry nasty bacteria and, get this, PARASITES!! Yes, there are parasites floating around in the water you drink. Giardia is one of the most common parasites that can be found in unfiltered water. Giardia is a genus of anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasites of the phylum Diplomonada in the supergroup “Excavata” that colonize and reproduce in the small intestines of several vertebrates, causing giardiasis. Did you understand any of that? In other word, Giardia, when ingested can cause a bad case of diarrhea.
Look at that! It looks like a tooth ready to attack! Now, obviously this picture is magnified because you would definitely know if this tooth-like critter was in your water. But guess how many microns a parasite is? 10 micron? 5 micron? NOPE!!! It’s 1 micron! That’s right, one tiny little micron! But don’t worry. We have a large variety of water filters that use sub-micron technology to keep your water parasite and bacteria free! Do you know These filters are NSF certified and capable of removing bacteria as small as .5 micron! Filter Pure is dedicated to providing you with water you can trust! So contact us today about our 1 micron water filters and 5 micron water filters.
FilterPure- Filtered Water for your Pet!

What Your Unfiltered Water Contains…
Think about where your water comes from….and we don’t just mean the sink! Expand your mind and remember that water comes from unclean, natural resources like rivers and lakes, which contain pollution and contaminants that are unfit for consumption. To be clean, the water should undergo a number of treatments necessary to make it drinkable.
- Toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, copper, cadmium and aluminum
- Volatile organic chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides
- Pharmaceuticals
- Chemicals from irresponsible manufacturers
- Personal care chemicals
- Household cleaning products
- Water treatment additives such as chlorine, fluoride, and other toxic chemicals
- Bacteria and viruses such as giardia, cryptosporidium, coliform and E-coli
- Toxic Heavy Metals
Water purifiers are specifically designed to eliminate or reduce these certain pollutants that are in our drinking water. They also improve the quality and taste of the water by eliminating its chlorine content. It is virtually impossible to know what is in tap water at any given time because municipal water quality as well as private well water varies from place to place, season to season, and house to house. Even if all of the toxic metals could be completely filtered at the local water treatment facility, they could still end up in your drinking water because rust and sediment build up in the water pipes within our homes. Even this minimal exposure can cause symptoms similar to the flu, such as headaches, diarrhea, cramps, nausea or vomiting. The only way we can have any control over the quality of water we drink is by having a personal water filter system. Filtered drinking water is the most reliable and least expensive way to get healthy water!
Bromination Systems
What is Bromination? When compared to chlorination, Bromination is safer to use, provides equivalent disinfection more easily, and won’t corrode your plumbing system like chlorine does. The result of using Everpure Bromination is a material suited to the water treatment requirements of cruise vessels, navy ships, recreational boats, work boats and off-shore platforms. The ease and efficiency of using a Bromination system with replaceable cartridges is far more desirable than the time consuming and unpleasant task of preparing chlorine solutions from dry chlorine powder. What are the benefits of Bromination systems? Water safety and quality is vital to your ship’s operation and crew’s morale. Protecting your crew and passengers from water- and food-borne illnesses is only one major reason Everpure Bromination makes sense.
- Great tasting water – Bromine is about four times less taste-intrusive than chlorine and is often undetectable at normal concentrations.
- Safer to handle – Polybromide resin does not carry a fire hazard safety warning and can be safely stored and handled without fear of skin burns. It will not corrode your plumbing systems the way chlorine does.
- Simple to operate – Just change the brominator cartridge according to your equipment or system schedule and you will have great tasting, healthy water for longer than if you were to use chlorine.
- Safe, reliable water – Bromination protects more reliably than chlorine by disinfecting water over a wider pH range than chlorine.
- Simplifying your water treatment – Bromination Systems save man-hours, reduce corrosion and plumbing damage and deliver a constant bromine-to-water ratio from automatic proportioning technology.
In short, the Everpure Bromination System is a complete system that will simplify the way you think about water treatment. Filter Pure offers many Everpure Bromination System options and complimentary products. Shop with us today at and browse our wide variety of Bromination products!
Shower Head Filters: 4 Reasons Why You Should Use One
Many people understand the reasons for using a water filter for their drinking water, but what about your bath water? Yes, most bathing water becomes purified from germs and microorganisms, but what does that chlorine do to you and your shower? To understand what the chlorine used to treat your water does to bath time, for you and your family, let’s take a look at 4 reasons to use a shower head filter:
Reasons to Use Shower Head Filters
- Dry hair and/or skin – Many that use shower head filters enjoy the benefits of hydrated hair and/or skin vs. those who don’t use filters in their shower. Since most purified bath water contains chlorine, its effects are the same as swimming in a pool. To counter this, many use a shower head filter to filter out this and other chemicals used to purify our water supplies.
- Your health – Although the water we bathe in may seem fine on the outside, without a shower filter in place, you may be at risk for serious health risks. The chlorine used to treat our water could not only be absorbed through our skin, it is possible to breathe it in from the fumes of heated water. To avoid any possible complications, it’s best to find a shower head filter you like and install it as soon as possible.
- Smell – Although the water purification process used to protect us from different bacteria and other microorganisms uses chlorine, there is sometimes a horrible odor to go along with that. I don’t know about you, but I take a shower to remove odors, not the other way around.
- Cleaning – Now here’s something you may not know – some shower head filters help soften your water, which in turn, helps you to clean your shower. Yes, we have all heard of hard water stains and such, but where do you think they come from? Yes, hard water. With a filter in place, cleaning the shower will become a simpler task vs. trying to get out those pesky stains.
No matter how you cut it, having a shower head filter in your shower is not something you should take lightly. To avoid things like health risks or even just dry hair, consider getting a filter and install it today.
Home Water Filter Maintenance
Many people have home water filters in their homes, but are they keeping them up with a regular maintenance routine? Keeping your filter system in top working order is key to having clean and great tasting drinking water. Many filters have suggested guidelines for home water filter maintenance, but there are those who still need assistance. For those who need a simple plan to follow for keeping their home water filter in working order, here’s 4 guidelines for home water filter maintenance:
4 Guidelines for Home Water Filter Maintenance
- Monitoring – Depending on which home water filter you purchase, there are different ways to monitor it for problems or the need to replace it. Some filter systems will have a display that shows its status; other may show a simple read-out that changes color when it’s time to replace the filter system. No matter which type of system you choose, ensure you regularly monitor your filter for optimal drinking water quality.
- Cleaning – Not every unit requires replacement; sometimes they only need a good cleaning. Again, keep a regular monitoring schedule of your unit and if needed, follow manufactures guidelines to clean your home water filter system.
- Testing – Sometimes, even if the display shows a problem and you’ve cleaned the unit, testing of the unit might tell you if something is going on. For some home water filters, you can test it yourself, while others may require a professional to come in.
- Replacement – There comes a time when no matter how times you clean or replace parts, the unit needs replacement. When it comes time to replace your home water filter, ensure you go through the manufacture’s recommended guidelines for replacing the unit. If you need assistance, ask a professional to ensure the unit is replaced properly.
To ensure optimal quality and performance from your water filter system, it’s best to have a regular home water filter maintenance routine. By following the steps we outlined above, you can be sure your filter system will stay in tip-top shape and keep giving you and you family safe and great tasting drinking water.
Point of Entry Filters (POE) vs. Point of Use Filters (POU)
In many commercial applications, several water filters, including those which are dedicated to specific pieces of machinery, are needed. In these cases, individual filters, known as “point of use” (POU) water filters are located inline just before the water is dispersed or enters the machinery for which the water is intended. As POU filters are usually application specific, they can be tailored to the needs of the user, and are often used in place of a generic reverse osmosis system. This fact makes a standard POU water filter easier to maintain, but usually more expensive. Because of this, it behooves the business owner to take measures against the premature degradation of the POU water filter. The easiest way to accomplish this is to install a “point of entry” (POE) water filter. POE water filters perform water filtration for the entire commercial water service. They are responsible for purifying the water supply to all faucets, pieces of machinery, and toilets. The advantage of this approach to water filtration is first that only one system must be purchased for an entire service, and second, that it greatly improves the life of any other filters present down-line. The most popular POE filters used are either sediment prefilters, or carbon filters.
- Sediment filters are responsible for removing sediment that can clog softeners, prematurely foul carbon filters, or ruin the down-line plumbing. In addition, they reduce TDS (total dissolved solids) or many other harmful chemicals like nitrate, nitrites, etc.
- Carbon filters are effective for certain trouble water conditions such as bad taste or odor.
Still other POE filters are designed as an entire system. These units typically employ a four-stage filtration process. The first stage of filtration removes sediment in the water that may clog the filter, reducing its effectiveness. The second stage uses a chemical process called water atomization to alter the molecular structure of chlorine and turn it into the harmless molecule, zinc chloride. The third and fourth stages of filtration involve activated carbon filters to filter pesticides, and other harmful chemicals. By removing chlorine and other harmful chemicals at the point-of-entry, the whole service is provided with cleaner, healthier water at a reduced cost to the business owner. Pre-filters are typically much less expensive than down-line, application specific filters, making their replacement cheaper than that of the filters the POE filter is saving.
Water Softening: A Simple Approach to Great-Tasting Water
“Hard water” is generally defined as that which has a high concentration (>100mg/L) of dissolved salts, like calcium and magnesium, which are absorbed from the earth. This excess of particulates can cause numerous problems for the home and small business owner, such as difficulty in regulating water pH (important for pool and aquarium owners), and scaling/deposit buildup in pipes, boilers, and machinery which makes use of water, such as coffee and espresso makers. The classic tell-tale sign of hard water is difficulty in lathering soap and shampoo. Another such problem is the taste associated with hard water. Water containing mineral contaminants can taste bitter, especially when used to cook or brew fine coffee. When this becomes a concern, many turn to water softening to remove these minerals and make them palatable. Softening, while not a lengthy process, is complex when compared to other purification methods such as reverse osmosis. Water softener cartridges make use of either an all-in-one cartridge such as the Everpure ESO7 or a drop in bowl system such as Everpure’s SO-204 to remove excess minerals from your water. With the ESO 7, not only is water softened, but dirt and particles are removed as well. The ESO 7’s unique three-stage blending cartridge provides softened, buffered, and precoat filtered water, while the cartridge’s ion exchange resin with buffering capabilities and high-capacity coconut carbon filtered water bypass make it the perfect choice for specialty coffee, espresso, and ice tea applications. Systems such SO-204 combine small size and ease of use with commercial application capability. Measuring just 26”x5.125”x5.25”, the SO-204’s replacement cartridges are sized to fit under any counter or mounted on the wall behind the coffee or espresso machines. While relatively small, the SO-204 is designed to handle water having up to 30 grains per gallon (500mg/L) – 5 times the definition of “hard” water. Moreover, the filters are easy to change. Not only do replacement cartridges not require a housing wrench to be changed, that is, they can be hand-tightened, but cartridges require only one minute of flushing. Many high-end coffee and espresso machines require a water softener to ensure the quality of the coffee is preserved through the brewing process and warranty purposes. If you think you would like to make use of a water softening cartridge in either your home or business, contact Filter Pure Systems, Inc. at 1-800-942-7873 today.