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7.5 million Floridians were exposed to unsafe drinking water in 2015!

According to a newly published, ( May 2017) Natural Resources Defense Council study,  more Floridians are exposed to unsafe drinking water than just about anywhere in the country. This  new study of nationwide violations, notes that the state ranked second in the number of people impacted by violations under the Safe Drinking Water Act based on the most recent data available from 2015. Nationally, 77 million people were exposed to unsafe water, with violations including high levels or toxic arsenic, lead and other chemicals, as well as failure to test or report contamination. To compile the data, the nonprofit looked at the most recent, comprehensive data and ranked states based on the number of people exposed to unsafe water. That could skew findings to heavily populated states, but even as a percentage, Florida ranked in the top 10. Altogether, 7.5 million Floridians received water from utilities that violated standards. Among the state’s top violations was failing to provide its citizens with a required annual water quality report. Other major problems violated rules on cancer-causing disinfectants, high levels of coliform from human waste, and lead and copper that exceeded safe limits. Nationwide, the study found that small and rural communities racked up the highest number of violations and that for nine out of 10 violations, no formal action was taken to correct problems. The study turned up 80,000 violations in 2015 in 18,000 water treatment systems across the country. Of these, 12,000 violations created potential health hazards. In Florida, more than 250 violations were tied to health hazards.The NRDC also reported that the EPA has not added any new drinking water standards since the law was amended in 1996 to require regular five-year updates on potential new contaminants to be monitored, including algae-related toxins that have fouled water around Florida. Worried about your water? We recommend that you start with a water analysis so you can focus treatment specifically on the problems with your water. Know what your treating already? Filter Pure recommends the Pentair/Everpure family of water filters for premium quality drinking water. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and offensive contaminants down to ½ micron in size even taking out water borne cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, the OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) , OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) , and OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01). We also carry the 4C cartridge (EV9600-00) and new line of Everpure (Fibredyne II) and FC-L lead reduction cartridges including the 4FC-L (EV9693-10), 4FC-LS, S for scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-16), 7FC-L (EV9693-40) and 7FC-LS with scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-46).

For more information about the Pentair/Everpure line of premium drinking water filter cartridges, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.



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Healthiest 2017 New Year’s Resolution Save! Drink more water!

It’s now March and making it to the gymn and sticking with that diet may becoming harder and harder to do as everyday life gets in the way but there is one easy thing you can do anytime anywhere and feel great about getting it done in 2017 and that is to drink more water. Proven to be one of the best things you can do for your body. More energy, lower cholesterol, better kidney function and a much better mood are just some of the health affects you can expect. Drinking more water right now, hot or warm during the winter months can help with everything from better digestion to improved blood circulation.  Here are just a few health affects you will find from drinking more water right now starting with an increase in energy levels to get you to the gym. Water is one of the major sources of energy for our cells. Energy is made when glucose is converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is held in reserve until it is needed. These two molecules need water in order for the stored energy to be released in a process called hydrolysis. The ATP by itself contains 600 units of energy, but when combined with water it can increase to over 6,000 units, to ten times the original amount. Feeling tired or fatigued, you may need more water. Lack of water can even cause an increase in cholesterol. Low cellular water levels impede the entry of nutrients and the removal of waste from our cells. To compensate for the lack of water our liver sends cholesterol to the cells to fill the space where water was supposed to be, in order to allow the cell to function. This can cause an excess of cholesterol in the blood stream leading to plaque. Based upon several studies and in office evaluations by Doctors, it has been determined that low levels of water can lead to a wide range of mental challenges including mental fatigue, depression and even more serious issues including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  So whether it’s at home or in the office this year, drink more water and make 2017 the year that you became a healthier you with a New Year’s resolution that was easy to keep. For premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains in your office Filter Pure recommends the Pentair/Everpure OW, (Office Water) Family of water filters. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and offensive contaminants down to ½ micron in size even taking out water borne cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, the OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) , OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) , and OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01). We also carry the 4C cartridge (EV9600-00) and new line of Everpure (Fibredyne II) and FC-L lead reduction cartridges including the 4FC-L (EV9693-10), 4FC-LS, S for scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-16), 7FC-L (EV9693-40) and 7FC-LS with scale inhibitor, ( EV9693-46).

For more information about the Pentair/Everpure line of premium drinking water filter cartridges, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.

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The Flint, Michigan Water Crisis! What water filters really take out lead!

If you had to take a guess of where the above water came from where would you choose?  A place far away from here?  Would you be surprised if I told you this water came from here in the USA?  The above water is from Flint, Michigan.  This is a story that has made headlines across the country and has even started trending in social media with #flintwatercrisis and #flintcontaminatedwater.  Celebrities and others have generously donated money and bottled water to help those in need.  This water crisis has officially been declared a state of emergency. We won’t get into the history of what happened in detail but to summarize here is what is going on in Flint, Michigan.

  • In 2014 the city switches its main water supply from Detroit’s system to the Flint River in order to save money.
  • People living in the area begin to complain about the taste, odor and color of the water.  Others begin to report rashes and show concerns about bacteria
  • In January 2015 Detroit offers to reconnect the water waiving the $4 million connection fee.
  • The city declines the offer
  • In February 2015 a water test is shown that water from one person’s home has 104 parts per billion of lead.
  • More tests are shown to have high levels of lead.
  • Doctors begin to report that children are being treated for lead poisoning.
  • Residents have been advised to NOT drink from the tap water.
  • Flint, Michigan officially declares a State of Emergency.

Dealing with contaminated water is something Filter Pure Systems and Pentair/Everpure have always been prepared for.  Our products are designed to make water drinkable and safe to use for your kitchen equipment.  On January 19th, 2016 the WQA , Water Quality Association Addressed the Drinking Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan offering facts and tips about treating for lead contamination and noted that ;

“Lead (Pb) has been identified as the waterborne contaminant of primary concern for Flint’s residents. To minimize the presence of contaminants such as lead, which may enter the water after it has left a municipal treatment facility, WQA recommends water treatment equipment that has been certified by an ANSI (American National Standards Institute)-accredited certification body. Such accredited entities include WQA’s Gold Seal Product Certification Program. Filter Pure Systems offers and recommends the following Everpure filters and systems that meet these criteria in the removal of lead and are perfect for your under the kitchen sink (POU) point of use application;

The original POU, (Point of Use) Everpure OW Family for lead reduction;

The OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) has a rated capacity of 480 gallons. Its overall dimensions are 17″H x 3.25″ diameter. Its service flow rate is at maximum 0.5 gpm. Rated NSF 53 for Lead reduction. The OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) and the OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01) are essentially the same as the OW200L. The only difference is their capacity rating and size. The OW2-PLUS is rated at 1,000 gallons and 10.25″H x 3.25″ Diameter. The OW4-PLUS is rated at 2,000 gallons and 14.5″H x 3.25″ diameter. But unlike the OW200L, they both contain a KDF media that can remove lead to below the Federal Action Level of 10 ppb. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53,

The New 2016 POU, (Point of Use) Line of High Capacity Lead Reduction Water Filter Cartridges, the Everpure FC-L;


Pentair is pleased to announce the launch of a new family of Everpure-branded high capacity lead reduction cartridges. The FC-L product line is available in 4- and 7-cartridge sizes, with and without scale inhibitor. The FC-L line offers 0.5 micron filtration, a 1.8 gpm flow rate per 4-size cartridge, a 2.7 gpm flow rate per 7-size cartridge, and proprietary Fibredyne™ II technology for superior chlorine reduction and dirt-holding capabilities plus lead reduction. Additionally, all FC-L cartridges/systems are certified against:

– NSF Standard No. 42 – Aesthetic Effects for Bacteriostatic Effects, Chemical Reduction for Taste and Odor and Chlorine, and Mechanical Filtration – Nominal Particulate Class 1.

– NSF Standard No. 53 – Health Effects for Chemical Reduction for Lead, and Mechanical Filtration for Cyst.

The following reflects list pricing for the Everpure 2-HL, 4-HL, 4FC-L, 4FC-LS, 7FC-L and 7FC-LS Cartridges:




Part Number 



List Price 

EV9693-10 4FC-L Cartridge

4900 gal


EV9693-16  4FC-LS Cartridge  

4900 gal


EV9693-40 7FC-L Cartridge

7400 gal


EV9693-46 7FC-LS Cartridge  

7400 gal


EV9634-26 2H-L Cartridge

750 gal


EV9635-26 4H-L Cartridge

1000 gal


Need more information on the any of these water filters or systems that will take the lead out of your water? Email us at or  call our team at 1-800-942-7873 and if you would like more information about how to help the people of Flint

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Can water filters help prevent breast cancer?

Could something as simple as putting an activated carbon based water filter on your kitchen sink prevent or lower the risk of breast cancer for you and your family? Thousands of American municipalities add chlorine to their drinking water to get rid of microbes and kill bacteria in our drinking water.  But this inexpensive and highly effective disinfectant also interacts with organic compounds to create trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). THMs and HAAs are formed by reactions between chlorine and organic material such as humic acids and fulvic acids (both generated from the decay of organic matter) to create halogenated organics. —which when ingested encourage the growth of free radicals that can destroy or damage vital cells in the body. Recent studies have shown that chlorine and its by-products increase the risk of developing malignant melanoma, bowel, breast and bladder cancer. Researchers have found links between common chlorine disinfectant and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women. The fact of the matter is that if you live anywhere where the water is being treated with Chlorine you can inexpensively remove the risk of your exposure to it by installing a carbon-based filter containing activated carbon, which absorbs chlorine and other contaminants. Activated carbon surface properties are both hydrophobic and oleophilic; that is, they “hate” water but “love” oil. When flow conditions are suitable, dissolved chemicals in water flowing over the carbon surface “stick” to the carbon in a thin film while the water passes on. This process is called adsorption. As a result of the adsorption process, activated carbon is an effective method in removing chlorine and it’s by-products (TTHM’s) and volatile organic compounds (carbon based VOC’s), both, man-made and naturally occurring. Activated carbon is a natural material derived from bituminous coal, lignite, wood, coconut shell etc., activated by steam and other means and each one have different adsorption properties (e.g. bituminous carbon for high chlorine reduction capacity). Some manufacturers use various blends of carbon to achieve specific water quality and contaminants reduction (e.g. coconut shell carbon for “sweet taste”).

Everpure has an entire line of filters containing Micro-Pure® carbon designed to remove chlorine and chlorine by products including THMs generating premium quality drinking water for your home and office. Filter Pure recommends the Everpure OW, (Office Water) Family of water filters. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and offensive contaminants down to ½ micron in size even taking out water borne cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, the OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) , OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) , and OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01). We also carry the 4C cartridge (EV9600-00) and new line of Everpure (Fibredyne II)  FC-L cartridges. For more information about the Pentair/Everpure line of premium drinking water filter cartridges for your home or office, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.

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Are you drinking enough water?

Approximately 70% of the human body is water and none of the essential physical functions, such as breathing, digestion, or muscle movement could take place without water and more than likely you are not drinking enough of it.

What are the FACTS about not drinking enough water?

1.)   Not enough water or dehydration can cause a crisis in the brain, which requires more energy than any other organ. Low water levels trigger the brain to signal the nervous system to send out a request for more insulin from the pancreas, which in turn causes the release of more glucose. The brain needs this glucose to function, but there can be an excess amount created which can cause a diabetic situation. 2.)   Water is one of the major sources of energy for our cells. Energy is made when glucose is converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is held in reserve until it is needed. These two molecules need water in order for the stored energy to be released in a process called hydrolysis. The ATP by itself contains 600 units of energy, but when combined with water it can increase to over 6,000 units, to ten times the original amount. Feeling tired or fatigued, you may need more water. 3.)   Lack of water can even cause an increase in cholesterol. Low cellular water levels impede the entry of nutrients and the removal of waste from our cells. To compensate for the lack of water our liver sends cholesterol to the cells to fill the space where water was supposed to be, in order to allow the cell to function. This can cause an excess of cholesterol in the blood stream leading to plaque. 4.)   For every 10 ounces of a caffeinated drink that you consume you can lose up to 12 ounces of water due to caffeine’s impact on your biochemistry. This includes coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks. 5.)   Based upon several studies and in office evaluations by Doctors, it has been determined that low levels of water can lead to a wide range of mental challenges including mental fatigue, depression and even more serious issues including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Low levels can be as small as 1 to 2 percent less than the brains optimal needs. 6.)   Other organs depend on water just as much as the brain does and low levels can cause chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Here are the percentages of water that comprise some of our major organs; Brains 75%   Spleen 76%   Liver 72%   Lungs 80%   Kidneys 83% Without sufficient water (8-10 glasses per day, 1 glass = 8 ounces) our bodies are more vulnerable to all of the above mentioned diseases and more including cancer. No other fluids are a good substitute for water and it should be good clean spring water that has been tested for purity. Try a few more glasses of water every day and see how much more energy you have. office-drinking-water For premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains in your office Filter Pure recommends the Pentair/Everpure OW, (Office Water) Family of water filters. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and offensive contaminants down to ½ micron in size even taking out water borne cysts such as cryptosporidium and giardia. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, the OW200L (P/N EV9619-01) , OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) , and OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01). We also carry the 4C cartridge (EV9600-00) and new line of Everpure (Fibredyne II)  FC-L cartridges. FC_L For more information about the Pentair/Everpure line of premium drinking water filter cartridges, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.

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Meet the OW Family!

This lovely family of water filter cartridges delivers premium quality drinking water for bottleless coolers and drinking fountains. Their unique filter blend uses activated carbon to reduce chlorine taste and odor and other offensive contaminants. Like most of Everpure’s carbon water filters, the OW family contains a precoat submicron technology which reduces dirt and particles as small as 1/2 micron in size. Check out my blog about Microns to see how small a 1/2 micron really is! But beware of the GIARDIA cyst!! The OW family inhibits scale from building up in your home water cooler, your water dispenser, or your drinking fountains. Keep an eye out for my up-coming blog about Scale!! Let’s break down this family and see what’s unique about each filter! The OW200L (P/N EV9619-06) has a rated capacity of 480 gallons. Its overall dimensions are 17″H x 3.25″ diameter. Its service flow rate is at maximum 0.5 gpm. This cartridge is commonLY used in office drinking water systems and home drinking water systems. In fact, that’s what I have installed under my sink at home. The OW2-PLUS (P/N EV9634-01) and the OW4-PLUS (P/N EV9635-01) are essentially the same. The only difference is their capacity rating and size. The OW2-PLUS is rated at 1,000 gallons and 10.25″H x 3.25″ Diameter. The OW4-PLUS is rated at 2,000 gallons and 14.5″H x 3.25″ diameter. But unlike the OW200L, they both contain a KDF media that can remove lead to below the Federal Action Level of 10 ppb. All the OW replacement water filter cartridges are NSF Certified under NSF/ANSI Standards 42 and 53, which means these cartridges get the job done! We gladly stock the OW family and for more information about the OW family, contact us at 1-800-942-7873 or click on the “Live Help ONLINE” link on the left of your screen.